"Hasn't even been a week" -Jaden Walton

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(Y/n POV)

Me and Jaden still had no idea on how we were gonna confront Mkalya and Tyler.
"When they get home today we could all go in the same room and I'm gonna sit on Tyler's lap making him think I'm gonna do something but really I should whisper Myalyas name. What's her full name?"
"Her full names Myalya Strand"
"Perfect thanks." For the rest of the day me and Jaden wait for them to come home so we both just play some card games, chat, gossiped and honestly I think I'm starting to like Jaden more and more we talk, even though I have had a crush on him for how ever many years, I'm starting to see he's not such a jerk who will always pour milk on ur head.
"We should go live on my account because I'm just better then you" Jaden says.
"Why? Cause you got all the hoes on there?"
"I have hoes following me" I say proudly
"Name them"
"I don't know there names you stupid" he rolled his eyes then took out his phone and started a live on TikTok.
"Yo what up tiktok"
"hey" I say and I look through the comments and see them raging with questions.
"How are we? Good, I hope, how are you" Jadens answers the first one, the next one was specifically targeted for me to answer.
"Who's y/n's favourite, Javon or Jaden? Daelo." I say with a smirk and Jaden puts his hand up to his heart and looked offended.
"Are you guys dating? Mmmm no, not yet." I heard Jaden say I turned to look at him.
"Jaden!" He starts laughing and then falls off the bed.
"You can't be saying that on live! I'm glad you fell off the bed." I say laughing as well.
"Fuck you" he says getting up.
"Language!" I shout at him in disbelief. He just laughs even more.
"You can't be saying that your gonna get complaints from parents now." We answer more questions and have a lot of fun until I got a text from Tyler saying he's back, I showed Jaden the text and he nods his head.
"Guys we have to go and do something we may go live tomorrow honeslty i don't know but have a goodnight"
"Bye!" I say smiling and waving at the camera. Me and Jaden get up and we see Tyler and Mkalya together, perfect.
"You get Mka I'll get Tyler, should we go to our room?" I ask.
"Nah we should take them to NASA and do a 8 year course then go on a rocket and fly to the moon and then confront them." I roll my eyes and laugh at his stupid sarcasm then we go over to the two lying cheating bitches.

After me and Jaden said hi to them and dragged them into our room, I closed the door and locked it.
"Woah why you lock the door what we doing?" Tyler asked smirking so I smirked back and walked over to him, he was sitting on the bed with his hands behind him so I put one knee on the outer side of his thighs and then wrapped my arms around his neck and started moving my body on him, he started groaning then I looked over at Jaden for his queue then he took Mkalyas hand and put it around his neck and she played along and put his hands around her waist. I then looked at Tyler in his ugly ass eyes and leaned in to kiss him but at the last second I swerved and whispered in his ear
"Mkayla Strand" I say smiling and then his eyes widened, he knew what was going on. Jaden then took his hands off Mkayla and went to her ear and whispered something causing her eyes to widen. Tyler and Mkayla just look at each other with disbelief and then I get up off  Tyler and Jaden does the same but with Mkalya
"Yes so you two can go now, never talk to us again, never look at us again, never speak of us again, and the whole world is gonna know about this" I say smiling then walking over to the door and unlock it then open it.
"Wha.. what Jaden.. baby.."
"I'm not your fucking baby. It hasn't even been a week and you decide to cheat on me with my family friends ex boyfriend, now, and decide to use me for my fame body, all in one. So now you can leave and you as well Tyler" he said 'ex boyfriend now' so proudly, I love this man. Tyler just looked over at me.
"Pl.. please y/n I swear I'll I'm buy you stuff I'll um give you money please just don't tell anyone about this!"
"No fuck you i don't want your money, I'm not a gold digger, I'm happy enough to make my own money now you can get out and go fuck your self" anger was taking over all emotions, Tyler then got up and started running at Jaden then pushed Jaden to the ground.
"HEY TYLER STOP!" Tyler was about to punch Jaden but Jaden managed to push him away and stand up and dodged every punch Tyler threw. Jaden pushed Tyler out the door and then looked over at Mkayla, she didn't even think twice she just ran out after Tyler and then I closed the door and locked it.
"Jaden thank you honestly!" I say pulling him into a tight hug.
"Thank you for what?"
"Nothing just thank you!" He then shrugs but hugs me back. I get a text from Jayla saying dinner is ready and so me and Jaden leave our room taking our phones with us and walk over to the dinner.
"Hey you two. What did you guys do today?" Jessica asks in her sweet voice while putting the food on the table.
"Uhh it was good but when everyones sitting down and eating me and Jaden have something to say."
"Have you guys been fucking?" Javon ofc says
"What?! No!" Javon rolls his eyes then everyone was sitting down.

We were having burgers so we were putting everything we wanted in our burgers and we all started eating.
"So what did you kids want to tell us?" Dj asks looking at me and Jaden.
"Me and Jaden broke up with Tyler and Mkalya" I say with a smile. All I hear is loud silence apart from some forks being dropped on the plates. Everyone was shocked and Jaden just kept eating.
"What why?" Kylee asked.
"Because they both cheated on us with each other but it a alright we're over it now" I say and I can tell Jessica feels sorry through her face expressions.
"Oh you poor things, are you two alright? What did they do, how did you find out?" I told them everything that happened including the small details like Mkalyas TikTok.
"So y'all are fucking or.." me and Jadne look up at the same time and glare at Javon.
"What! What did I say? You guys don't have any boyfriends and girlfriends so yeah maybe you guys are fucking."
"Javon, I don't hook up with people" Jaden said waiting for me to say the same.
"Nor do I." I say and when dinner was finished me and Jaden went to our room. I had a shower and got ready for the night and then walked out and Jaden went in. He came out shirtless with grey sweats and his hair was wet, smash. He came and lyed down next to me and he saw me block Tyler and deleting any posts or anything I had of him. Jaden did the same but with Mkalya and then we decided to just talk about life until Jaden asks a very interesting question.
"Since your not dating Tyler, who do you like?"
"It's only been like a few ours since we broke up! It's not like you would like another girl straight away."
"What if I do?"
"Then who is it?" I ask smirking.
"That's kept a secret." I Mutter 'pussy' but he heard me and came up close to me. He then whispered in me ear.
"Fucking slut" he then moved away and goes on his phone, honestly I didn't care if he meant it or not, its not true but idgaf, his vocie sounded so fucking hot.
"It's 11:30 and I'm getting tired ima go to bed Jaden" I say looking up from my phone
"Huh?" I say confused.
"It's 11:33, you said it's 11:30" he says looking up at me smirking
"Oh shut up Jaden Walton" I say laughing then I snuggle up to him and he then played with my hair.
"Goodnight Jaden" I slowly closed my eyes, 20minutes later, Jaden thought I was asleep but I wasn't
"Goodnight Love" what did he just call me 😃 he then wrapped his arm around me, turned the lamp off and cuddled in bed with me... oh if only it could like this until I did.

1538 words.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now