My life so far ❤️

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My name is y/n y/l/n.

I grew up with the Waltons and was close with everyone but Jaden Walton.

We were enemy's since we were young, even though I secretly liked him, no one could know about it.

He was a bitch to me, calling me stuff, pushing me over and tripping me, basically treated me like shit

This past year, we got close, he started being flirty, we got really close over our Bora Bora trip but he got a gf and I got a bf

I didn't like the fact my ex asked my out on like the second day of us knowing each other
I didn't want to be rude and I developed a crush on him so I said yes

He cheated on me and used me, he cheated on my with Jadens ex gf

That meant I have one ex and Jaden has two, not that it mattered

This left both on us upset but we moved on quick

Jaden and I shared a few kisses, we cuddled and all that couple shit

Ava at school was a pain to me, got people to bash me, got me suspended but now she's expelled, it turns out the school found out about everything she had done to me
This was a good thing in my opinion

2022 was the best birthday ever, why? Because Jaden asked me to be his girlfriend, ofc I said yes

Jaden and I have had a good relationship, we don't  fight and it's not toxic, we trust each other even to hang out with the opposite gender which I feel like it should be like that in every relationship

We trust each other not to do stupid things on each others phones, my password on my phone is 22706, Jadens birthday, his is the same password but it's my birthday if you get what I mean, its cute I guess

My parents are home from there business trip, everyone knows about me and Jaden and most people approve, of course you will have some people on the internet disapproving but we don't give one fuck about them

Jaden Walton and I are together;
and we plan to keep it that way


Thank you for all the comments and suggestions even the likes, but as promised I will do the camp book thing and we will be getting with Jaden again.

The fact that this book had exactly 50 parts 😍

Love y'all and stay safe xx

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now