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(Jadens POV)

"Yo Javon quick pass me the water" I whispered, this was gonna be fun.
"Here.. wait let me get my phone" Wanna went to      y/n's desk and got his phone and came back.
"You recording?"
"Yeah, be aware she gonna kill you"
"She loves me to much to do that" I then poured water all over y/n's face and she woke up wiping her face with a shocked look, she wiped her eyes clear of water then looked up at me.
"JADEN! I SWEAR IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" She took the covers off her and I ran for my life but I can't even lie.. she very fast and she grabbed the back of my hoodie when we got to down stairs and pulled it back making me fall down, I fell on my back and now my ass hurts.
"That's what u deserve" she said proudly. As she was about to walk away I didn't even think what was gonna happen I just grabbed her arm and pulled her down and now she was laying on top of me 😃. She had her head on my chest and honestly she looked very cute, she lifted her head up along with her body making it so she sitting on me who's laying down on the floor. Someone's phone flashed a light and we both looked up seeing Javon with his phone in his hand.
"And that's going on my instagram ladies and gents! O-m-g, caption, these two fucked" javon said in a annoying pick me bitch, two faced, high pitch girl voice.
"NO! JAVON DONT!" Y/n got off me then I got up off the floor and chased Javon around the house.
"JAVON DONT!" I screamed as he shut the bedroom door in my face then locked it.
"Oops.. I posted it" he then unlocked the door and walked out and I checked my phone to see his instagram.. he even mentioned us.

(My editing skills are the best)


Like by user1234 and 96,483 othersCap: now what's going on here??? @onwardjdub     and @y/n

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Like by user1234 and 96,483 others
Cap: now what's going on here??? @onwardjdub and @y/n.y/l/n
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Onwardjdub: she fell oh me gosh delete
^onwardwanna: doesn't look like she fell
_kylee.Pruitt: wait.. so she.. she's taken? She's cheating on me?! 😧
^y/n.y/l/n: no I'll always be with u
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(Y/n POV)

I was so freaking mad at Jaden for pouring the water on my face this morning but what Javon posted.. nah he gonna die.
"JAVON!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, he saw me mad as anything as he walked out of the bedroom but then he rushed back in it and locked the door so I couldn't get in.
"FUCK NO JADENS IN HERE UHHH GO AWAY! OW! STOP! Y/N IM SORRY HELP" Javon screams and I just laugh.
"It's locked I can't save you sorry" although I do wonder what Jaden doing to him in there 😐.

I walked into the kitchen to find Jayla eating an apple and looking at her phone shocked.
"What is this?" She asked showing me what Javon posted.
"I fell."
"Mmm sure" she says smirking and laughing along with rolling her eyes.
"Anyway, you feeling better cause yesterday you were pretty drunk"
"Yeah I am, just a slight hang over but I've had Panadol so that's helped" I nod and see Javon come down stairs with no shirt on.. girly put a shirt on 😆.
"So howd it go with Jaden" I ask cracking up
"Geez great your boyfriend really loves me" he says really sarcastically with a straight face walking to the counter.
"He ain't my boyfriend" I snap back.
"Well not yet at least" Jaden cuts in walking down the stairs also shirtless, I roll my eyes.
"So is today National not wear a shirt day?" I ask referring to Jaden and Javon.
"Sure but you will only be able to stay in your bedroom with me in there if you decided to join" Jaden answered back very casually walking back upstairs leaving me, Javon and Jayla with our jaws dropped looking at each other to his comment.
"I mean.. I'm not complaining-"
"Y/N!" Jayla and Javon both shout at the same time to me.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now