Party 🍾🤍

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(Y/n POV)

Jayla woke me up today by jumping on the bed.
"Jayla.. it's like... fucking...8 in the morning.." I say groaning checking my phone for the time.
"Well we're going to the shops!"
"Because there's going to be a party tonight and I want you to come with me and Kylee and we can get matching outfits!"
"Okay okay let me get ready." I notice Jaden isn't in bed but I get up and do my skin care, makeup, hair and put clean clothes on and grab my phone. I go to Kylee and Jayla's room to see if there ready so we can go. I knock on the door and I hear a
"Come in!" So I walk in and I see Jaden and Javon in the room with Jayla and Kylee.
"So we all ready to go?" Jayla says getting up and pulling Kylee up.
"Yep I think so.. how we getting there?" I ask stupidly.
"By swimming." Jaden answered, ofc. I roll my eyes then we walk along the deck and we get to grass land and see the shops. We see a shop with clothes and accessories in so we all walk in and go straight to the dress section, and yes with Jaden and Javon.
"Wait if we have dresses in out suit cases why do we need to buy dresses?" I ask looking at Jayla.
"Because.. I want knew dresses." She says uneasy with her own words. I shrug and nod at the same time then I feel something donk my head. I looked above me and saw a pool noodle which was now taken out of my sight. I looked behind my to see a laughing Jaden.
"Your annoying you know that?" I tell him.
"Not as annoying as you" he says and keeps hitting me with the pool noodle so I grabbed one of my own and we started to hit each other.
"That hit my ass!" I said with a hurt expression because he did hit my ass with the noodle.
"Good, I hope it hurt." He says as he looks up at me and smirks.
"That's not the only thing that can hit my ass.." I Mutter under breathe.. I had to say it.
"What did you say?" He questions and I quickly just shook my head so he knows I ain't telling him nothin'.
"Come on pleaseeeeee" he says extending the 'e'
"Nope not gonna happen." He looks at me with a glare then rolls his eyes and puts the pool noodle back and walks over to Javon. Someone's on there menstrual cycle. I walk over back to Jayla and Kylee after putting the pool noodle back.
"UHH I LOVE THIS AND THERES 3 COLOURS WE HAVE TO!" Jayla shouts so the whole world can hear.
"It's pretty cute, let's go change into them" kylee says, we all take one of a different colour. We all try on the dresses and go out to show Javon and Jaden and they said it looked good but I could see Jaden looking at me like he didn't want me wearing the dress. We all went back into the change rooms and took some pics. The dresses were brown, black and white:

 The dresses were brown, black and white:

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Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now