Day 3 of Bora Bora

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Guys I would just like to say that there was a glitch that kinda messed up on the 'ur gf is a bitch Jaden Walton' chapter, so I do log out of this account and use a different one to check my story are there incase I don't publish them and today I looked at 'ur gf is a bitch Jaden Walton' one and it was still its old draft, so not the full chapter with 2000 words, I'm sorry if that was messed up for you too but I fixed it and now it's all back to normal, you can read the chapter now. But anyway let's start this chapter shall we 🙃

(Y/n POV)

I woke with Jaden's arms around me, he was still asleep so I gently took them off, as soon as I did that I felt cold like I needed his arms around me but I have a boyfriend and he had Mkalya so I can't do that. I got up and had a shower and you know the routine. After I was finished getting ready for the day I decided to go to Jayla and Kylees room.

Jayla, Kylee and I were in there room when Javon came in and joined us.
"Do y'all want to go live?" Javon asked
"Yeah sure." We all agreed and he started a live and we answered people's question as much as we could, it was hard because the comments kept flooding in since we were on Javons account and there was 90k people on the live.
"How old are we? I'm 18, and Kylee, Javon and y/n are 16."
"Where did me and Jayla meet? At a beach."
"How long have you guys known y/n for? Since we were like 4."
"I ship Y/n and Jaden.. no ew, we both have a gf and bf each so we are deffo not dating." Jaden came into the room with Mkayla. Great.
"Yo what up live. J gang J gang."
"Hahaha Jadey stop saying that!" Me and Javon looked at each other with the 'what just came out of Mkayla's mouth?' Look. How Does Jaden Not find that weird. A little after I saw Tyler knock on the door.
"I'll get it!" I got up and opened the door for him and let him in.
"Hey Tyler!"
"Morning!" He pecked my lips then sat down next to Mkayla. I sat beside him and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Um let's see.. who in between y/n and Jaden? Well the girl next to Jaden is Mkayla, Jadens gf."
"Mm hey guys! You can find my tiktok it's 'slutforhimxx!'"
"Um yeah anyway and the guy next to y/n is Tyler,
y/n's bf."
"Yo what up." I decided to search mkalya's TikTok while the others were answering questions. I saw a video posted four days ago of Mkayla with some guy doing the 'h*ll shell' trend. (Search it if you don't know what it is) but they held hands in the way couples do and it looked like he was looking at her ass. Interesting.
"Alright guys we're gonna end the live now by-" Jayla was cut off by Mkayla.
"No no! Why we ending the live? It's so much better having the live on!"
"Mkalya it's getting lat-" now she cut me off.
"No one cares what you have to say. Keep the live on. I'm getting so many followers." She muttered the last bit under her breathe so quietly but I was the only one who heard. In my opinion I would say she's using Jaden for clout but if he wants to be with her then he can. Jayla ended up ending the live and we all decided to go for a swim.

We were all in the water messing around and having fun when I felt hands go around my waist. I thought it was Tyler but it was.. Mkayla?
"What the fuck are you doing?" I say pushing her hand away.
"Just wanted to see if you would say something like 'yes Jaden'"
"Why would I say that?"
"Just checking sheesh. I need to make sure Jadey isn't cheating on me with a rat."
"Tf stay away from me." I went next to Jayla and whispered to her what Mkayla just did and said.
"What the fuck that's disgusting. Nah that's werid wtf."
"I know!"
"Nah I'll make sure she stays away from you. If she does something like that again I'm having a go at her."
"Thanks Jay." We continued our night but it was getting late so we all decided to get out. I had a quick shower then ate dinner with the Walton's and I stayed with Jayla and Kylee for a bit then I went back to my room. Jaden was lying there with grey sweats and no shirt.
"Why do you never wear a shirt?"
"Because I know you like what you see when it's off."
Oh gosh my face was turning red.
"Uh Jaden.. you do have um have a girlfirend and I have a boyfriend.."
"So.?" He had cornered me now.
"Jaden.. this.. this is wrong we should-"
"Shhhh.." he said with I finger up to my mouth to tell me to be quiet. I was so confused. He looked down at me and I could feel him staring into my eyes and then he lifted my face to look at him by lifting my chin with his hand.
"They don't need to know."
"Jaden Are you drunk? You know how you felt when.. you know.. Ava cheated on you, this is pretty much leading to that point." I heard laughing coming out of the bathroom. What was going on? Mkalya came out laughing her head off then I looked up at jaden, I was furious. He looked guilty but I didn't care what was he thinking?
"What the fuck?!" Jaden mouthed the words sorry but I didn't care I slapped him so hard across the face then looked over at Mkalya. She stopped laughing and ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Pussy. I grabbed my phone and walked out of that room and went to Tyler's.
"Hey y/n you alright?"
"No I'm not. Fucking Jaden and Mkalya!"
"Did Jaden pretend to want to do something with you?"
"Yeah.. how do you know? We're you on this too?" I said angrily.
"N-no! Mkalya did it to me and Jaden was hiding when this happened."
"Oh my gosh! Could I stay here for tonight for obvious reasons?"
"Uh um yeah sure let me just eh text my mum to make sure she's okay with that."
"Um alright." After he sent a message to his mum he got a call and he answered it and stepped outside of his room. I went near the door and decided to listen into his conversation because I felt like it.
"Yeah.. she wants to sleep here tonight cause of what Jaden did. Yeah ofc you can sleep here tomorrow night. Yep love you, bye." I quickly sprinted away from the door as he hung up his call and came back in. Why would his mum need permission to sleep here?
"She said you can but tomorrow there is no way you can."
"Alright I understand. Soooo.. what do you want to do?" I say exctending the 'o'
"Don't know. What do you want to do?"
"Not sure."
"Oh wait could we make a tiktok. You know the one that goes 'coming down, one heart one house...'"
"You mean sweater weather? The sped up version?" I say knowing which one.
"Yeahhh.. we should do it." He grabs my arms and pulls me up and we do the dance. It was really fun not gonna lie. he posted it to his account then I saved the vid and posted it on my account.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now