School again

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(Y/n POV)

"Y/N GET UP YOURE GONNA BE LATE YOUR LUCKY IM HOME RIGHT NOW!" My mum yells coming through the door, shit I forgot to set my alarm last night.
"Wha- what time is it? My alarm didn't go off."
"It's 6:50 you need to be at school at 7:00 to be there on time!" I jump out of bed and rush around the whole house to get ready. If only this house, just for today, wasn't a huge fucking mansion then it would be easier.
"Y/n we have to go now! School starts in 7 minute your going to be late!"
"Yes yes coming hang on!" I say rushing to my bathroom to brush my teeth. I quickly brush up my hair and put it in a claw clip. I grab my bag and phone on the way exiting my room and I went down stairs and my mums stairs at me.
"What?" I ask confused.
"Y/n, I hope those are not your shoes your going to be wearing." I look down and I still got my slippers on. I rush back upstairs and get my shoes then go back down stairs and my mum drops me off at school and when I tell you I ran, I ran faster then light. I was luckily I had the teacher from last year that was always late to school and I'm luckily I made it on time. I walked in class and Jaden is sitting in the back corner. It was the only seat left so I didn't really have a choice other to sit next to him.

I went and sat down next to Jaden.
"Late again I see" he says looking at me.
"Yeah well I didn't set my alarm."
"Yeah well-" he cuts himself off looking at the door with a disgusted face. I looked over and saw Ava.
"Y/n what I'm about to do doesn't mean shit."
"Okay what are you gonna-" he pulled me in for a kiss and he did not pull away. It turned into a make out, I tried pulling away cause we're in public like who tf does this bitch thing he doing, tryna get people hating on me? He pulled away after what felt like a hour then I looked at Ava and she was disgusted then she rolled her eyes and grabbed a seat and sat with her friends.
"Okay what the fuck was that?" I ask looking at Jaden.
"She wanna gonna sit here so I had to" I roll my eyes then the teacher walks in.
"Hello everyone! Some of you may remember me from last year and I hope you all had a wonderful summer holiday! Now for this lesson we're just gonna chill and do two activities and yes you can talk to your partner." The teachers said handing out the sheet.
"Since when was this teacher so nice?" I ask looking at jaden, he shrugged then we got to work.

It was now lunch and I found Jas and Loren at last, I didn't have them in any classes before hand so I gave them the biggest hug ever.
"Hey!" I say still in the hug.
"Hey! Oh my gosh are you and Jaden still enemies?" Of course Loren asks that as we pull out of the hug.
"Uh yes." We all sat down and ate and then I remembered I had to get something out my locker.
"Oops I forgot I gotta get something out my locker I'll be quick!" I say and get up and go to my locker. When I turn the corner to get to my locker, I trip over something and I hit my nose on the ground.
I hold it in pain as now it's bleeding and I look up to see Jaden and his friends laughing.
"Ow! Jaden what the fuck!" I say now tears in my eyes from the pain.
"Should watch where your going princess" he says and him and his friend walk off laughing. I feel light headed and.. black.

I woke up in the nurses office with the nurse next to me along with Loren and Jas.
"Y/n your awake!" Jas says as she saw my eyes open, Loren gets up quick and the nurse turns around.
"Oh great! That's good, y/n do you remember what happened?" The nurse asks coming next to me.
"Uh yeah I tripped over something and hit my nose on the ground." I say straight up. Loren and Jas looked at each other, they knew Jaden did this.
"Okay well we've called home and your parents are at work but you have my permission to go home on your own if you want."
"No it's fine I can stay here, there's only 30 minutes left of school anyway I'll be fine" I say with a smile, I felt fine and I wanted to have a go at Jaden.
"Great to see your better, if you need anything come straight back here!" The nurse said and led us out.
"I have sport next in the gym" I say looking at Loren.
"Why didn't you tell her Jaden tripped you?" She asks concerned.
"Because I don't want the school getting involved in this shit." Jas and Loren nod and I make my way to the gym. I see Jaden with his friends sitting on the seats, oh it's going down 😏. Nah jokes not in that way.

I walk up to Jaden with flames in my eyes and he saw me and looked at me with a smirk.
"How's the nose princess?"
"Shut the fuck up Jaden. Your a fucking dick! I passed out! Your so fucking selfish, you were so happy sharing with everyone that we were sleeping together a few weeks ago but didn't mention it was not by choice and now you just act different around your friends for what? To impress them? To be like them? That's a 2 faced cunt right there that I don't like and maybe you should tell your friends how you loved kissing me and cuddling with me, yeah did he tell you that guys? I guess not and now he's acting different being a jerk to me again cause he thinks he can be 2 faced but guess what Jaden, it's either we're gonna go back to being the same old enemies before our holiday or your gonna stop being a 2 faced cunt" I yelled and all his friends looked at him shock and I can see the embarrassment on his face, good, now everyone knows what he's really like with me. For so many fucking years people have just Seen Jaden being a bitch to me and him calling me a slut for sleeping with every guy which I don't, but now they can know what he does with me when we're alone.
"Uh what huh? Spit it Jaden!" He just gets up and walks out the room. Good. Class ended and Jaden still hadn't come back, I don't care, I lost blood and fainted cause of that ass hole!

I'm at home now then my phone gets a notification from Jayla. She said I should come over right now so I do.

"Hey what's up?" I say arriving at her door as she's letting me in.
"Y/n something happened to Jaden."
"What do you mean?"
"He hasn't returned home from school."
"What?!" Now this was scaring me, she better not be joking, or she should, i don't know anymore.
"Did you see him leave school?" I'm guessing this is my fault, I made him leave the class room.
"FUCK JAYLA THIS IS MY FAULT! FUCK!" I say and start crying. She just hugs me and asks me to calm down, what if he was kidnapped or something! Okay I'm overreacting but seriously, something could of happened bad.
"Okay let's just go find him."
"Wait he has his snap maps on for me" I say and take out my phone.
"Snap maps on for you and not me? Lucky" I look at snap maps and he's in the city park. Why the fuck he there?
"He's in Buford city park"
"Okay let's go." Jayla and I hope In her car and she's speeding, this girl is gonna get a fine.

⚠️I'm not trying to be rude to Ava in this but honestly she cheated on Jaden but anyway don't hate ⚠️

We're at the park and we've been looking for him for 10 minutes now.
"Fuck he's no where!" I say freaking out. Jayla grabs my arm and drags me behind a bush.
"Look, Ava." She said in a whisper. I look behind the bush and see Ava and Jaden. I can hear the full conversation.
"So she was being a bitch to you?"
"Yes! She fucking embarrassed me Infront of all my friends! But I guess I deserved it, I was being a dick to her!"
"No Jaden you weren't, she was, she was the one who made you feel the humiliation and embarrassment. She made you have that horrible gut feeling coming back, you don't deserve it." Wow, this girl knew how to fucking manipulate people. He was sitting on the bench and as she was saying that she was walking close to him, she sat on him lap and lifted his face with her hand, I could feel my tears coming down from my cheek. He was upset, his eyes were red and then she started leaning in for a kiss.
"Ava no get off! This is wrong! You have a boyfriend and you cheated on me! Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck! Im sick of your little fucking manipulation just stop!" He pushes Ava to the ground and gets up and then sees me and I quickly hide behind the bush. Now I'm saying fuck.
"Im not tho-" I need to get Jaden out of here.
"Hey babe!" I say kissing his cheek and pretending like I didn't see Ava. I go Infront of him so I'm blocking Ava.
"Oh babe why are you crying what happened? Who tf do i need to fucking bash. Jaden Talk!" He then hugs me, that was not what I was expecting, It didn't feel like he was acting it, it felt like he meant it. I heard Ava huff and then she stormed off.
"Jaden I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry or-"
"No I shouldn't have done that, I was being 2 faced. Im sorry" he lets go of the hug then Jayla pops out from behind the bush. Jaden jumps a little then I start laughing.
"Fuck you scared me!"
"I scared you? Jaden your fucking lucky I didn't get Wanna or dad or mum involved. Your fucking owing me big time"

I'm back at home now and I've had a shower and dinner then I made sure to set my alarm this time and then I got ready for bed by brushing my teeth and got my clothes out for tomorrow then I went to sleep.

1855 words.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now