Party 🥳🍾

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(Y/n POV)

I was ready for the party and was wearing this:

now I was waiting for Wanna to come pick me up (personally I would call him wanna if I was his friend) he texted me saying he was outside

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now I was waiting for Wanna to come pick me up (personally I would call him wanna if I was his friend) he texted me saying he was outside. I was about to hop in the car when Jaden spoke up.
"What the fuck are you wearing?"
"A dress?"
"Bullshit. Go back and change."
"Huh why?"
"We're going to a party not a striper club for you to go fuck some guys you don't know."
"I can wear what I want! And this dress isn't even revealing and I love it!" Jaden ignored what what I had to say and spoke to Javon.
"Your not leaving this place until she changes."
"Okay boss." I roll my eye then go back and change into this:

I come back out and see Jaden giving me a 'no' and I sigh and walk up to the car

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I come back out and see Jaden giving me a 'no' and I sigh and walk up to the car.
"What the fuck are you wearing now?! Stripper 2.0? Can you go change."
"Jaden I-"
"That wasn't a question. It was me telling you what to do." This boy is getting on my nerves. Why does he care so much about what I'm wearing? So again I went to go change and wore this;

 Why does he care so much about what I'm wearing? So again I went to go change and wore this;

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I came out and went to sit in the car.
"Your joking me?"
"Jaden i can wear what I want this isn't even bad at all"
"Alright what ever you say.." he rolled his eyes and looked out the window. Gosh he was so fricken hot right no- what the fawk are you on about Y/n 😃.
"So.. can we go or does y/n need to change again because she's a stripper?" Javon asked as a joke while Jayla giggled in the passenger seat.
"It's good enough let's go."

At the party there was drunk teenagers everywhere. I went to the bar and had a couple of drink but not to many.
"SPIN THE BOTTLE EVERYONE!" I heard the host say. Everyone was in the circle and it was Jadens go. He span the bottle and it landed on.. my fucking ex best friend, Shannon. What the fawk 😄. Out of all people? We stopped being friends because she just wasn't a good person and would try to get me high with her, shop lift with her, sneak in places, basically do stuff all illegal and I didn't want to participate in such activity 🙄. But seriously, I don't want to do that shit.
Her face lit up then went over to Jaden and they made out. Jaden was looking at me when he slept his tongue in her mouth. Wait.. why was I was getting jealous?? After them eating each others faces, it was Javons turn to spin the bottle and look who it landed on.. me. Perfect. Javon came over and was about to kiss me when Jaden pulled Javon away from me and he grabbed my arm and took me into another room.
"Your not kissing my brother!"
"Why not?"
"Because your not!"
"I can kiss who ever I want! Why does it matter anyway? I hate you and you hate me. You have literally been so weird today. First you say I'm reviling to much and now I can't even play a game of spin the bottle?" He muttered something under his breathe but I couldn't hear what he said. I rolled my eyes and walked out. Everyone left the circle so most likely spin the bottle was over. Jaden walked into the kitchen were me and Javon were.
"Yes y/n"
"Okay go along with this  and make Jaden really jealous."
"Hmm alright" he said giggling. I grabbed Javons neck and rapped my hands around it while making out with him, he put one hand on my waist and another rubbing my thigh as he was placing me up on the counter. I started to moan to seriously annoy Jaden. Then Javon slipped his tongue in my mouth and then moved to my neck leaving hickeys everywhere. I looked at Jaden while Javon was still giving me hickeys. He looked really pissed off, he clutched his jaw together and stormed out of the room.
"That was funny. Thanks wanna."
"Anytime y/n." He took a drink and left the kitchen while I went upstairs to try find Jaden when I over heard a little convo he was having with his friends.
"Bro i don't know what to do! This girl is driving me crazy!"
"We'll do u like her?"
"Ye- wait who's at the door?" SHIT. They could probably see my shadow. My dumb shitty ass really couldn't see that. I quickly ran down stairs and found a couch and sat on it as the guys looked around to see who was infront of the room. Jaden was looking around then looked directly at me who was already looking at him. He looked crossed and was coming down the stairs. He went to the drinks while I was getting bored so I went upstairs into another bedroom and chilled on my phone.

All of a sudden I see someone open the door and close it quickly not even seeing me in the room. It was Jaden.
"No im not going to fuck you! Fuck off Shannon!"
"But whyyyyyyyyy Jadennnnn" she was Cleary drunk.
"Because there's only one person I would fuck in the whole world and that one person if your ex best friend so fuck off!" Holy. Shit. What did he just say? Did I hear that right? Is he high? Or drunk? Is he sober? Wait he didn't drink tonight because he's on look out duty so.. it can't be a lie. He then saw her shadow leave and then he turned around and saw my lying on the bed with a shocked face, he almost jumped.
"Alright I mean.. be you I guess.." I said then turned around.
"Did you hear like everyone I said?"
"I thought your meant to be on look out duty."
"I am?"
"So your not drunk?"
"No why would I be drunk?"
"Idk cause of what you jsut said?"
"Well matter of fact I'm not drunk." He came and sat next to me.
"Don't give my any hickeys on my tits tonight please" I said joking around and he smiled and laughed.
"I won't. But looks like you got plenty there already  from my brother?"
"Oh shit sorry Um about that..."
"Why are you sorry? I was the one who made out with you best friend even after knowing what she did to you."
"It's fine Jad- wait why are you being so nice and protective of me today?"

(Jaden POV)

"It's fine Jad- wait why are you being so nice and protective of me today?" She asked me. Holy shit. I couldn't answer that. The reason is, is because I love y/n so much. Her smile, her face, her hair, her smell, her fashion, her smile, her personality, her humour, he's sassiness, her attitude, gosh it's everything about her, she drives my crazy!

I just sat there and pretended like I didn't hear what she said until it was was getting.
"Hey y/n we should get going it's late, 12:03 am and we have scho-" I looked over to see a peaceful sleeping y/n so I gently pick her up and carry her to the car, but her seat belt on, and I drove home. I picked her up and carried her to her room, put the blankets on her then went back out and drove Jayla, Javon and myself home. Gosh I can't wait to see that girl at school tomorrow.

1331 words

Please mind the fact that I'm posting this early, and sorry if it's not the best spelling cause it's 3:31am right now where I am but anyway I couldn't wait to write this chapter any longer so I did it now. Love y'all.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now