Chapter one: Rescue

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"Wake up you piece of shit!,," yelled a soldier at me while dumping a bucked of water over my head.
That is how I get woken ip every single day of my existence. I would love to say that's how my life is for now, but that's not exactly what you can call the hell I'm living in. I was still sore from the beating I received yesterday, that's why I wasn't as fast as I was supposed to be. Because of that I got punched in the face and kicked in my guts.

That's what happens to me if I don't obey, I get punished for everything. At least I could get rid of the beatings I received for not knowing the languages Russian and German. But 'luckily' for me I was able to learn them in only a few months, even though I still struggle with some words.

After that it's time for my first what I call it torture of the day: the testing session.
I was right in the middle of screaming my lungs out when an alarm went off.
Suddenly everyone was in a rush as if live depends on it, that can only mean on thing...

The base is under attack. I first was hoping that is was someone who will safe me, or at least put me out of my misery. This hope quickly disappeared as fast as it came when someone yelled "get test subject 037, we can't leave her behind", I was scared. One of the soldiers came back and unlock one of the tie ups that are connected to my bare feet and hands. As soon as he did that I tried to fight him off.
For a short moment I thought I get it, but then he throughs a punch so hard in my face that it nearly nocked me out. I saw started for a few so I da and stopped fighting. He used this opportunity to threw me across the room. I hit the wall with my back so hard that I had troubles with my breathing. But that doesn't stopp me from fighting him off again. Now that I wasn't that scared little girl that arrived here, I had some efficient skill that I could use against him. I took all of my build up anger and used it to kick and punch him as hard and fast as I could. Only a minute later he was lying on the ground unconscious.
I hear shouting and gunshots from the corridor. For a short moment I was scared, but then I hoped that whoever was out there killing all the agents will also end my life because I really don't know how I am going to continue this live.

The next thing I know is that something like a bomb went off. Everything in this room was full off smoke and i can't see anything. My vision started to get blurry and I  started to get dizzy. Ironman comes straight at me and opened his mask. He look kinda familiar to me but I can't put my finger on it. He seams to me as confused as I was at that moment.
He then talked into his masked and a blue light scanned the room, after that he turned to me  "hey kiddo, I'm here to safe you and bring you home", he said.
"Home?" I asked clearly confused , "I don't have a home, my family is dead I have nobody ".
He looked at me with a sad face and wanted to say something to me but the fuzziness got worse and I can't even think or stand straight. When he picked me up it felt like I'm going to throw up, and that is exactly what happens. I vomited right in front of him, "I'm so, so sorry" I apologized. That was the last thing I remember that I was able to say before I blacked out.

Bruce and I have been searching almost every area around the globe for a hydra base where they could have held Y/N hostage.

It's been 8 years since she was taken and we never stopped looking for her.
By now she should be 14 years old, if she was still alive, I don't want to believe that she is dead, that's why I never stopped looking for her. Even though the rest of the team slowly told me to stop because she ist nowhere to be found. Jarvis was just hacking another firewall of a the last base where she could possibly be "Sir, I guess I found her. She is in a HYDRA base located in Germany in the basement level"he announced. According to her file that just opened on my screen she was in a pretty bad medical condition. But what scared Bruce and me the most was that she seemed to be tortured and experimented on over the last years. We both looked at each other filth sorrow and a fear.
I remembered the day she was taken from us and that it shattered the team. Each of us still blames themself for her being taken.

I got into my suit and told Bruce not to say anything to anyone just in case it isn't her. The flight to the base was about 30 minutes thanks to the hyper speed I have recently put into the suit. On my way I couldn't think of anything else than her. What did they do to her? How did she change? Does she even remember us?

When I arrived I was greeted by 3 dozens of armed agents. I fight my way through her but the deeper I got there the more I got frustrated because I can't find her.
Maybe they already transferred her to another base, but I refused to fully believe that.
I was about to give up when I heard a faint scream coming from one of these room in the basement floor...

That sounded almost like her, just a little older and her voice sounds like she has been screaming for days.
I made my was through the corridors, killing everything that comes in my way. The bomb I had thrown at the door went off and putt the room in grey, thick smoke.

When my vision cleared up I looked around. In the middle of the room was a metal table with restrains hanging down. It was also blood stained and dirty and made my stomach turn just by the thought of being trapped onto it. Next to it was a HYDRA agent lying unconscious. And a couple of feet away, there she was. She was barely standing straight and the fear was written all over the face, perhaps she thinks I'm just another man to torture her.
I walked up to her and told JARVIS to scan the room. After he said that it was all clear I turned to her and said "hey kiddo, I'm here to safe you and bring you home". "Home?" she asked, "I don't have a home, my family is dead I have nobody".
To hear that from her broke my heart. I was about to pick her up und flew us home when she puked onto my foot, she said she was sorry but I didn't mind it at all. When I saw her body going swaying back and forth I started to worry. Only a few seconds later her eyes rolled back into her head and she lost consciousness. Before she hid the ground I caught her mid air. I knew that I needed to get to get back to the tower as fast as possible.

On the way home JARVIS pointed out to that her heartbeat was starting to slow down and it scared me even more.
What did they do to this little girl? The last thing I did was to call Bruce  to get the medbay ready, because she needed medical attention immediately after we arrived.

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