Chapter eight: school

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Today was Sunday, which means that it will be the last day of my punishment. In the past two weeks they calmed down and now we all laugh about the prank I pulled. Thankfully the two week are almost over, finally, this means for me that tomorrow I will finally get my phone back.

But right now I'm in an argument with both of my dads, again, while uncle Tony is drinking his vodka tonic. By the time he had enough of it and joined us, he asks what the hell is wrong with us and why we are yelling at each other again. My voice was already horse, and will probably be sore for the next days, from shouting and pleading my dads.

We are now ten minutes into this argument when Tony also started to take a part in it. This goes on for about five more minutes until I couldn't talk anymore. When my voice out and I couldn't talk anymore the adults continued to yell at each other instead of just talking in out like grown up. I know that I yelled too, but for me it felt different. I just wanted to go to school like a normal teenage girl and not being held up in here my entire life.

We came to the conclusion that both of my dads should really consider letting me go to a normal school. Well a public school would be the best and Tony said that Happy is willing to drive me to school every day to reassure my parents.

Then they both left the room without a single word. I hugged Tony and whisper thanked him for helping me out.

Thirty minutes later they both came into the living room. Meanwhile uncle Tony and I were watching the Simpsons. Tony noticed them first and muted the the TV. Then papa(Bucky ) told me that they had wonderful news for me.

When they told me that I was finally allowed to go to a real school, I was thrilled. I spend the rest of the day in my room deciding which outfit I'm goin to wear tomorrow. I picked a light brown straight legged jeans and a striped hoodie, to finish up my look I chose a pair of black and white converse and a silver necklace.

During dinner I told everyone about the exciting day I will be having tomorrow. Everyone gratulated me, but also said to me a little concerned to stay save. Everyone then gave a final good advice to survive the first day, which I was grateful for. Because they thought of things I didn't like the introduction to the teacher of the classmates.

After all that excitement for today we decided to watch the first part of Harry Potter. Half way through the movie I stood up, decided that it was enough socializing for the day and wandered back into you room to read and relax in you hammock.

It was really hard for me to concentrate on the book because I am pretty nervous. The first thing that comes into my mind to ease my wrecking nerves was, to put on some calming music and about thirty minutes later, I wasn't that nervous anymore.

At 11 pm my dads came to into my room and told me to finally go to sleep because I needed to get up early tomorrow. They wished me good night, told me that they are proud of me and hugged you. After they left my room and closed the door I went into the bathroom. I did my usual night routine with washing my face, brushing teeth and putting on my pj's.
This night sleep didn't come to me easily. My thoughts still run wild and played every possible scenario of the following day. So I tossed in the sheets for about four more hours and at 3am I finally fall asleep.

The next day I woke up at 6:30 am with a lot of energy I didn't expect to have, because of the lack of sleep from the past night. But apparently I'm so nervous and excited right now that I was unable to feel tired for now. I quickly got dressed and headed down to the kitchen.

 I quickly got dressed and headed down to the kitchen

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