Chapter twenty: downward spiral 2

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Now one month later I was stuck in a spiral down to close to hitting rock bottom and I was so down that I didn't do anything about that. I was barely able to get out off my bed, but I did it anyways. JARVIS woke me up the next morning at 5:58 with loud music to Tonys request.

He told me that Tony and Bruce wanted to see me in the lab right now. I told JARVIS that I will be down in 15 minutes. When I stand up I started to feel a tickling that spread through my whole body. My vision went dark and I had a lot of trouble with not blacking out.

A minute later my vision was cleared from all of these black dots and I made my way to the bathroom. I washed my face and looked in the mirror. I was shocked when I looked at myself.

Now I saw that I have lost a little bit of weight but it only motivated me to keep going. I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a high ponytail. I put on a pair of sweatpants and an oversized hoodie and to finish the look I choose white sneakers.

My knees are a little bit wobbly so I took my time to go down to the lab. In the lab I was greeted with Tony and Bruce. Bruce told me to come into another room to talk to me in a more private space. Tony followed suit.

I looked around the room and realized that we are in the med bay. I begann to panic and tried to leave but Tony blocked my way. Bruce told me in an almost sternly way to sit down on a bed.

I didn't wanted to because I was scared that I was busted and indeed I was. Tony said that JARVIS notified him that my heart rate dropped sometimes pretty low and they want to do some tests to make sure that everything is ok. I hesitated but thought the earlier I said yes to them, the faster I can get out of here.

"Want kind of test do you want to do because you know how much I hate needles" I ask.
"We know kiddo but we need to make sure that your okay and one of the best ways is by doing a blood test. Bruce here will take your blood pressure and if everything is al right you are free to go" Tony explained.

They told me to lay down on a bed and Bruce started with the blood pressure. In the meantime Tony collected the stuff they need for the other test.

Bruce looked a little dumb forted the moment he was done. When I ask him what was wrong he told me that the blood pressure was way to low and asked me concerned if I was feeling different.

I told him that I'm totally fine and that I just had a head ache from time to time but nothing else. Tony came back and told me to lay stil and offered me to hold my hand if it would help.

I obeyed, laid down and squeezed Tonys hand. Bruce put the needle inside my arm and after only 2 sec he took it out again.

I laughed slightly and said that it wasn't that bad. Bruce and Tony looked at each other and Bruce started to collect a few more things. I asked what was wrong and panicked again.

"Sir Y/N's heart rate is critically high! You need to calm her down immediately!" JARVIS announced.

"Y\N\N please there is no need to be nervous. I know that you're scared but there is no need to. Come on take slow deep breaths in....and out, in....and out. There you go now, tell what's bothering you?" Tony asked me.

I told him, still slightly nervous, that the fact that Bruce has to do it again because it wasn't working the first time that freaked me out" I sobbed.

"But kid only one more and than we will wait for a few minutes and then you can go", "You promise ?" I asked, he nodded and I slowly start to come down.

It only took him a few minutes before Bruce came back into the room with a needle and a bag. He told me that I have to get an IV because I'm dehydrated that's why its hard to draw blood from my vein.

I said no, almost screamed it, and tried to ran off the med bay but there was no chance for me. I kicked and screamed an did my best to get out.

Tony somehow was able to get a hold on me and put me on a bed while I kicked and hit him as hard as I could. In the background I heard Tony yell something to Bruce and than I felt a small pinch in my back.

I suddenly felt myself getting extremely tiered and I did my best to fight it off. Tony released me from his hold and looked at me apologetic. "Don't worry it's only a light sedative. Don't fight it. Everything will be okay just relax" he tried to sue me.

When I wake up again I looked around and saw that I had the IV still in my arm and a clip on my finger. The cable leads to a monitor where I can see my heart rate. The bag that was connected to the IV, it was nearly empty. I was relieved because that means that I'm soon able to leave.

I was tiered so I decided that it would be the best to take a short nap. Only 5 minutes later the door opened and Tony entered the room. I pretended to be asleep but there was no luck. He crouched next to my head and I could feel his eyes staring into me.

It wasn't long when Bruce came so into the room. I started to 'stir' and started to wake up. My head was pounding and it was really hard to think clearly. With the help from Tony and Bruce I was able to sit up.

I was about to say something when Tony interrupted me "no sweetheart,  now you listen to us. Your results came back and its pretty concerning", he was about to continue but Bruce stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder.

Bruce looked at me apologetic and began to talk."both of you calm down, please calm down. So as Tony already told you, your results are back. Your blood shows that your malnourished but that didn't make any sense because Tony told me about your promise. I also noticed your struggle but since you promised him to eat this results mean that you lied to us. So because you have literally no vitamins or any other essential minerals in your body we have to give them to you. There is and IV that has everything that your body needs." he explained.

I began to panic when he told me that and my heart rate increased rapidly. Tony hurried over and started to do his best to calm me down. But it doesn't work. So by now I was breathing so fast that I started to see black dots. Tony shouted something again to Bruce but I already knew what was about to happen.

I looked with my eyes full of panic to Tony and nearly started to cry. So when Bruce came up with a syringe in his hand I was in a full panic mode. I begged them to stop but they didn't listened.

I slowly started to get really tiered again and my eyes started to close involuntary. The last this I saw was Tony and Bruce face full with sympathy and sorrow as I drifted into darkness.

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