Chapter fifteen: nightmares

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Your POV
It was the first night for me being all by myself.

For most teenagers my age it would be heaven on earth, but for me it was the total opposite.

I couldn't sleep because none of my parents are at home, they are still on the mission. According to Tony they should have come back 1 day ago.

He said they will be back in the morning and I shouldn't be too worried, but it only made things worse.

My mind was racing about the weirdest worst case scenarios. I knew that they are fighting in a HYDRA base and it triggers some terrifying memories.

A few hours past midnight, I was finally able to fall asleep.  thought that this is better than being wake and overthink everything, but I soon was taught a better one.

At 3:30 am I was tossing and turning in my sheets.
My entire body was strapped to the table where I used to get experimented and tortured on for every single day of my miserable existence.
The doctor with the white and blood stained coat entered the room with a murderous grind on his face. He picked up a huge and scary looking syringe on his way to me.
He looked me in the eyes laughed threatening, lowered the needle into my arm and inserted the yellow glowing liquid into my body. I begged him to stop but he just gagged me and said that we are going to have some fun now. For the next thirty minutes he beat the living shot out of me. When he satisfied with his work, he left the room, laughing the most skin crawling laugh I have ever heard. Then all of the sudden my whole body felt like it was on fire. I could basically feel my body burning. I screamed for what feels like hours but nobody came. After a few hours more, the burning sensation on my body stopped and I lost consciousness. I woke up  a lot of people entered the room. At first everything was just blurry but my eyes quickly readjusted to the low light. I saw the doctor and two solideres staring at me. My voice was sore from screaming for hours.  My wrists as well as my ankles are bruised and slightly cut from me desperately trying to free myself from the restraints. I raised my head and tried to speak up. I begged them to kill me because I could bear this anymore. All they did was laughing at me and beating me senseless, for talking without being asked. They left the room and I cried myself to sleep.

Loki's POVI was peacefully reading in my room when I heard muffled cries and screamed for help

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Loki's POV
I was peacefully reading in my room when I heard muffled cries and screamed for help. I tried not to listen too closely because what the others doing isn't my cup of tea.

I continued to read for about half an hour. The cries got louder and it started to concerned me. After five more minutes a bone chilling scream came from the room next to me and I realized it was Y/N's room. Hasting I put my book down in ran out off my door.

I didn't really care if it was rude to storm into a persons room without knocking but this was an emergency.

The room was dark and pretty cold which concerns me, but that doesn't count now.

At first I couldn't see anything, but my eyes adjusted to the darkness in no time and what I saw there broke my heard.

The blanked was laying on the floor. She tossed and turned in her bed. Other than that, she was screaming and crying at the same time.

The only thing I could really make out was a sentence that left her mouth, that make sense was when she seems to beg, she begged them, whoever they are, to kill her and it break my heart.

She was now curled into a tiny ball and she tries to make herself any smaller. I was shocked and hurried over to her. I don't know how to wake her up from her nightmare, so I tried to shake her awake and call her name but it didn't work.

The second I touched her shoulder, shook it a her a little harder, she shoot up, with eyes opened in shock, pure torture and screamed from the top of her lungs. She panicked for a moment, but I was able to gently ensure her that she was with me, safe and sound in her room. It was still dark in the room and she didn't seem to belief me, so I turned on the lights quickly and soothed her calmingly.

Your POV
I feel my body gets shaken up. When I opened my eyes I thought that I was still in my dream. I saw a dark, tall figure standing next to me. I panicked instantly, my eyes widened in shock and I screamed. The stranger said something I couldn't that I couldn't make out and went next to the door. Then the light got turned on and I had to shut them again. The light was way too bright and my eyes hurt.

I adjusted to the bright room and saw a person standing in the corner of the room. I didn't realized that I wasn't in this horror room anymore. Just the figure in the corner was enough for my brain to let me think that I was still there. I curled myself back into a ball and immediately started crying. The person came closer, carefully touched my arm. I screamed and try to fight them off.

Loki POV
The moment I turned the light on, she looked at me with a horror expression on her face. I have never seen it before on her. She panicked and curled herself back into a tiny ball.

I slowly and carefully approached her and did my best not to frighten her anymore. I wanted to hold her in my arms and never let her go but I knew that I need to be patient.

So I sat on the bed and put my hand on her shoulder.
„Shh darling it's alright, I'm here it was just a bad dream you're save. No one is going to hurt you. I'm here with you now. Shhh please stop crying." I repeated soothingly for a few minutes while stroking her hair.

Eventually she calmed down and uncurled herself. I looked deep into her swollen and bloodshot Y/E/C eyes. She was still crying so I hugged her and told her that she is save and nothing is ever going to happen to her again. She hugged me back and it was the best feeling I've had my entire life.

Her sobs grow quieter and her breathing slower. I then realized that she had fallen asleep, so I carefully laid her back down onto her bad and covered her with a blanket.

I kissed the top of her head and went out of the door. I thought to myself that we can talk another day about what she had dreamed of. I made sure that the didn't had any nightmares, so she can get some rest, she definitely needs some.

Your POV
A calm and deep voice talking to me, that's the first thing I noticed. I also started to be aware that I'm in my room. My room, my home, my dad's, Loki, I'm safe.

I realized it was Loki who was trying his best to calm me down and it slowly worked. I raised my head and looked into his eyes.

Damn those eyes I could get lost in them I thought. He hugged me, which took me by surprised, because he isn't much of a hugger. I slowly hugged him back and it was really calming, I could definitely get used to it.

His heart beat and the beautiful scent of forest and books that's he wears are so calming that I slowly fall asleep.

I felt my body being lifted, a soft blanket was placed over me and I could swear I felt a kiss being planted on my forehead. Right after that I was surrounded by darkness and I fall asleep again, but this time without any troubles.

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