Chapter seven: trouble

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The following week are all the same. I got up, had a morning rum with either one of my dads and on some days Sam decided to come with us. On the days when there are busy or at least every second day I had a fighting session with Nat or my papa(Bucky).

After that I usually had history or natural science and when I was finally of the hook it was always past 3 pm and I was unable to concentrate any longer. In the late evening I played most of the one of my instruments and now I was pretty good at it.
And one sort of new tradition was made up, the movie night on Friday. Some nights when I couldn't sleep I used the opportunity to practice languages on my own or escape the world by reading or listening to music.

This goes on for now 1 1/2 months and I was begging my dads daily to finally let me go to school but they always said no because it's to dangerous.
It was currently 2am and I still couldn't sleep, so l let my thoughts run wild. I really like to cause so trouble from time to time, so I thought it is time to do it again.

The planing took some time so now when I was done with that part it was around 4:50 am. I innocently asked JARVIS where everyone kept his or her suits and he told me that some of them are in the laundry room. The trickier part was thatTony's suit was in the lab and my fathers shield aka giant metal frisbee was in his room. So my plan was to put everything into a hello kitty aesthetic because it would be hilarious or at least that's what my sleep lacked brain told me. For my papa(Bucky) I had another plan, my plan was to decorate his metal arm with some funny magnets.

I gathered all the courage that I had left, forced your eyes to stay open, and head to my dads room. Science it was on the right side of my room it was easy to get in. When nobody opened the door after I knocked a few times I let myself in and painted the shield pink and to give it the final touch I put a hello kitty sticker on it. When I was pleased with the outcome I smiled and went to the other side of the bed to hide it. I than realized shocked that my papa(Bucky) was sleeping in the bed the whole time. I tiptoed to him and tried to be as quiet as possible while putting magnets onto his metal arm. When I was done I closed the door quietly behind me and went back to my room giggling.

Back in my room I asked JARVIS where the laundry room is. It was only one floor below and I quickly walked down, trying not to wake up anyone by that. I could feel the adrenaline rushing trough your veins and my hands got shaky, but I eventually made it there.
I opened up a pink color wash into the washing machine it turned every suit into a nice bright Barbie pink.

To finish up my plan I went down into the lab and ordered JARVIS to repaint Tony's Ironman suit in pink with hello kitty as well. Now it's 5:30am and I basically have to run back to my room so I wouldn't get caught by anyone.

I  made it back into my room just on time. Right after I snuggled back into my bed, not only one minute later, I could hear my dad getting ready for his daily morning run. Since today was Saturday I didn't have to do it too. So I told Jarvis to set an alarm for about eight o'clock and went to sleep with a mischievous smile on my face.

At 8: 30 am I went down for breakfast. I made myself a steaming hot cup of coffee and grabbed an apple and some plain greek yoghurt. I cut the apple in quarters. put it into the yoghurt together with some oats and sweetener.

I was sitting on the couch while I was waiting for my family to gather themselves up for breakfast. I was simply daydreaming and sipping on my coffee when I suddenly hear faint shouts.

It sounds like everyone was furios about the fact that their suit are now in a hello kitty like theme. I on the other hand had to stopp myself from smiling like an idiot. Well not everyone seems to be mad, Clint for example seems to enjoy it actually.

They all came into the living room with angry looks on their faces. After 5 minutes of yelling and blaming each other for the incident they noticed that I are awfully quiet. I on the other hand tried so hard not to burst out laughing.

That made me quite suspicious, so they decided to play the footage. They went quiet when they saw me tiptoeing to each of their rooms and changing the color of their suits.

At this point I couldn't contain my laughter any longer and I broke out into a whole heartily laughter.

They were extremely angry with me, well not everyone because Clint seems to enjoy it and was laughing as well.

The result of the five minutes of yelling and looking pretty pissed at me was a punishment what I thought was way too hard. Sadly I already knew that talking back wouldn't be successful so I didn't even tried it. I was grounded for two weeks and I won't have my phone the whole time.

I said that I was sorry, lowered my head and left the room. Since they took away my phone I decided to lock myself up in my room to read and listen to music in peace.

During the next two weeks I tried my best to keep up with my daily schedule of so called school. My favorite time of the days are now the nights or evenings hours because during that time. That was the only time where I was able to study, practice on my own or have actual time for myself. For example play guitar or piano, listen to music and read, which was so far my favorite activity.

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