Chapter five: first days

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Eventually I fall asleep for about 4 hours. But before I finally fall asleep I spend the whole time exploring my suit, it was absolutely amazing.

The part that was the most exciting in the whole room was the hammock and the connected bookshelf. I also was able to set up a playlist with the help of JARVIS of course, my favorite song for now is (y/f/s). I listend to nearly two hundred different songs and at least five genres so that at some point I got tired and fall asleep on my carpet.

The first thing I noticed was that I was surrounded by lots of fluffy and soft cushions and a heavy but also at the same time soft blanket.
I figured that someone must have carried me into my new bed.

I opened my eyes and it took them some time to adjust to the bright sunlight that is floating through the giant windows straight into my room. The sun was already up and I was wondering what time it currently was. " JARVIS." I asked curious , " good morning miss Y/N, how can I help you." he replied,"what time is it?". " It's currently 9 am miss (Y/N)", wow 9 am I was wondering if the others are awake and where they are. Wait, am I allowed to leave the room without permission? " JARVIS?", " yes how can I help you miss Y/N", " please there is no need for such formalities JARVIS, you can just call me Y/N or Y/N/N ok? And please do you know by any chance if the others are awake and if they are where they are?" I asked.

Only a few seconds passed until he replied, I didn't expect him to be that fast so it scared me a bit "the avengers are down in the main room and they are waiting for you to come down miss eh Y/N, I informed them that you are well and awake and that you will be down in a few minutes ", "thank you very much JARVIS I will be down in no time."

I decided that it was probably the best to be polite to the AI because the literally runs this place. I opened the door and head left to the elevator, this time the ride wasn't as terrible as I it expected to be.

When I arrived in the open spaced living room with the connected kitchen all of my family members were already there.
Wanda and Vision where making breakfast today they made scrambled eggs and toast, on the table was also a colorful plate with different fruits for example apples, bananas, a mango, some oranges and strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.

The food look pretty good so I sat down between my dads. They asked me what I wanted to eat and drink. I carefully asked for some water and started so sip on it.
Next to me are standing two steaming mugs with a black liquid inside and I asked what it is. They smiled at my question and told me that it was coffee, it is something that is supposed to wake you up. Uncle Tony, so they informed me, is always drinking that stuff, that's why he didn't sleep that much and it's not really healthy for him.

I remembered being awake for like five days and nights after drinking like ten cups of it when I was younger and it was horrible. I couldn't imagine someone drinking that stuff on purpose. Nat sat a steamy plate with eggs and some fruits right in front of me and told me to enjoy it.

I slowly tried a few bites from the eggs and they were absolutely great and also some raspberries and a couple of blueberries. She was right after all, it was delicious. It simply tastes like heaven for me, compared to the so called food I was used to.

After we finished Wanda and Nat wanted to go shopping with me, I happily agreed and we rushed into the elevator. Nat was kind enough to let me borrow some of her clothes, even though they didn't quite fit me. But for now I had something nice to wear. It was a basic outfit consisting of a blue denim jeans and a red hoodie. Luckily for me we had the same shoe size. She handed me a pair of black and white sneakers and they fit perfectly on my feet.

Nat drove us to the next mall, it was huge and overwhelming. I have never seen that many people at one place in my entire life. Everyone seems to be in a rush to get somewhere, it was intimidating and felt my hands started to get sweaty.

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