Chapter fourteen: mission and babysitting

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A few days has passed since the party and everyone is going after their daily routine.

I was currently laying flat on my back on stomach and scrolling through my phone. It was so entertaining that I could easily spend a whole day online, doing nothing else than wach funny videos or various tutorials.

I already made myself a tik tok account and updated my insta feed. I also posted a few videos and pictures on both accounts.

Now was the perfect time to listen to Nat's advice and find some coping skills online. There were plenty of skills for different disorders, for example some people go on walks, or go to the gym and work out.

My absolute favorite one was working out because I love being active. And they are even showing off some techniques for how to deal with stress, or other things that came close to what I went through.

Some are really helpful for me, meanwhile others are definitely useless. I took some time to practiced the shown breathing pattern and find them quite calming and relaxing.

After that I thought that it would be the perfect time to go down and work out my, because it was still early in the morning, so nobody would be up this early.

To get myself a good start I decided to begin with the treadmill. I ran about 6miles and by the time I was done I was more than warmed up. The sweat was dripping from almost every pore. My next destination was the punching bag.

At first I through that some light punches would do the trick, but soon it turned into more intense one and I able to release the build up stress. It was very effective and calmed my mind.

I continued to let out all of my anger, but at some point I realized that I forgot to wrap up my hands. As the result they are now sore, red and bruised.

I ignored it and kept going anyways. The second the bag was flying across the room and I was surprised about how strong I really am.

Looking down at my raw hands I saw that they are bleeding and also start to hurt. A grasp, that came from behind me, made me slightly jump.

It was Thor who was looking shocked at me, the punching bag and back of my bleeding knuckles. He stormed to me and took my hands carefully into his own.

He picked me up and carried me into the infirmary. I tried to protest loudly against it and yelled at him that he should put me down. I was more than capable to walk on my own. On our way down we came across Loki, who looked concerned when he saw Thor carrying me.

" I'm totally fine, just put me down so I can walk own, besides it's just a small injury" I groaned clearly annoyed.
"you're injured Y/N/N? What happened to you?" Loki asked sounding more than concerned and worried.

Thor passed me over into Loki's strong arms, after ensuring himself that Loki is taking care of me.

In the med bay he gently sat me down on a bed and called for Bruce. He talked with me while rubbing my bag to comfort me.

He asked how in the norns did this happened. I was about to explain it, when Bruce runs in followed by Tony.
"Holy shit what the hell did you do?" they blurred in union.

Bruce inspected my knuckles while I explained everything. After I was done with the boring explanation Bruce and Tony looked worried at each other.

Loki asked them, why they are looking like at each other. Now I was also curious to know what they where thinking off. They took their time to fully explain to us, that something like this incident in the gym happened, was just a matter of time.

According to them I have the super strength from the serum they used on my dad's just in a weaker form. I just nodded, as well as Loki did, but didn't fully understand what that means. But for now I dropped it, because Bruce just fished bandaging up my hand and I was free to go.

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