Chapter thirty one: you and me forever

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Loki's and mine relationship has been deepened in the past few weeks. We now family friendly kissing inform of my family. I mean not directly in front of them but we don't need to stopp immediately when someone walks into the room. One time we where kissing on the couch in the living room when Clint walked in. He made a gagging noise to make fun of us and only earned a death stare from Loki and I.
Today I woke up next to Loki, again. The blood rushed into my cheeks, when I remembered the events from the last night. We tried something new this time..., it was amazing but now I could hardly walk in a straight line.
Anyways now we are walking into the kitchen holding hands, when all eyes fell on us. "Good morning lovebirds" Nat said with a smirk on her face while walking past us. I let go of Lokis hands and run past her to catch up. "Wai- wai-wait for me Nat" I shouted after her out of breath.
When I catches up to her I needed to take a few deep breathes before I could start talking. "Why did you smirk like that" I asked her innocently. "Well you weren't exactly quiet" she smirked.  And with that I pulled her into my room, shut the door tight and sat down on my bed.
"What did you hear? Wait did you talked to anyone about that ? Wait please tell me you didn't told my dads? When did you heard that? " my voice overflowed with questions and anxiety. "Well for starters calm down I didn't tell anyone, especially not your dads hun" she laughed, "now, to answering the first questions of yours, I heard you, you know" she said with a nasty smirk. My cheeks start to redden and I lowered my head in shame. "Oh no sweetly there is no need to be ashamed" she said softly fearing that she overstepped the boundaries. "What I'm trying to say is that I'm happy for you, but please be careful with who you give your heart to, always remember that okay hun?" "Yes I will protect it, I promise " I sniffed. When I finally looked up I had tears of pure joy in my eyes because I never thought I would have that kind of connection to someone. "Thanks mom" I shyly mumbled.
Once these words left my mouth Nat's eyes opened in shock. At first I thought she would me mad at me but when she hugged me and started crying I realized that's she wasn't mad at all. "Mom?" She could barely could get a word out. "Yeah I always looked up to you like you're supposed to do to a mom I guess" I smiled softly "and since I got two dads and you are kind of my role model I- I thought I old call you that?l" I continued, "bu-but only if you like" I quickly added. "I'd love to be called that from you honey, because I also kind of see you as my child" she cried happily. We then hugged aging and howls each other in the arms for like ten minutes. When we released us she asked me how the night was and I told her every small detail of it and how awesome it was. I also told her how the relationships with Loki is going, that he is the perfect gentlemen and that he's treating me right and practically caring me on his hands. "You have no idea how happy that makes me hearing that from you. I'm so happy for you that you finally found what you deserve in life" she told me at the end. "Miss Stark, Miss Romanov your presence is requested in the living room" JARVIS suddenly announced. "Well you heard him, let's go down" she commented.
When we came down everyone was holding a fine glass of Prosecco in their hands. "What are we celebrating now?Uncle Tony what are you up to, or do you just need another excuse to drink" I asked jokingly. "What's that supposed to mean?" he asked offended while grabbing his chest and fake fainting. Everyone just giggled.
"Well it's actually me who wanted to celebrate and announce something my love." Loki said "would you please come to me for a second?" he continued. On my way to Loki I was also handed a glass of Prosecco. "So now that you are all there I firstly wanted to say thank you for helping Y/N when I couldn't be there for her. Secondly thank you Steve, Bucky and the rest of the team for raising her to a strong and independent young women she is now. And finally I wanted thank you for accepting me here, despite the differences we had. Now to my announcement, Y/N and I are officially courting." He finished with tears in his eyes. I one the other hand was already crying because of the kind and lovely words he shared. "Now my darling I wanted to ask you if you would like to be my girlfriend? " he asked nervously. "YesI'd love to"I practically screamed full of joy, jumped up and kissed him deeply. "Guys guys keep it peachy " Tony groaned but we all just laughter at his comment.
"Well I guess now it's my time to say something", "sweetly you don't have to" dad(Bucky) said softly. "I know but I want to" I reassured him "where was I? Oh yeah, I also wanted to thank you guys for helping so much and not giving up on me and with you my darling" I turned to Loki, "my life is complete. And I wanted to say a special thank you to you mom and dads" I shyly mumbled the last part. "MOM?!" They all said shocked with their eyes wide open. "Yes mom. Nat als ways was, is and will be my female role model and I kinda always saw her as my mom" I explained. "Oh y/n/n I had no idea but I'm soo endlessly happy for you" my dad(Steve) said, "I couldn't agree more" papa (Bucky) agreed. We than had a big family hug and celebrated the whole night.
I can't believe that my life changes that much, but for the better. Well I guess that all you need is faith, I thought to myself.

The end

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