Chapter sixteen: frost giant and love?

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Your POV
The next day I was gently woken up by my dad(Steve). He slowly shook my body awake. I looked confused at him and behind him, I saw my other dad.

My eyes lit up as I quickly realized that they were back from their mission and safe back home.

I jumped up and hugged both of them. I was more than happy and relived that they are back. After the hug the three of us sat down on my bed. I asked them how it all went and why they didn't came earlier.

Bucky POV
I'm so happy to be home with my little girl. After Steve and I woke her up she hugged us like her live depends on it.

I was worried about her, she looks like she has cried, her eyes are bloodshot. She also had dark circles under her eyes and there a dried tear streams on her face.
I'm desperate to find out who hurt my babygirl.

We sat down on her bed and talked about our mission. She asked if anything happens to us and checked if one of us was injured. But we could assure her that we are fine and unhurt. Her face relaxed after that and we decided to go downstairs to met the rest of the team. She said that she will come after us because we want to get ready, even though she can't wait to see everyone.

I'm sooo happy and relieved that they are back und unhurt. They wanted to do down and meet the rest and I was thrilled about it, but at first I told them that I want to get ready.

I actually wanted to talk to Loki but I don't want to tell my dad's that. I knew how they would think about him, so they can't know it. Because I need to admit I have the biggest crush on him. Every time I see him my heard steps a beat and I fear that I start to blush.

But first thing first I need to get ready. Jumping out of my bed I made my way into my bathroom. I looked into the mirror and saw that I looked like I didn't sleep for days. There were dark circles under my eyes but that's not all, shit there are bloodshot from crying all night and my dads definitely had seen them.

I started to get ready by talking a quick shower, washing my face, applying some consealer and a bit of mascara. I brushed my teeth and but on some lip balm. For the final touch I brushed the knots out of my hair and put them in two dutch braids. I walked into my closet and decided to go for a more casual look. I picked a black leggings and a grey oversized hoodie. Some white socks and shoes to finish off the look.

I decided that I look presentable, so I made my way down to the kitchen

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I decided that I look presentable, so I made my way down to the kitchen. On my way to the elevator I met Loki.
„Oh hey where are you heading" I asked innocently. „Good morning Y/N there you are. I was hoping to find you here, because I actually wanted to see if you are okay after last night" he said concerned . „Oh I'm fine no worries just a nightmare. I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry" I apologized quickly.

„When I tried to shake up awake I saw some of the nightmares. May I ask what happened to you ?" he inquired hesitantly. "Yeah sure we can.... But please a little later, at first I want to say hello to the rest of the team and have a quick breakie, if that's okay for you?" I pleaded.
"Of course darling, let's go town to the others"  With that we entered the elevator and arrived in the living room only a few minutes later.

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