Chapter three: my new/old family

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Avengers POV
At the same time in the avengers tower.
Nat and Clint were sparing in the middle of the training room. Steve was punching his third punching bag that day and Bucky was on the treadmill. Wanda and Vision are upstairs in the kitchen cooking. 
Thor was still in Asgard and no one really knows when he will come back.

Tony and Bruce called an urgent meeting in the living room, luckily for them they all assembled in like two minutes instead of the usually thirty minutes.
A lot of questions are asked like 'why are we here? or 'do all of us need to be present?'.
Tony took the lead in the conversation while Bruce remained silent. After they all calmed down a bit and stopped asking so many questions Tony was able to explain what happens.
"Well I guess it is for the best if you all sit down for a while. Well..., where do i start, hmmm Bruce and I never really stopped looking for y/n even though we said we did. And guess what happens, we were finally able to track her down. She was in a HYDRA base all the way in Germany. I was able with the help of Bruce and of course JARVIS to rescue her and bring her home safely.
During an enduring and exhausting surgery Bruce was able save her life. We took a blood sample to prove that it is really Y\N and its really her." Tony explained.
Steve and Bucky looked at each other, hugged and nearly cried because they are so happy that their long lost daughter was finally home.

Steve POV
The Moment Tony told us Y\N was back home I looked at Bucky. I can't believe it she was really safe, I hugged him and it was hard for me to hold my tears back.
"Can we see her?" I asked, but Bruce told me that we need to wait until till she starts to wake up again. I was bout to ask what he means by 'again' but he already continues,"HYDRA erased her whole memory but, we were able to bring them back, they wont come back all at once. She still needs time to adjust and recover from what she went through so please be careful with her."
"Oh and move slowly, don't scare her she is shy and anxious.", he added. Now I was more than curious and also mad at the same time. I wondered what they did to my sweet little angle but I knew, like Bruce said I had to be careful. And at the same time I was mad at HYDRA. First they took my boyfriend and traumatized him for the rest of his life and now our daughter.
But I still can't believe it our little girl is home, it has been six years since she was kidnapped. I couldn't wait. I know that I need to see her immediately and after a short glimpse to Bucky I knew he felt the same.

The other ones are still trying to understand what happens because it's going so fast. "Sir I recommend that you go to the lab, she is showing signs of slowly waking up" JARVIS told us.
We all rushed to the elevator and headed down to the lab. Bucky and I where the first once who leaves the elevator and run up to the room where she was laying in.
My breath stopped the moment I saw her laying in that hospital bed, she looked so peaceful during her sleep.  What really broke my heard was the second I looked closer at her tiny body. There are scares, cut and stitched up wounds all over her. A lot of them have already healed and scared permanently,  there are also a lot of fresh ones wich hopefully heal during the next week. I wondered was she has gone through and what happened to her. At some point I swore to myself that I will ask her what happened.

Bucky POV
I was right next to Steve when we left the elevator. When we reached the lab I was a bit out of breath.

I stated to tear up when I saw Y/N lying inside that room, inside this huge bed. By one look at her tortured body I knew what happened to her or at least I got a pretty good idea.
Her body looked so fragile and skinny, she was pale that she almost looks like a ghost. They are so many machines she was hooked up to. Another thing that I noticed are that so many wires that are going in and out of her body, that it looks like she was consumed by them.

I got flashbacks from the day the was taken and I felt myself getting angrier every second, but that doesn't matter now, I just want her to wake I so I can tell her hat everything is going to be alright. I also will tell her that she is save with me and Steve. I wanted nothing more than to hug her and tell her how much her dad and I love and missed her.

Oh my god I missed her so much, I mean it's been six years after all. The thing, that is still replaying in my mind is the fact that Bruce said that she needs time to fully remember us and our time we had. I remembered going through that process too and I hoped that her brain will catch up faster than mine did. After all I needed like three months to regain all my memories.
But she's a lot younger than me, perhaps she will have them back in no time.

Avengers POV
They all are waiting for Y\N to wake up and when she finally did it, after half an hour, hey are more than happy.

The moment your eyelids started to flutter Steve and Bucky were by her side. Clint and Natasha who are still standing in the doorway and now moved themselves to the next chairs, sat down and watched closely.

I could hear faint voices talking and feeling myself waking up slowly. I try to open my eyes but shut them tight immediately because the light was way too bright. I reopened them after the light was darkened by Bruce. My eyes are still trying to adjust to the light, I also had a really bad headache which didn't make the adjustment any easier for me, but Bruce told me that this is normal and it will go a way in no time.
He gave to me with a glass of water and a tiny white pill. He explained to me that this is painkiller so I took it and swallowed it down. After a few minutes the pain was gone so now that I got a chance I started look around.

On the left side of my bed were sitting two men one had short blond hair and blue eyes and the other one has black hair that goes down to his shoulders, oh and one metal arm. I looked closer at them and tried my best to remember them.

That was then I got the first flashback, in that I saw a mini version of myself running and laughing in a living room. Right behind me where these two men running but not in a bad way. When they caught me and hugged me and I can hear myself saying daddy and dad. So apparently these are my parents. They even told me that they loved me.

After the memory passed I can feel myself tearing up.I looked at them and carefully asked with a shaky voice "dad, papa is that really you?" That was all what they needed to hear, they shoot up and hugged me, we all cried by now because we are finally back together as family.
I don't for how long we hugged but they released me after someone audible cleared his throat.
It was Tony, but not only Tony it was my uncle Tony and I remembered spending a lot of time with him, tinkering in his lab and a having a lot of fun like pulling pranks on the rest the team except for Bruce, because we don't want him to hulk out.
I remembered also Bruce who was always so kind and gentle with me when I got hurt, and it happened a lot back then. I smiled at that memory. I looked around and saw to people and try to make out who they are.

It's like they can read my mind, because they both stood up and introduced themselves to me. I learned that their names are Natasha but I should call her aunt Nat and the males name was Clint.
It took me a few minutes I startet to remember them as well and it was overwhelming. The more time passed the more I started to remember, at some point it was getting too much to handle and I developed a bad headache, again.
Bruce and Tony told me as well as papa(Bucky) did, that I should try to remember all at ones because my brain can't handle it. I listen to their advise and they where right my head slowly stopped hurting.
My dad(Steve ) told me to take it slow as well and that I should set my priority on recovering and the memories will come back when they are triggered.

I try to do as I was told but I still want to remember my past live and I just want to forget what happened to me.
I asked uncle Tony for how long I was gone and when he told me that it has been six years, I was so shocked that I started to cry.

My dad's comforted me and in no time we're having a big family hug with aunt Nat, uncle Clint, Tony and Bruce as well.
After a short time they released me and I asked when I was allowed to leaf the bed. Uncle Bruce told me that he was concerned to let me out off the med bay and sleep in my own room. Wow my own room I thought.
Uncle Tony said that he will prepare and upgrade my old room so I don't have to sleep down here.

My dads offered me to sleep in there room and I accepted gratefully. After all the wires were hooked off my body as well as the IV, I was finally allowed to go, of course with the help of my dads.

Tony told me that he will set up JARVIS for me and that was under close watch of him. JARVIS will notify Bruce and Tony when something about my health is changing, I also should tell my dads or anyone else if I feel sick again. I agreed and was finally able to leave.

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