Chapter two: Recovery and restart

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No one's POV
When Tony arrives back at the tower with an unconscious y/n in his arms, he rushed immediately to the medbay.

Once he gets there he put her down onto the bed and Bruce and he started to save her. She was on the brick to death and they both knew it, just by a looking at each other.
She had buries almost over her entire body. Some infected looking cuts on her arms, legs back and even some on her belly. After many x rays they also discovered broken bones and already healed fractures.
Bruce and Tony perform surgery for about six hours to save her life. They had to relocate bones and clean up all of the infected cuts. During that she lost lots of blood and they hook her up to an IV to get blood back into her body. After some critical time they are able to save her. She also got an IV to get her hydrated, because she severely was dehydrated. In the other IV bag eher nutrients and on the last one a lot of meds, some against pain or some antibiotics to treat her infection. She also had a few broken bones in her hand, a lot of cuts and bruises close to her chest and some minor cuts in her face, which must have come from all the fighting.
Bruce gently put some bandages on the cuts, who didn't need to be stitched up, on her face and arms so they can heal better.

It has now been eight exhausting hours since Tony brought her into the lab and two hours since the surgery was done.
Neither of them knows how long it's going to take till Y\N wakes up. About a hour passed when she finally to wake up...

    Y/N POV
The first thing I remember was, that I wasn't in any kind of pain. That was weird, because for my whole life, until now, I knew nothing but pain.

The things I noticed at first where muffled voices from two man. The voices didn't sound that familiar so I felt panic rising up inside of me. I shoot up as fast as I could, but was stopped by two strong hands that gently pushed me back down into my bed.
My bed that sounds so weird, it was softer than anything I experienced. When I opened my eyes I was greeted by two men that are standing on either side of the bed watching me. Creepy I thought. I was so scared that they are going to hurt me just like every other male I know so far. But I decided to let them change my mind that not every man is bad.
Once again I wanted to bring myself into a siting position but it wasn't possible because of the pain that was suddenly shooting through my entire body. So I laid back down and tryed to catch my breach.

Bruce POV
When Y\N started to wake we were both nervous. The first time she was trying to sit up but Tony gently pushed her back into the bed because she needs to rest and recover.
She looks so similar, just older but first but we need to make sure it is really her. I decided it would be the best to her to explain what happen. But as I try to approach her she got scared and covered her face with her hands. She said under her breath that we shouldn't hurt her und she begged us to kill her. It broke my heard to hear that. The moment I take a step back she visibly relaxed.

A man in a white lab coat, probably a scientist, takes a step in my direction. I thought that he would do something terrible to me, so as a reflex I adapted over the years, I buried my face in my hands and begged them to not hurt me and that they kill me to end my suffering.

The man take a step back and I relaxed. He begann to talk to me and introduced him an the other man to me. His name was Bruce Banner and he can turn himself into a huge green monster, the other one was the one who saved me and is called Tony Stark or Ironman.
They explained to me that I was in New York, more specific in the Avengers tower down in the med bay. I don't know why but these men looked so familiar to me but I was too scared to ask them.

I looked down and saw that the wounds and cut all over my body are bandaged, some are sealed up with small stitches so they can heal better. That's the nicest thing someone has ever done to me and it actually made me quite happy. I then realized that they had to undress me to treat some of my injuries and it scared me.
But when I looked down I could also see all of those scars that are all over my body. All of a sudden the memories from the torture and experiments came back and it was impossible for me to hold back the tears any longer so I silently started to cry.

Tony POV
The moment Y\N started to cry, I felt the urge to hold her tight and tell her that everything is going to be alright, but I knew that I couldn't.

I looked at Bruce and I knew what we had to do. We both need to know how much she knew about her past. But we need to be careful and gentle with this topic, we need her to trust us.
I handed her a glass of water and she gulped it down in no time. She thanked me, which caught me by surprise, because that was the first time she actually spoke. Her voice was still horse and sore from all those screaming and her throat will  probably be still sore for the next days or week.

No one's POV
After you drank that water, which you were really grateful for, they started to ask you questions.
You want to answer them as best as you can because you were still scared of them. But little do you know, deep down, that you can trust them.
You also had some question for them like why am I here? Are you going to hurt me ?Or when can I leave? Even though you don't know where to go. They answered all of your question and you are really happy about it, but they said you need to stay in bed and heal. They actually wanted to test a few days and take it easy afterwards.
That was what scared the shirt out of you. You aren't used to people being nice to and if they were they always, always wanted something in return. When they noticed that you started to panic the two of them tried their best to calm you back down. After some deep breaths you slowly came down.
They give you a minute before they started talking again. The man named Tony was the first to speak up. He told you that they could help you find your family but in order to do that they need your blood. You knew that sentence quite well and it brought back terrible memories.
The immediately told you that it wasn't going to hurt. You tried your best to believe them but you can't, it was to hard after all of these years.

I asked them if it was actually possible for them to find my family, even though I was told that they are dead, I never really believed it.
They told me that they know who my family is but, they need to make sure that it's true.
To do that the man called Bruce came up to me with a needle and a syringe, he told me that he just needs a blood sample. "please", I begged "no more needles".
He put it away and calmed me down with a couple of deep breaths and reassuring words. After that Tony offered me his hand to hold on during the procedure. Once it was done I must say that it didn't hurt like I expected it. Bruce put my blood in some sort of machine to analyze it.

After a few minutes a screen popped up and showed the results. "The results show that she is related to Steve Rogers and James Buchanan Barnes" a weird robotic voices said. I slightly jumped and looked around, trying to find the source of it.
"Don't worry its just JARVIS, be basically runs this place, hey J please introduce yourself to her" Tony explained to me. "Hello miss Y\N my name is JARVIS, I am an artificial intelligence designed by Tony Stark and I am here to help you as best as I can." JARVIS said, he also had an English accent which I think suits him pretty well.
"So you do now who my family is?" I asked shyly and clearly nervous. "Yes kiddo we do know who they are and believe me they are so excited to have you back" Tony replied happily. "Back? What do you mean with that? Does that mean I once had a real family? Wait a minute they're not dead?" at this point I was sobbing the question's.

I can't believe it, I once had a real family, but why can't I remember them? Why would they say to me that they are dead?
I asked Bruce why I couldn't remember that time and he told me that they probably erased my memory, but he told me that there was a way to bring them back.
After a few minutes of searching he found a serum that will bring my memories back, I was excited but also scared because it involved more needles but he said that he had even for that a solution. Tony hold my and and Bruce gave my a drink that make me really sleepy. The moment I was about to fall asleep they stick the needle in my arm, but I was way too tired to care about that.

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