Chapter twenty five: getting better

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Now it's been three months since I nearly died.
Since then a lot has changed. I slowly started getting back on track with my eating and nearly all of my original strength has returned. I still wasn't allowed to exercise though, but I started to get used to it. The first weeks have been rough. I cried almost every night and also after every meal, but my dads where always there. At least one of them was always there to support me and help to get through this. The urge to relapse a few time was extremely strong but with the help of my whole family I was able to resist.

The weekly check ups in the lab are not only every other week instead of every Monday. All in all you can say I made some progress.
I quickly found a few save foods that I could easily eat and so I carried on. Right now we are having lunch wich still terrified me most but with a lot of distraction it gets easier everyday. After lunch Bruce told me to come down to the lab.

In the lab he told me to have a seat on the table because he wants to check on something. He told me that it was just vitals this time. It took so long and after that he told me that everything looks normal and that he was more than pleased with the progress I made. I smile at the statement and asked asked me how I was doing how my mind was doing because it was important for him that I also recover mentally as well. I was honst with him that I have still nightmares and bad thoughts from time to time but I now know how to cope with them. He still insisted on giving me some skills so I don't relapse. He gave a small ball with little spikes on it and told that i could roll im my hand when the urge came or when I feel uncomfortable with anything. I tried it immediately and it really helped. I felt a kind of release I haven't felt or long. I thanked him and then I was free to go.

When I was back in the living area Tony announced that we are going to a fancy restaurant in the evening to celebrate. While everyone cheered I stayed silent. He told everyone to get ready and soon everyone went to their rooms to get ready. Nat asked me if we wanted to get ready together and I said yes. I told her that I will soon catch up with her and that I first wanted to talk to Tony about something. With that she left and now it was only Tony and I.

"He...hey uncle Tony? I was hoping we could talk for a second"I asked the billionaire "yeah of course munchkin what's bothering you" he answered

"Well I was actually wondering why we are going to a"the words came out more hesitantly as I intended it.

"Hm why do we need an occasion. Haha just kidding we are celebrating that you are still under the living and the progress you made in the last three months"

"Oh okay but why do we need to go there I mean I'm not quiet sure that I can do this, even with you guys" I told him truthfully I was even slightly shaking. It only took him one look to notice that the anxiety was spiking up.

"Listen kiddo I know how you are feeling right now, trust me. I can see that you are anxious and I know how to deal with that. I used to get anxious all the time a few years back. But I got it under control by using different breathing techniques or if that doesn't help meds" he told me.

"Meds?! I don't know that seems pretty drastic to me but do you think you could show me some of these techniques" .

He then shows me a couple of simple ways to calm down and we practiced them a little bit. After that I thanked him and went to my room where Nat was waiting for me and she was already dresses and styled unlike me. I wondered how she was able to be so quick but I guess that when being a former Russian spy comes in handy.

Once I was back im my room Nat has already laid out multiple dresses on my bed. On my bed there were dresses in all kinds of styles and colors. A red one with a lot of sparkle that was way to bright and showing of  for my opinion. The other dresses are also a bit to colorful and big or at least for me.

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