Chapter thirteen: next morning

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I feel myself waking up. I tried to open my eyes but quickly regretted it. The next time I opened them a bit more careful, but it still hurts but that isn't the only thing my head hurts like hell too. My head was buzzing and I feared that it's not getting any better soon.

The events of the last evening and night started to float back into my head. I tried to remember what happened, but after 11pm the memories are blurry and any further there are gone.

Oh no, I didn't thought that I drank that much and that I had a blackout. Despite the splitting headache and the pain that goes through my entire body I slowly got up.

I made my way into my bathroom and take a look into the mirror, let's just say I was shocked. The Mascara and Eyeliner were all over my face. I made my way into the shower to wash off all the sweat and make up from the past night. I shampooed my hair and put in some leave in conditioner.

I got out and changed into something comfortable, because I definitely wasn't going to do anything today.

I got out and changed into something comfortable, because I definitely wasn't going to do anything today

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On my way to the elevator I met Loki. The alcohol didn't seem to have left any side effects, because he looked perfectly fine and even happy to see me. Oh shit I really have to remember what happened last night.

The ride downstairs was quicker, but it also made my stomach turn and I nearly puked. The moment the door opens a wave of dizziness and nauseousness hit me like a brick.

I couldn't hold it back any longer so I threw up all over the floor. Luckily for me none of the vomit goes over his shoes and also not over me.

He instantly turned to me and tried to help me up, which was really nice. Nat also came to my aid too, because she didn't seem to have a big hungover.

I said that it was possible that I'm going to throw up again, so Loki picked me up and carried me bridal style to my room and into the bathroom.

The moment he sat me down on my feet, I puked again but this time not in the floor, instead in the toilet.

Nat said that she was going to get something that'll help me feel better while Loki rubbed small circles on my back and was holding my hair back.

I felt a little bit better after getting sick again for like 3 times. Loki insisted that I was staying in bed, even though I tried to convince him that I was fine.

He wasn't entirely sure, also concerned for my health and wanted to argue with me, when Nat came back.

She handed me two tiny white pills and said that these are pain killers. I eyed her suspiciously but took the pills anyway.

A few minutes passed when I started to feel the relief. I still tried to get up, even when Loki tried his best to hold me back. Nat asked what was wrong so I told her that I wanted to go down to the others.

Back in the living room I sat on the couch, with of course the help of Loki. He didn't want to leave my side.

We turned the tv on and I tried to explain the tech behind it to him. It was funny because he kept asking all different kinds of questions. One was like 'how does that many people fit inside of this'. We ware watching a show called 'shopping queen. It was very funny and he seem to actually have fun because he commented on nearly everything. That showed me that he had a fantastic sense of style.

I beliefen that, if I was able to listen to him continuously it would have been more fun, but I still didn't feel that good.

"Hey kid how are you doing, wait a second reindeer games?" Tony muttered clearly confused. I just looked at him, waved good morning and checked the time. On the clock
it was only 10 am. I wondered how I was able to be up that early.

The next two who entered the room where my dads and they looked really pissed. At first I thought they had a fight, but then I saw their faces.

„Y/N COFERENCEROOM  ROOM NOW!" they roared loudly. I lowered my head and followed them.
„What do you think you're doing? Getting drunk, you aren't allowed to drink you underaged! What are you thinking?" my papa (Bucky)  yelled at me.
" we are very disappointed of you young lady. How dare you to get drunk?"my dad(Steve) hissed.
"Please don't be mad at me, I didn't notice there was alcohol in it until the room started to spin" I begged them to stopp yelling at me and now I am crying.

Loki came looking for me and asked what was wrong. My dad's, clearly still pissed, almost yell at him, while explained that I wasn't allowed to drink. They also informed him harshly that according to the American law I'm underaged and that I shouldn't be drinking on purpose.

He was shocked and said that he was the one who picked the drinks up. But to his defense, he said that he thought I was allowed to drink.

I said I'm sorry and that I will never going to drink until the age of 21 (*in the back of my head I knew that it was a lie. And by taking a single look at Lokis face, I knew that he knows it too*.)

Eventually they all came down and we all went back to the living room to the rest of the team, who was finally down.

They all seem to have a hungover as well. Surprisingly Tony didn't seem so hungover as I thought he would be, because he was wasted at the party.

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