Chapter twenty six: your back?

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Three weeks later where we all sitting on the breakfast table when a loud thunder interrupted the quiet time. The whole building started shaking and the light went out for two minutes. When the lights where back on we all looked confused at each other. "It seams like we have been struck by a huge lighting source sir. And it appears that Thors has landed on the rooftop sir." JARVIS announced. A moment later the door of the elevator opened and Thor stepped out.

"MY FRIEND I HAVE RETURNED WITH NEWS!! MAN OF IRON I MISSED YOU COM ON GIVE ME HUG!!" and with that he puts Tony into bone crushing hug and I'd swear I heard a few ribs crack. Just seeing Thor brought back some memories that pains me, because all I could think about was now, Loki.

He released him from his tight grip and Tony stopped whining, finally. He turned around and looked at me like he saw a ghost. He was about to say something when Tony interrupted him befor he could get a word out." Wait before you yell right into my ear pleeease Thor use your inner voice, otherwise we will have some serious problems here!!" he nearly screamed but it sounds more like a loud whining and made me giggle.

" Don't worry man of iron I will not hurt your ears" ,"it's Ironman actually" Tony mumbled but stayed quiet. Thor was now right in front of me, looking up and down my body. He then came closed and gently put me into a long hug. And then I realized how much I have missed him. I couldn't hold the tars anymore and I started to cry, from both sadness and joy.

When he releases me I wanted to say something but he was faster than me " look at you lady Y/N. You got skinnier are you okay I mean I kinda knew what you went through and I'm so so sorry. Heimdal informed me of what happened and I'm glad that I didn't loose a dear friend of mine. And I have great news for you and for all of you" he said with tears in his eyes. " my fellow mortals please come closer and gather around I have something important to tell you" he said loud enough for everyone to hear.

We sat looked kind of confused and interred at Thor. "As I told you that I have news. Great news I would even say, especially for you lady y/n. .... Well it turned out that Loki isn't dead like we all thought and he is still alive. Aaannd well he is here right there waiting in the elevator."

Everyone was quiet and didn't dared to say even a single world. I on the other side was shocked, relieved and hurt at the same time. It felt like I couldn't breath and I was filled with happiness. On the other hand there was just one question, why?  My mind was racing that I didn't realized that my dad (Bucky) was gently shacking and tried to get my attention. "You okay doll? You totally zoned out, what's on your mind right now?" "Actually I don't know daddy's just I don't know why the didn't come back earlier, what did he leave ..." I explained so fast that he struggles to understand me. " okay sweetheart you daddy couldn't understand a single word you where saying so take a deep breath and try again please. I did. as he suggested and it worked a bit and when I repeated it it came out a bit slower, so this time he could understand me.

" don't worry lady y/n he will explain everything to you but in order to that he has to get out of the metal cage I mean elevator" Thor jumped in and I interrupted the conversation. I simply nodded than To y pushed a button and the door of the elevator opened and revealed the love of my life, Loki.

He slowly stepped out of it and made his way towards up. I gulped down the big lump that has build up in my throat when he stopped right in front of me.

His beautiful green eyes were filled with glittering tears when he looked up and down.- SMACK-was the sound that came when I slapped him across the face. I mean he kind of deserved it but at the same time regretted it and immediately felt bad. " well I deserved it" he admitted with his head head lowered. " well I guess I own all of you, but especially you my sweet darling an explanation" he begann "Thor and I where called to help in the battle against the dark elves. We fought a great battle when we were suddenly surrounded by them. I casted an illusions of myself and this one got killed. At the same time I had to fight 3 of them and almost got my real self killed. I was barely able to take them gown when I heard Thor scream and saw myself get pierced with a spear and fall dead to the ground." He continued with tears in his eyes " for a second I thought about running to him and telling him that that isn't me but then I thought you would be better off without me. I was selfish I know  but I thought it would be the best for you and that you could be with someone how would be more excepted by your family. So I hide myself and lived in the forest to heal from the battle. But when my mind was clear I realized that I messed up and that you would be furious with me and hate me so I thought it would be the best to stay 'dead'.  When I got back to Asgard and revealer that I was still alive I wanted nothing more than coming back to you but than Heimdal told what happened here on Midgard my heart breaks into a million pieces. So I came back as soon as we were able to that" he finished.

By now I was crying and all of my family members had tears in their eyes.
It was simply to much for me. With a lump in my throat I told everyone that I was going into my room for a while. Before I was out of the room I was stopped by dad(Steve) and Nat. They closely and asked if I was okay if I need some emotional support or if I just needed to talk. I told them that I was good but this was just a bit macht to take and that I want in my room to listen to my music and get my head straight again. They nodded and after a reassuring they let me leave.

When I was in my room I flopped onto my bed turned on my speaker and turned the music up.  I grabbed one of my plush pillows hugged it tight and cried for a while. I mean how could he do that I thought I lost him forever and it felt like my life was already over. And so I continued to cry and sob quietly.

Soon the was a knock and the door opened. When I looked up from my pillow I saw Loki looking down at me.  He gently looked down at me and asked if he could sit down on my bed. I simply nodded as he sat down. I sat up when he pulled me onto his lab and hugged me without saying a word. We both cried now and all he could was how sorry he was and how much he missed me. " it's okay I'm here, I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I thought I lost you!" I cried. 

"Don't worry my darling I'm here and I'm going anywhere. Your save, I'm here and I will always be" he told me.
As we where cuddling on my bad it felt like all the dark in my mind disappeared.  I raised my hand to touch his face and smiled. He looked confused for a second, then he wanted to know why I just did that, "I just can't believe that you are back."

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