Chapter four : new home

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The elevator door opened and we all walked into the huge living room, also called the main floor.

I definitely need to get used to elevator rides, because this one made me sick and my whole  stomach turned.

We walked out and were greeted a woman with dark red, a robot that almost looked like a human and he was also red.
I was a little scared and hide behind my papa(Bucky). He told me that I didn't need to be scared and he introduced us to each other. The woman was called Wanda and the robots name is Vision oh and they are a couple.

They were both really nice, welcoming and friendly towards me. She was the first one on them who hugged me and it felt nice. They all are really trying to include me into their family and it worked.

While we're walking across the room I started to remember a little more. When we arrived at the couch we all set down and uncle Toy started the gigantic tv. After a few hours of switching through the different channels, which was fascinating, I cuddled closer to my papa (Steve) and slowly fall asleep.

Steve POV
I felt Y/N scooting closer to me, in that moment I felt happy. I couldn't describe how happy I am. Her breathing slowed and I looked down to see her fast asleep. I looked at Bucky, who smiled too and he looks just as happy as I am.

I picked her up bridal style and carried her to Buckys and my room. It concerns me how light she was and I decided to talk to Bruce about it later. Once we were at mine and Bucky's room, I laid her into the bed. It was so big and she nearly disappearing in it. I was about to close the door when I heard Y/N call my name. I turned around and asked her what was wrong. Half asleep she asked me shyly if I would stay with her. I agree and laid myself next to her. She cuddled herself up to me and fall asleep again. After a few minutes Bucky came to look for us. I gestured to also come into l bed and we all three drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning I woke up in a really comfortable and soft bed.
I realized I was cuddling with my dads. My dads, my family, wow I never thought I would have them ever again. I was extremely happy.

I get up and go to the bathroom, decided to take a hot shower and to wash everything that could remind me of my old existence away.
After that I made huge mistake, I looked into the mirror and I saw scared me and made me cry.

I saw scars all over my body my small body. There were cuts and stab wounds along my arms and stomach, my legs had only a few scratches that will heal in a couple of days without scaring. I sank down in shock, sat onto the cold bathroom tiles and cried for about five minutes.

Luckily for me, none of my dads came in. I dried my body and hair off und went back into the bedroom.

Both of my dads were still asleep when uncle Tony came into our room. At first l, when I heard the knock, I got scared because I thought a soldier was coming in like I was used to it. I realized that I was safe now and I hoped that nothing like that will ever happen again.
He told me that my room was finished and I was now able to look at it. I was excited and couldn't wait to see it. I jumped onto the bed to wake my dads, they shoot up in an instant and looked confused around. They looked at each other and that at me, like they had just seen a ghost. They quickly realized I was really there and hugged me like I was going to disappear every second. I told them that my new room is finished and I wanted them to look at it with me as well.

We left the room and wandert to the door on the left. The door was a wood brown door wich I think looks beautiful. But that was nothing compared to the room that was behind that door.

The room was huge and spacious and it looks like there are some rooms connected to it. The main room has a brownish, grey wood floor and in the middle was a nice fluffy, light grey carpet.
Across the room were windows that are going from the ceiling to the floor and I a pretty awesome view over New York. On the left side was a king sized bed with dark and light blue cushions. Across the bed was a door that lead into an other room. When I carefully opened it I saw this door leads into a giant walk in closet. When I got out I noticed a really nice looking bookshelf, but it was almost empty, so I decided that I definitely need to buy some in the future. Next to it stands a table with a small white lamp on it. Next to my bedroom door was a white hammock, an other bookshelf, a tiny table and also a door as well.

The door leads to a spacious bathroom, inside there was a white bathtub with a connected shower head and also a single shower. In front of these is a big mirror und under this was a beautiful table.

Once I was back in the main room I was more than happy, it was really hard to describe what I was feeling at the moment because I got no words for it.

I couldn't thank Tony enough for all this so I just hugged him really tight and said thank you like a hundred times. My dads were also impressed by my rooms or what it's called a suit.
Furthermore I was told that Nat und Wanda wants to go shopping with me in a couple of days, I was really looking forward to it because I don't have any clothes or anything else.

After I was done with exploring my new home we went back to the main floor. During the evening we watched a movie called frozen. It was hilarious to watch them sing all the songs and dance, the whole story was actually good. My favorite part of it was when Elsa was finally able to use her full power. When the movie finished, most of the avengers went to bed and I decided to go my room but I definitely wouldn't go to sleep.

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