Chapter eighteen: he is gone

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*trigger warning*
I have been in my room now for the last 3 hours. From time to time there was a knock on my door but I didn't want anyone to see me, so I just yelled that whoever is there should fuck off.

I cried into my sheets and after 2 more hours my eyes are all red and puffy. I pulled out a bottle of vodka and drowned in no time.

I knew that drinking wasn't the solution for my problems, but it was a good way to numb the feelings, and that's exactly what I need at the moment.

Again there is a knock on my door. This time I tried to get up but fall down and hit my head on the floor so hard that I couldn't see straight for a minute.

When I finally made it to the door I saw both of my dads looking at me very confused. I was clearly tipsy and they probably noticed it, but instead of giving me a lecture they just stand there and asked if they could come in.

I said yes, they sat on my bed gestured me to join them. I tried to go a few steps but my head was pounding so badly that I fainted after the third step.

*three hours later*

The first thing I heard was the sound of a monitor. I noticed muffled voiced and by the sound of them I could make out that they where for my dads, Bruce as well as Tonys.

I tried me best to remember what happened, but my head hurts like hell. Opening my eyes was also a challenge because of the bright light.

When I finally was able to do that I saw both of my dads sitting on either side of the hospital bed I was in.

Shit, I thought I was in the med bad of the tower and I really hate that kind of hospital environment.

Despite the horrible pain in my head I sat up and asked what has happened. Dad (Steve) interrupted me and insistent that I tell them why I fainted and why I locked myself into my room and why I was drinking because they had smelled the alcohol.

I remembered the last events, Loki leaving, and I started to cry again. They both hugged me and after a while they are able to clam me down enough so I could tell them what is wrong.

With a big lump in my through  I started explaining, "I was drinking because I couldn't take it anymore. I started dating Loki a couple of weeks ago. We kept it a secret because you'll hate him so when you are around we still pretend to hate each other" now I was sobbing so hard.

My dads hugged me gently and I continued explaining. " well since he is back I'm having a really hard time and it was just too much. "Oh no doll why didn't you tell me or your dad?" Dad asked. "BECAUSE YOU HATE HIM!"  I yelled.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you" I cried. "No we should be the ones who are actually sorry " my dad (Steve) said sorrily. "If we didn't be so hateful towards him, maybe you would have come to us and told us that you where in love with him. Oh my god! Steve our little girl is in love" dad exclaimed sadly  and happily at the same time.

They looked me in the eyes and hugged me both. We cuddled for a few minutes when Bruce came into the room.

"Hey Bruce do you know when I can leave" I begged him. He told us I was allowed to go when he checked me up in a few minutes.

I said Ok and my dads leaved so he can do his work. The check up only took a few minutes. When he was done he told me that I only have a mild concussion and probably a hangover tomorrow.

He handed me some painkillers, but told me in a very serious and concerned tone that if I feel any difference that I should see him immediately.

I told him that I was fine, which obviously was a lie because just wanted nothing more than to go up into my room. He released me and I made my way back to my room.

But first I made a stop in the living room to apologize to everyone for just running off and locking everyone out.

I slowly stepped into the room and immediately where all eyes on me. It made that silence actually quiet uncomfortable and soon Nat and Tony came to me and hugged me.

We made our way towards the couches and sat down. All of them looked at me pitiful and curious about what has happened a few hours ago.

I slowly started to explain that Loki and I dated in secret. They where a few gasps and shocked expressions around the team. But Nat and my dads just nodded understanding.

Nat interrupted me and also said that it was their own fault that I didn't told anyone, because they all expressed their hate towards Loki at all time.

All of them felt sorry and apologized to me, but I told them that I shouldn't be the one they are apologizing to, it should be Loki. They all told me that they will, well they are going to tell Thor so he can tell it Loki.

That started to remind me that he wasn't coming back and I started to tear up immediately. I did my best to hide it and said that I was tiered and wanted to sleep. They all said me good night and I went to my room.

I flopped myself myself onto my bed and started to cry again. I sobbed quietly into my cushions for a while.

Somewhat around 10 pm Nat came up and told me that dinner was ready. I was so heartbroken that I didn't wanted to eat, so I told her that I wasn't hungry. She said ok and that they will put the leftovers in the fridge.

Avengers POV
Steve and Bucky are discussing Y/N's situation and how things ended up like this. They both recognized that they weren't that much there for you like they used to be and made a plan on making things up for her.

Tony and Pepper are cooking dinner for tonight. At first everyone feared that Tony would burn down the whole tower but Pepper reassured them that everything will turn out just fine.

With skeptical look and a few groans, they all returned to what they did before. Tony said that dinner was nearly done and that everyone should gather around the table.

Steve said he was going to get Y/N for dinner but Nat jumped in and said that she was going to get her and maybe talk to her, from girl to girl. They all thought that this was a great idea and so she went into the elevator.

When she was in front of Y/N's room she heard muffled sobs. She carefully opened the door and asked if it was okay if she came in.

But instead of an answer she just received a sad no and that she wasn't coming down for dinner. Nat said ok but told her that  the leftovers will be in the fridge for when she was hungry.

She closed the door and went back down to the others. Everyone was looking hopeful into the direction of her, when she joined the others on the table again.

She told her teammates that Y/N wasn't coming down for dinner. Steve and Bucky are looking at each other and asked at the same time why. Nat calmed them down and explained that something like this is totally normal, for someone who just had there first breakup and that everything will return to normal in a few days.

Not fully convinced but a little bit relieved they both went to the dinner table.

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