Chapter eleven: midnight meeting

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It was already 11pm and I am unable to fall asleep again. I kept staring at the wall for the last two and a half hour and all what I did was thinking, nothing else. I doze off from time to time but only for a couple of minutes.

After a while I decided that I had enough and went down to get myself a drink. But first I grabbed my book and a blanked just in case that I fall asleep on the couch, again.

Once I was in the kitchen I made myself a steaming hot cup of tea, to help me to relax. The water was boiling, I are about to put the tea bag in when I felt like was watched by someone. I turned around but there was no one to be seen.

I turned back around to my tea and bumped into something hard, during that I dropped the tea bag as well as the cup, but to my surprise it didn't shattered on the floor.

I slowly looked up and where greeted with the most prettiest, emerald green eyes I've ever seen. Of course they belong to a certain god of mischief.

"Wh- what are you doing here?" you asked, clearly nervous, "I couldn't sleep so I came here and what are you doing here? I mean aren't you supposed to sleep ?" he asked a little harsh.
"Well I couldn't sleep either so, I thought I could make myself a cup of tea as well, read and enjoy the view over New York. Now can I get my mug back please now?" I answered as confident as I could.

We sat reading in silence, while sipping on our tea's. The only sound was the sound of pages that are flipped. I gathered all my courage and asked him why he didn't spend more time with us.

He replied a little shyly, that he didn't do it because everyone hate him and he added that isn't the most social one. I told him that I was going to talk to the others, and order them that they are nicer to him. He smiled and asked why I was doing that and why I was nice to him in the first place. I said that I thought that everybody could need a friend. He wanted to know if that made us friends now and I said yes. For a short moment I see him smile and turn a little red in the face, that made me smile too but it vanished quickly.

He stands up and left, but before he wished me a good night. When the elevator door closed and I was sure he was gone I squealed, because I was really happy.

I made a new friend and I realized that I started to feel something for him, but for now I only think of him as a friend.

By the time I finished my book it was 3am and I really needed to go to bed.

I stand in front of the elevator and when the door opened and uncle Tony stepped out with a cup of coffee.

He was confused to see me up, so he wanted to know what I was doing at this time in the morning. I told him that I couldn't sleep and that I was downstairs to get a cup of tea and read. He nodded understanding and told me that he couldn't sleep either and we went back to the kitchen.

I actually wanted to sleep, but now was the best chance to talk to him about Loki.
"So uncle Tony I was actually hoping that could I ask you something?" I began slowly ,
" yeah sure kiddo what's wrong?" he asked concerned.
"Well, I wanted to know why you didn't include Loki ?". I really wanted to know why, because it makes me sad seeing how my family treated him.

He explained to me what he has done to New York and it's people and also to Clint.

I was shocked and at first I didn't believed him. But when I saw the footage. Deep down in me I still didn't believe my uncle and when I looked closer at Loki it was confirmed that something was wrong.

I noticed that he had a different eye color back then, so instead of his green eyes he had light blue shining ones and I definitely needed to know why.

Despite what he showed me I somehow was able to convince Tony to be nicer to him , because everyone deserves a second chance.

After that I went back to bed and get a few hours of decent sleep.

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