Chapter nine: Thor and Loki

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It's been now 2 1/2 months science I'm allowed to go to school.

Peter and I had become pretty good friends, school is going well, well some subjects are better than others. Flash is still a total jerk towards Peter. I could pretend any longer that this bullying of my best friend isn't bordering me, I had to do something.

Today was the worst day I have ever had.During lunch break, Flash has spilled milk all over my head and walked off laughing his all off. And that's not all, he nearly drove Peter over at the beginning of the day.

I was more than angry with him now, even furious I'd say. Peter tired everything to distract me but now ist was way too much.

During the first period I nearly punched him in his ugly face, as a result for constantly mocking me and Peter the whole time. But for now it was lunch break and I dared to think that we are going to have some quiet time from him, but I was totally wrong.

At first he kicked my chair away just as I was about to sit down. The tray I carried fall onto me and on top of that I got drenched in milk, that Flash had spilled over me and today's lunch aka soup.

Words can't describe how angry I am by know "flash you son of a bitch, what the fuck is your problem with me!!" I yelled at him. A crowd of curious students formed around us , when Flash came over to me while laughing his ass off. "You son of a bitch what the hell has gotten into you " was the last sentence he was able to yell at me, before I punched him in the nose. It felt good to burn off all that anger that has built up inside of me.

I could feel the bones break unter the impact but I didn't feel the slightest bit of remorse, because well he deserved it. The next thing I knew was that I was lying on the floor and Lizz, a friend of flash, kicked me in the ribs.

One of my classmates was brave enough to call for a teacher and the three of us got called to the principals office. After 30 minutes of me trying my best to explain, that this whole situation wasn't my fault, to the principal, who btw didn't believe me of course, I got detention for four week. And of course, how could be otherwise, he calls my dad(Steve) to pick me up from school.

I patiently waited until he was there and I secretly hoped he would understand me, but by one single look at this face I easily could tell he was more than just pissed. He was mad and that scared me a bit, so my hands got sweaty and started to shake slightly. I expected him to yell me, but he did the exact opposite, he listend to the principal and commands me, in a tone that I've never heard from him before, to be quiet and go waiting in the car.

On the ride back neither of us was saying a word about what happened and once we are back home, he immediately called Bucky in the living room. Unfortunately papa was already there but he wasn't alone, Sam , Tony, Nat and Wanda were also there.

I again tried to explain but it was impossible, because dad(Steve) was already explaining what happened and now, most of them are mad at me. It took me everything not to cry in front of them, but somehow I managed to fight back that urge. Nat and my papa(Bucky) were proud of me, but also said sternly that this shouldn't be the first option to get physical. They all discussed it without even asking for my way of how this accident happened and as the result of it I am grounded for the time of my detention, which means fours weeks. I furiously ran up to my room and locked the door so nobody can get in.

The next morning at the breakfast table Thor announced that he has to back to Asgard, to deal with his duties as a prince. I was definitely going to miss him dearly, because he always made me laugh. But for now I had other things to do, I still have to go to school even though I didn't want to. Eight exhausting hours of school and two hours of detention later I was finally free to go.

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