Chapter twelve: party

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On Wednesday school was more exhausting than usual. I came back home later than most days.

I took some extra time to get back, on purpose, to cool down and calm my mind because Flash got really on my nerves and some other stupid kids.

Back home Nat and Wanda ask me why I was late. They were worried that something terrible has happened to me. I told them what happened at school and they understand me, and the fact that it took me longer to come home.

I wanted to know where the rest of us was and Nat answered that they were called on a quick mission, but assured me that they will be back on the next morning.

On Thursday I had only two hours of school because some teacher called in sick, that's why I was home very early.

I was able to be back from school before everyone came back from their mission. The three of us were talking about school and the upcoming tests when JARVIS announced that the boys were back in a few minutes.

Until they are back I decided to make myself a coffee and read a bit. They took longer than I thought because by the time they're back I was at the fourth chapter of my book.

Luckily the mission went well and nobody was hurt, at least that's what I thought until Tony came out of the elevator while carrying Clint.

I was wondering how he managed to get shot, just like now or get badly hurt on every single mission.

They brought him to the med bay to get him patched up by Bruce and I need to visit him later that day to ask him how it was possible.

I spend the rest of the day in the gym. I did some sparing with Nat, ran three miles on the treadmill and did some indoor cycling.

When I was exhausted I called it a day and went back to my room. In the bathroom I hopped into a nice and relaxing shower.

By the time I came out of the shower Wanda came into my room and said that it was time for dinner. At first I said that I wasn't hungry but she somehow convinced me to come down anyways. Let's just say she mentioned that a certain someone will be there as well.

Downstairs I greeted everyone and I hugged my dads. I was relieved to see them happy and unhurt. Even Loki was there, just like Wanda told me, which made me really happy.

I said a quick hello to him and sat down to eat. For today's dinner I had a salat, the rest of the team chose pasta. We all chatted and I tried my best to include Loki as well, I was successful for only a minute because he wasn't in a mood to talk to any of us.

Tony interrupted every conversation by yelling.
" List up everybody, I would like to announce that we are having a party on Saturday so make sure you have something nice to wear. And yes Y/N you need to wear a dress too!" I rolled my eyes at that comment.

I knew he said that to annoy me, because he knows I how much hate to wear dresses and as specially a ball gown. But this time I was a bit excited because it would be my first party, and with Loki and hopefully my dads would allow me to drink a bit alcohol.

*Time skip to Friday after school*

I finished my last period of the week. I had physics the last couple of hours and it was boring. But with me and Peter sitting in the back of the room those lesson was pretty fun. We talked all the time, but never get caught. When the bell rang we packed our bags and left the school.

Nat was already waiting there and called us to the car. She told us that Happy is going to pick up Peter in a few minutes.

We both are confused and wanted to know why he couldn't drive home with us, but she to us that she had other plans with me.

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