Chapter twenty eight: affection and candlelight

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The next day or better a few hours later we where woken up by a loud argument and screaming that was going on downstairs.
We both jumped up and looked puzzled at each other. My cheeks heated up I could swear I look like a tomato. But when I turned to Loki I could see some pink in his cheeks too and I smiled. I than remembered last night and that I had the first nightmare free sleep since I don't know when. "Good morning Loki" I smiled "good morning to you too lady y/n" he returned. The argument didn't seem to end so I gave him a quick hug, told him to wait and dashed out of the room and down into the kitchen.
In the kitchen was Clint chased around the kitchen aisle by Natasha. She was yelling at him in Russian, something about him being not allowed to ever enter the kitchen again. That made me laugh. He was still running for his life, when he saw me standing there laughing. He stopped immediately in his tracks and felt over his feet. That made me laugh even more.
Natasha was looking furious at me because I was laughing about the Szene that has just happened right before me.
I than carefully asked why she was chasing him and why he hell she yelled at him in russian. She told me that they had an agreement which said that he was never under any circumstances allowed to be in the kitchen to cook because the last time he did it he nearly burned down the entire tower. I only could imagine how Tony reacted to that and how filled with rage he must have been.
Clint told me that he just wanted to surprise us with breakfast, but Nat caught him while he was making pancake batter. I was a bit taken aback by that and it touched my heart because he kinda risked his life.
When Wanda came in she took the spatula out of Clint's hand tasted the batter. Nat and I hold our breathes, but when Wanda smiled we both sighted in relief. After that I said that I was going back to my room because it was only 6:45 in the morning. They just nodded so I head back to my room.
When I opened the room I saw a nervous Loki running up and down the room with his hands behind his back. I shut the door as quietly as possibly because I didn't want to interrupt his thoughts. When he saw me he had a nervous smile on his face. "Did you succeed in finding the source of this yelling?l" he asked. "Yes I did indeed. The yelling came from Clint and Nath who was chasing him because some weird agreement they apparently have, about him not being allowed in the kitchen anymore" I laughed. "Do you know that you're cute when you laugh my sweet?" He said softly. I blushed deeply by that complement. "Well, please sit down there is something I wanted to tell you, or better to say ask you" he stuttered. Great now I was nervous. I slowly sat down on my bed and started fidgeting with my fingers. He crouched down in front of me and gently took my tiny hands into his big soft ones. "We are now courting or well we started it and I would like to take it to the next level, but only if you are fine with it" "of. ..of our e what do you mean?" I asked nervously. "I wanted to ask you if you would like to go on a..a" he stuttered nervously. I stayed quiet foe a few seconds because I was more than happy and I'd never dared to imagine something like that. My eyes filled with tears of joy, I jumped up, fling my arms around his neck and repeated 'yes' over and over again. I released him and we both looked deep into each others eyes.  He than suddenly stood up and said "I will pick you up at 6pm and we are going somewhere I'm not going to tell you but one hint that the wind can get a bit chill". He than left and I was left confused.
After hours of overthinking every single bit of the date and what to wear I decided to go to Nat to ask for help. When I to her everything she nearly screamed from joy and hugged me. The two of us decided on a dress due to the fact that he is a prince so I would impress him. We chose a with mid length summer dress with embroidered flowers on it. To finish the look I put on a a white light jacket because Loki mentioned that it could get cold.

 To finish the look I put on a a white light jacket because Loki mentioned that it could get cold

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Nat put the front part of my hair in a little ponytail on the back of my head. For make up I kept it classy. Some mascara, lipgloss and blush for the final touch. And soon it was nearly 6 pm.
At 6 pm came a knock from my door. Nat went to open up and revealed dome looking Loki. The had a black tux with a green and gold tie and his hair was in a man bun. I must say he looks pretty sexy and extremely gorgeous. "Good evening ladies, lady Natasha I'm here to pick up lady y/n for a date." He greeted us. I went past Nat, hugged her as a goodbye and took Loki's arm that he offered me. "You look extremely handsome in that suit, don't you know that?" I asked him with a slight smile. "Why thank you my lady, but I must say you look outstanding" he complemented. I blushed and asked where we are going. He told me that he talked to Tony and that we could borrow one of his cars for the evening. "I even asked both of your fathers for permission to take you out on a date" he told me proudly. I just smiled because it shows him that they are truly accepting him as a part of the family. He chose the black and dark green Audi from Tony's garage. He opened gentlemen like the front door for me and waited patiently for me to get inside. He than jumped onto the driver seat, turned his hand to look at me, smiled and started the engine.
After one hour of driving we arrived at our date location. When I looked out of the window I saw that we where at the beach. It was stunning. The sun has already began to set, so the whole sky was now starting to turn red and orange. It's been soo long since I've been here the last time. He told me to wait, got out of the car and opened my door and offered me his hand to get out of the seat. I gently took it and he escorted me down the wooden stairs to the sand. We both take of our shoes and continued to walk barefoot in the sand until he suddenly stopped. He told me to look to the left and I was stunned. In the sand was a huge blanked laid out. On top of that where cushions to sit on and small blankets. A picnic table was right in the middle. In the middle of the table where candles  arranged together with some gorgeous red and white roses, not to mention that they are my favorite ones. There ware also two glasses of wine with some nice dinner for us. On the background there was a chain of light hanging between to huge pieces of wood. I looked at him with the biggest smile plastered on my face that I've ever had. "I hope you like it " he said. "Like it? I love it this is outstanding!" I exclaimed excited. We than sat down ate our delicious meal and drank the mild and sweet white wine. For the dessert Loki let two plates of chocolate cake appear. They tasted as amazing as they look and it didn't take so long till we finished them. After that we cuddled and watched the sunset. When the sun has set and the stars came out we decided to head back to the tower.
When we arrived there it was just past 10:30 pm. Loki brought me back to my room and opened the door for me. " thank you so much for this wonderful evening, it was truly amazing Inhad

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