Chapter tweny nine: drinking and dancing

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It's now been a week since Loki and I had our first date and we kissed, for the first time.
For the past week our relationship has been getting more intense. When the rest of the team was around we kept our family friendly distance. We looked at each other in ways I could've never dreamed about looking at someone like this. In the meantime we spend most of the time together cuddling, reading the newest book to each other or have secret tea meetings in the middle of the night where either of us stole a kiss or two. One time when the rest of the avengers where out on a mission I was alone in the kitchen do get a glass of water Loki came in and I caught myself daydreaming about him and I alone in my room...., he than turned around and looked at me with a devious and hungry look in his eyes that I've never seen before.
Now is Friday and I'm currently in school sitting in the last class for this week. Everyone was ready for the weekend and wasn't rally paying attention anymore when our suddenly announced a pop quiz. We all groaned but we eventually finished it because once finished it we where allowed to leave earlier.
I was the first to leave because it was way easier than I expected it. As a result of that I was home earlier than everyone expect me to. Everyone was a little bit surprised to see but after explained it they laughed and told me to get ready for a private party. I was al little bit confused why we are having a party but my dads explained quickly to me that his was more a celebration because they took nearly all HYDRA bases down. For a second my heart stopped but than I thought that I'm finally free from them. I than asked if I'm allowed to celebrate with them wich means drinking since Im finally free. After a little reconsideration, a stern look and lecture about alcohol and coping with all of that from both of them they agreed, even though they didn't seem to be pleased with my question in the first way.
In my room I was already greeted from Wanda and Nat who are roaming through my entire closet. But I on the other hand must have scared the living shit out of them when I came into MY room and yelled "what's goin' on bitches who is ready to party?!, but then after a minute of pure shock they just started laughing.
We spend a few hours of searching through my dresses before we find the perfect one. I also had dresses in my closed that either of them loved so I told them to wear them tonight. The dress is made from dark, forest green satin that goes almost al the way down to the floor and it looks nearly black from a far. It was also tight so it hugged my small curves and a dress neckline to show one a little bit. It also has a a cut on the left leg that goes up to my upper leg. For jewelry the three of us thought it would be the best to match it witch the color of the dress. I had a golden necklace with an emerald stone on it, along with matching earrings and rings. The combination of gold and green made my eye color pop.

Then Wanda came up with the topic after Nat said the dress we picked for me would impress him and I blushed

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Then Wanda came up with the topic after Nat said the dress we picked for me would impress him and I blushed. Wanda just gave me a smirk and told me to stay save. I looked questioning at them because I couldn't really figure out what they mean. Nat told me that this night could lead to something more. Wand handed me a shaver and told me shower and shave. I did as I was told and 45 minutes I was done.
After that we did my hair by curling it and applying some make up. I than hopped into my dress and put on my jewelry.
Wanda wore my red my red dress that went down to the floor.

Nat on the other hand wore my glitter sliver dress with a cut on the leg

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Nat on the other hand wore my glitter sliver dress with a cut on the leg.

Of course they both look stunning and even better than I could look in either one of them

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Of course they both look stunning and even better than I could look in either one of them. We then looked at the time and saw that we are already 30 minutes late, but Nat told us that we are fashionable late. We put our high heels that of course matches our individual dresses and went downstairs.
Once we where there Wanda and Nat went to find Vision and Bruce, I on the other hand was scanning the room with my eyes looking for Loki. He offered me his arm and escorted me to the couch where the rest of us already taken their places. On our way I told him how pretty he looked and the returned the complement. We joined the others who are already drinking and celebrating.
The music was now taking up more space and soon all of them are at least tipsy or like Tony already drunk and stumbling around, slurring words and dancing. I was now dancing wit Nat and Clint when Loki came up to me with a drink to celebrate. I gratefully took it and drank it sip by sip. After that I danced with Loki and showed him how to dance here on earth. At first he was not comfortable with the moves but after three more drinks the moves came out easily. I may have sneaked some asgardian ale into our drinks that Thor brought with them. What I didn't realized was that this kind of alcohol had a way stronger effect on me than normal ones. But for now I had the time of my live.
When the song ended Loki requested a song from JARVIS because he wanted to introduce me to their kind of dancing they do in Asgard, since I showed him ours way. The music was a classic Walz and after a couple of struggles and stepping on his feet I slowly started to get along with it. The alcohol slowly started t9 have an effect of me, but due to the fact that I'm some sort of supersoldier that didn't last for long.
We danced for many hours even though the whole team has gone to bed. I had so much fun that I didn't want the night to end.
Eventually Loki and I head back to my room. "Thank you so much for this wonderful night my love. I also wanted to thank you for showing me the typical way of dancing here on Midgard, but there is actually one thing more I want to show you, but for that I need you to trust me for 100%" he said with a deep sexy voice and a smirk on this face.

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