Chapter twenty four: recovery 2.0

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The next day I woke up pretty early or at least that's what's I thought. I was a bit confused, because when I looked around for a clock Bruce came in with a coffee in his right hand. When he looked at me and saw that I was awake he was surprised. "What are you doing up at this time of the day it's barely 6 am" he asks, "well I couldn't"t sleep anymore and the fact that I was asleep for three weeks, well let's just say that I'm well rested" I joked.

" Well yeah your right kiddo... " he laughed a bit awkwardly "hmm yeah well let me just take a quick sip of my coffee and than we can get started" he smiled, "okay ... what are we doing I mean no offense but I actually wanted to get out of this bed as soon as possible" I smiled sheepishly. He smiled took a sip put the mug down and walked around the lab to collect the stuff he needs.

While he did that I looked at the mug and noticed how much I craved the bitter sweet taste of coffee in my mouth. Only the sight of it let my mouth water. He came back a lot of different things, he explained that in order to get out of bed he check my blood pressure, puls and the last test, which would be a blood test. I was fine with everything except the blood thing because I absolutely hate needles but he promised that it wouldn't hurt.

He was right and everything was fine so now we had to wait for like 40 minutes till the final result. In the mean time he explained what happened after I got out of here. After what I told them yesterday he reminded me of our deal. I have to come to him every Monday for a weekly weight and blood test to make sure I'm not slipping back into old habits and it's also important that I come on my own in order to show that I'm willing to get better. Also I have meal times and for now a meal plan I have to follow. I'm also not allowed into the bathroom for the time of an hour after each meals.

I nodded bravely, even though I started to get scared. Even further he told me to rest for a minimum of four week so the wounds could heal properly and that JARVIS will watch me the whole time and he is telling them if anything and by that he means anything was wrong or didn't complicated anything. Furthermore is always one of the team with me at the meal time so I couldn't skip any of that.

My hands are now early sweaty but I did my best trying to hide it. Bruce looked at me with sorrow in his eyes and told me that they all hated to do this but this is the only way to help me get better. I put a fake smile on my face and told him that I'm fine but instead of buying it like all the other time he shook his head and took me carefully in his arms. The hug took me over the edge and I started to cry silently. He stroke my back and I was able to let everything out.

I freed myself from the hug just in time when the door opened and Tony and my dads came into the room. They all looked curios at us but luckily for me Bruce told them that I simply got overwhelmed with everything and even more after he told me about the plan they made. After that my dads pulled me into a hug as well they told me that they are always there for me and that they will never let me down. Dad also said that it doesn't matter what time of the day it was I could always come and talk with them. I smiled and promised them that I'm willing to give it a real try.

In the mean time Bruce and Tony disconnected me from everything and after the IV was finally out of my hand and I was free to go. I slowly sat up in the bed, wanted to get up. But when I got up and was about to walk out, well after these weeks of not using any of my muscles, I collapsed. My dad (Bucky) catches me just in time and sat me back on the bed. He told me all these weeks of laying still and not moving, the u steadiness are resulting in that and I need to be careful. I gave it another try and with the help from both of my dads I was able to 'walk' out of the room.

In the living room we made our way to the couches. JARVIS told everyone that I was up and in the living room. So it didn't take long for them to come to us. Nat was the first who ran up to me followed by Clint. When she was right in front of me she stopped and looked sternly at me. For the first time in my life I saw something in her eyes I thought I would never see, tears real tears. She hugged me and cried out how dearly she missed me and how much I scared her and that I never should do that ever again. I also had tears in my eyes and couldn't get anymore out than a smile 'yes'. Clint was the next to hug me and he also told me that I scared him as well and that he thought that he lost his best friend and partner in crime and that without me around that this place can be pretty boring. I laughed at that statement and also said yes.

Wanda and Vision came just a few minutes later. For a second she stopped midway looked at me, then ran up to me with tears in her eyes and hugged me like life depends on it.  For her I also got nearly the same speech that Clint and Nat already gave me. She also told me to be careful because the quota for women shouldn't go below three with a smile on her face. It also made me and Nat laugh a bit. Vision said that it was good to have me back, wich made me smile. From the elevator you could hear a high scream, it almost sounds like a little girl screaming. I started to laugh because I knew it was Peter. As soon as the door opened he dashed out towards me. We both hugged and laughed and cried at the same time.

When all of them are done I looked around and realized what I nearly lost and I would have been my own fault. The elevator ding interrupted the awkward silence and Tony came  out. "Oh. I see there is a arty going on, without meee?!" He pouted but laughed soon afterwards. "Well folks gather up lets eat breakfast " he suggested

There it was breakfast, it took one fucking word to scare me. Everyone was so happy to have me back so I put one the best smile I have ever put on my face and was about to stand up when my dads came up to me. At first I though they wanted or needed something but they where just there to help me up. This time I only needed one so dad (Bucky) just walked on my right side in case I needed help. Slowly but a little more steady I made my way to the table. Once i sat down i saw that a plate full with food was already in front of me.  I asked Nat if i could get a cup of coffee first. Without hesitation she handed me a cup with this hot, black liquid. I sipped on it a few times when my dad (Steve) nudged me slightly. I looked at him questioningly but I quickly realized hat he meant. The food. When I looked down I saw some strawberries, a whole banana and a sandwich.

My hands get sweaty and i wanted nothing more than leaving the table but there was no turning back now. With shaky hands I slowly take the first few bites. When I stopped the first thing I wanted to was to ran into the nearest bathroom but my dads and stopped me while Nat made up an interesting conversation. I was handed my sandwich and i slowly took bites from it. Surprisingly it actually tastes good so I carried on.

After some time I looked down at my plate and saw that I had actually eaten all of it. My dads proudly patted my back and Tony gave me thumps up to show me how happy and proud he was.  I started to get anxious and my thoughts are running wild.  For the idea of Peter who suggested to play Mario card was i more than grateful. I was having an amazing time and I even belated Peter and my dads a few times. After that we had lunch where I had steamed veggies along with a small portion of mashed potato and a chicken drumstick. In the afternoon we watched y/f/m and than we had dinner. For dinner they ordered pizza and sushi. I somehow and with a lot of convincing I ate a slice of a margarita pizza and a few pieces of sushi. My dad's took me into theirs arms and it didn't took me long to fall asleep.

In the middle of the night I woke up covered in sweat. My eyes are full with tears and I started to cry. I decided that it would be the best to get rid of that food from today but than I remembered that JARVIS will inform Tony or worse my dads immediately. So I made my way to the room of my dads. Luckily it was right next to me. I took a deep breath and knocked softly. The door opened almost immediately and revealed my dads in their pj's. They looked at me and asked me if I wanted to come on in and i said yes. Dad (Steve)asked JARVIS if something happened but I was faster "I woke up from a nightmare and wanted nothing more than to be with you guys and my mind is telling that what I did today was wrong and that I don't deserve it" I quickly explained. "She is right. Nothing more happened"JARVIS agreed with me.

I crawled into their bed and snuggled up to them, right in the middle. I thought they they wanted to talk but instead they told me how proud they are and that I did really well. I said them good night and that I love them dearly and they said the same back to me. I fall asleep cuddled up in theirs arms. One of them was stroking the back of my nose because that was my number one weakness when it comes to sleep.

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