Chapter ten: Spiderman?

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I spend the last five nights and days making a new playlist. I unplugged my phone from the charger and put my headphones in. The music started blasting so loud, I couldn't hear anyone and I don't want to.

I danced around my room and just felt the lyrics of each song. It felt so good to let my body flow to each rhythm, it was almost like I'm floating.

After a while I finished my third playlist I had to stopp, because I was twirling around so much that I got dizzy. When the room finally stopped turning I checked the time, only to find out that it's been three hours later and realized I was getting thirsty.

I went down to the kitchen to grab a glass of water or something else to drink. Thanks to the early morning I actually hoped to find something like a juice or coke in the fridge, because at this time sound it should be possible to get something like but today, there was no chance. It looks like someone has already been awake and drank all of the good sugary stuff. So instead of what I was looking for, I found a monster energy, the white one, my favourite inside. It tasted absolutely amazing.

I put my music back on and continued to dance and even sing to some kings like nobody was watching. From time to time I took a sip of the nice cold and refreshing can of chilled Monster Energy and it was just perfect. The perfect start of the day, at least for me.

Still dancing to the music I asked JARVIS where my parents are. He told me that they are in the converence room, in an important meeting and I shouldn't interrupted them. I was totally okay with it because it gave me more time to listen to my music and finish up my can of monster.

Twenty minutes later they were done and came back into the living room, so I immediately stopped my music, because I didn't want them to see me dancing, or hear me singing.

Everyone, except Loki, who I was secretly hoping for came in he, Loki, instead went back to his room. I was sad about that, because over the last few days I noticed that our paths crossed more often and from time to time I get a small nodd from him when I said hi or simply waved him.

He always carries a book with him, which I find pretty interesting and I wanted to ask him today what he was reading all the time. I was actually curious, but it was hard for me to ask him, because I don't want to seem like a desperate idiot to him who wanted to be his friend, well I wanted to be his friend, but he never let anyone near him.

I once tried to talk to him to get to know him better but failed miserably, because he turned our conversation down almost instantly. It was like he didn't want to talk to anyone or was mad about something I didn't know anything of.

Now that they are all in the living room, except for Tony, both of my dads sat on each of my side and asked me how my day was going so far and why I was up I early. I told them it was good and that I wanted to ask uncle Tony something.

I had to wait for about five more minutes before he entered the room and when he finally came, a boy was following him. He had short dark brown hair and brown eyes. He had an athletic body, but was also lean with well-defined muscles without excessive bulk. WhenI saw him coming closer I realized he was about 5 feet 8 inches tall, so he's not taller than me. Another thing that made we wonder is that we both seem to have the same age.

I was about to ask him, Tony, if he could help me with some school stuff, when I was interrupted by the boy behind him.
"Hey mr Stark can you help me with my web shouters?... wait wait (y/n/n) what are you doing here?" Peter asked in disbelief.
"Hold on Peter, the actual question is what are YOU doing here,..." I blurred out while empathizing the word 'you'.
"wait gimme a sec, web shouters, hmm,.. are YOU Spiderman and didn't say anything to me the whole time? I thought we are friends!" I yelled.
"Yes I am Spiderman and I am so so sorry I didn't tell you, but mis-mister Stark and mister Rodgers told me to tell nobody" he answered, "but wait what are YOU doing here?" he asked finally realizing where we are.

After looking around and seeing both of my dad's nodding, I told him that I'm the daughter of Steve and Bucky. I immediately made him promise not to tell anyone because that would have been fatal in the future. He was too shocked to say anything so he just nodded in agreement.

He quickly recovered from and eventually started laughing. Still laughing he said, that this explains everything about my strange behaviour when it comes to my parents. He also asked how it was possible because they are both male, but I didn't tell him because it was too private and a too sensitive topic for me.

We spend the rest of the evening sharing stories about ourselves and at some point my dads started to tell stories from when I was little. It was hilarious but also absolutely embarrassing, so I started to turn red like a tomato.

Loki decided to join us too, so now Tony was unable to complain about the fact, that he didn't socializes enough. I was about to ask him how his day was and what he was reading the whole time, when my dad(Steve) said that it was time for bed because we still have school tomorrow.

Uncle Tony drove Peter home and I went to bed. On my way to my room I met Loki and I confident was about to talk to him when he said good night to me. I bubbling with excitement that he had actual talks to me, because that means we made a progress. So I simply said good night to him too and that's it.

Before I was able to say more, because he was in his room with the door shut.
I finished getting ready for bed and started to sleep with the thought that I made some progress with Loki and that made me really happy.

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