Chapter seventeen: Courting and Asgard

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I started to stir and the first thing I noticed was something hard and also soft under my head. I became more aware of my surroundings and recognized the room almost immediately. I was cuddling with Loki. He had his armes tightly warped around my waist and my head laid on his chest. He was still sleeping because his chest was going up and down slowly, is was so calming that I fall asleep again while smiling like an idiot.

Two hour later I woke up to the faint sound of page turning.
This time I actually opened my eyes, just to see him sitting on the bed and reading a book. I wandered what time it is, but before I get the chance to check the time he already said that it was the next day and nearly 9 am. " W-Wait did you just read my mind?" I blurred out.
"there was no need to love, your confused face gave it right away". he smiled. Love, this new nickname made me blush in an instant.
I was about to get up when a hand sneaked around my waist and pulled me back into the bed. We cuddled to nearly 30 mor minutes until we finally get up.

I went back to my room to get ready. I brushed my teeth and hair and put it into a lose bun. I applied a bit of mascara and eyeliner along with a bit of lip balm. Todays outfit was inspired by Loki's colors. A oversized emerald colored hoodie and a macht if shorts. For jewelry I picked a simple necklace and earrings.

I took the lift down to the main room and was greeted by the rest of the family

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I took the lift down to the main room and was greeted by the rest of the family. Loki was also there, but he sat a bit further away from the rest, reading a book in silence.

Once I entered the room I could feel that everyone was staring at me.
" what are you doing up that late in the morning it's nearly lunch time y/n?" my dad(Steve) asks me and what followed was a chorus of hmmm and yeahs. What's wrong, even Loki looked suspicious and asked why just, so nobody would notice something.

Nat looked suspicious at him, because it was the first time that he speaks up. Even Bruce and Sam raised an eyebrow at the same time. " I'm sorry I slept in, it's just I was up all night reading and listening to music" I lied.

For now, everyone seems to buys it and they continued with their breakfast. I decided to join the others and sat on the couch in front of Loki, besides Nat and my papa(Bucky). He handed me a plate of fruits and a black coffee, my favorite.

After breakfast, most of us continued their individual routine so I did the same.
I went to my room, where Loki was about to knock on my door. I opened the door and he followed me inside. I hopped onto my bad and padded beside me so we can cuddle.

I must have doxed off because I woke up again to Loki playing with my hair. I looked at him and at his mouth. We both started to lean in, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door, just to see a confused Nat staring at me with wide opened eyes. I looked behind me to see Loki grinding mischievous at us. I pulled her into my room and shut the door tightly.

I begged her not to tell anyone and she just laughed at me. She was about to explain why she was laughing, when someone else knocked at my door. I rolled my eyes and opened the door, just to reveal a very confused looking Thor.

He just stared at us and stutters that he needed to talk to Loki. They both left, leaving me and Nat alone in my room. She raised an eyebrow and I put my hands up in defence.

I ask her why she was in front of my room in the first place. She told me that she was suspicious, because she caught some looks that Loki and I exchanged and that made her curious.

I told her that Loki and I are dating in secret because I was too scared what my dads would say, because they aren't the biggest fan of him. She told me that she is happy for me and that I found someone who makes me happy. But she also said, that I should watch out and if something troubles me, I could always come to her.

I was so happy that I had tears in my eyes.
We both hugged and than she said that she need to kick Clint's ass for messing with her weapons. When she nearly was out of the door she turned around and said that our secret is save with her.

*Time skip*

It's been two hours since Nat and Loki left my room. I was reading and being happy that I was acutely having a boyfriend. Keeping this a secret was hard, because every time I see him I want to wrap my arms around him and kiss him as passionate it could possibly be.

But when the others are around we need to pretend that be barely are getting around. This secret was actually something nerve wrecking and exciting at the same time.

It was now past 4pm and I decided that it would be the best to do down, otherwise one of my dads would probable come up and ask if something was wrong. But before going down I changed my outfit into something comfy. I picked a T-shirt and some random pair of sweatpants instead of the shorts I was wearing before.

In the living room was a battle going on about who is worthy enough to lift up Thors hammer. There was a lot of cheering and shouting towards every participant. I waved hi to Thor and went to by dads.

Uncle Tony was testing this luck, but he wasn't able to lift the hammer even when he had help from his suit. Next was Bruce but failed also. Nat said that she didn't wanna try and gestured towards Clint to do it instead. It seems like they are on good terms again.

I looked at Thor and how his face was hard like a stone and also shocked. I followed his glaze and saw my dad trying to pick up his hammer and he nearly did it. One single lightly movement but in the end he also wasn't able and Thor looked relieved.

Clint yelled that I should try it too, but I refused.  I looked back at Thor and realized that he looks kinda sad. I walked over to him and asked what's wrong. He told me that I had to wait till someone, who was now missing, will be here and that once he's present he will tell us all.

A couple of minutes later Loki joined us. Thor used his incredibly loud voice to get everyone's attention and all of us shut up. He said that we might wanted to sit down. Tony asked if someone diet with a laught in his voice. He stopped laughing when Thor didn't joined in.

I sat down on the couch not so far from Loki but far enough so no one would get suspicious. Thor tried stared talking but couldn't find the right words, after a few attempt he got it. Dad told him to finally spit it out, because the air was so thick, you would be able to cut it with a knife if you wanted to.

" I need to tell you my fellow friends, that I will be leaving for some unknown time..... and that I'm taking my brother with me."he said with a sad smile in his face.
"I'm not your brother you moron!' Loki shouted clearly angry. I on the other was in a shock like state, while the rest was confused and even a little bit relieved to have this potential threat off there shoulders.

I looked at Loki and saw his face was stone cold and there was no emotion showing. Meanwhile Tony asked why Thor was leaving.
"My father, Odin, ordered that I was coming back to deal with some trouble we are having in the villages and he also changed his mind. So Loki has to spend the rest of his life in the dungeons." Thor explained sadly.

My voice was shaky when I spoke up. I did my best to sound emotionless as possible, but the words barely came out "when do you guys are leaving?"
" Lady Y\N I'm terribly sorry, but I'm afraid that this is a question I can't answer at the moment". Thor mumbles.
" Theres no need to rush, I mean you're all probably happy and full of joy to finally get rid of me!' Loki interrupted.

After a few more minutes Thor told us that they're leaving now. This sentence broke my heart. I couldn't take it anymore, so I stood up, stormed out of the living room, went to my room and locked the door.

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