Chapter thirty: steamy lust and love

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"Y-yes I trust you "I stuttered.
He than asked me softly in wich room we wanted to go. "You know what let's go to your room" I said while biting my lip seductively.
He smirked, took my hand and lead me into his room.
At first I thought he would turn on the main light, but to my surprise he turned on a dimmed light. It gave the whole room a candlelight like atmosphere. It was the first time that I was in his room so I took some time to look around. The first thing I saw was the comfy looking bed in the middle of the room. I couldn't look further around because Loki was now right in front of me. I looked up to him and realized the height difference. It made him look even more intimidating.
He started to lean in, I did the same and soon my mouth met his warm and soft lips. The kiss deepened after a few seconds and we moved closer to his bed. His sweet scent has an intoxicating effect on me. He smelled heavenly like a crisp winter in the forest and like dark musky wood.

He gently pushed me onto it and I sank into the soft cushions. He leaned over me and kissed me again, put one hand into my hair and gently pulled on it. A wave of pure pleasure went through my entire body, all the way down to my core. A soft moan escaped my lips. He used that moment to push his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues started a messy fight, and the intensity of the kiss made my body tremble. Loki began to move further down my neck with his tongue and softly biting into it. He looked me in the eyes and I watched his lust for me grow every second."You look so beautiful, trembling and moaning under my touch, princess." I blushed hard and broke the eye contact. He just continued to roam my body with his hands. When he reached my bust and started to massage them I felt something deep inside of me started to stir. His hand traveled down electrifying every spot on my skin. As he went deeper, he reached my clit and I gasped. Through my dress he began to apply pressure on it and and moved his fingers in small circles. A knot deep in my core started to build up, my breath beginning to speed up and I couldn't hold back a loud moan. In that moment it felt like my whole body was filled with heat.
When I came down from my high and was able to catch a breath, I saw that Loki started to unbutton his shirt. The jacket was already laying on the floor.
When I looked back up I saw that he was shirtless. My eyes wandered, thirsting over his well built body. His shoulders and upper body are well defined, the abs are definitely popping out. I could see them at every move he made. A small grin was on his face when he put his hands behind my back, slowly opening the zipper of my dress. The dress gently glide down my body and left me in nothing more than my black lace underwear. He looked at me with hungry eyes as I started to strip him of his pants. I was more than pleased with what I had in front of me. Him in nothing more than the dark green and gold boxer.

I got excited and nervous at the same time as he climbed back on me and started to kiss my neck. His lips slowly went down to my breast.With a move of his hand my bra disappeared and my naked breasts are exposed to the chilled air of his room. I could feel my nipples hardening in the crisp air. When I was about to put my hands up to hide them he stopped me, carefully grabbing both of my hands, putting them down above my head and holding them in place."You don't need to hide a single piece of your gorgeous body from me my darling."He kissed his way down to my belly , pausing for a second, his eyes asking for permission to go further down. My cheeks were getting red again as I just slightly nodded. On his way down he left sloppy kissed and love bites. He than began to lick and suck on it like it was some sort of dessert. "Hmm you taste heavenly my queen" he said while looking up for a second. The similar knot started to slowly build up in and it felt like I was filled with ecstasy. My body body started to buckle and tremble under his soft and silk touch. My whining and moaning became more intense as I was about to reach my climax for the first time. When he was about to push me over the edge he suddenly stopped. I let out a frustrated moan and opened my eyes. "Hush my pet, your whining is making it really hard for me not to fuck you right away" he whispered seductively and with that he slowly pushed one finger into my dripping pussy. Slowly moving him in and out until I nodded with my head, "please " I moaned and he inserted a second finger. My trembling and whining got even more intense when he curled his magical fingers inside me. Them moment Loki started to slowly remove his boxer, my heartbeat got even more intense. It was a mixture of joyful expectation and nervousness to that point, where I could feel my already shaking hands stared tingling.
What I saw took my breath away. His cock was godlike huge and already twitching. And let's not talk about it's length. I started to worry how that gonna fit. He must have seen my worried expression so he waited a moment before he started talking.
"I will only continue if that's okay for you" he said softly. When I just nodded, he looked me deep into the eyes and said with the most dark and sexy voice I've ever heard "this will hurt a little bit my love, but I will do it as carefully as I can. Do you trust me?" My voice was shaky when I told him quietly "ye-yes I trust you" And with that he positioned himself in front of my entrance. He slowly entered my small hole. I winced when I felt a sharp pain shooting through my body. He was gentleman enough to notice my discomfort and stopped in his movements. I let my body adjust to his size. When the continued to slowly move in and out, the pain soon turned into pleasure. It felt like I was floating in the sky as my mouth escaped another moan. This made him move even faster in and out. The knot in my belly started to build when he started to kiss and suck on my already sensitive nipples. My moaning got louder ,when he scratched along my back with his finger nails and so got his. Soon we both moaned in sync. When I was about to cum he stopped again and I let out a frustrated groan. "What are you doing? Why did you stopp?" ... oh no did I do something wrong?" my voice was trembling from the emotion that I had inside of me. "Don't worry me love, I'm just teasing you, like you teased me with your thoughts and daydreams about me." he replied, "don't you remember I can read minds and you've been such a naughty little girl" he whispered seductively in my ear. " well if I've been so naughty.... sho-shouldn't I be punished than ?" I wispernd back while gently biting his ear.
This was all he needed to continue to thrust harder and faster than before. The room begann to spin and I started to see stars. With a few rubbing circles on my clit we both reached our climax. My body trembled once more as we cum together.
With a few more thrusts he rides out both of our orgasms. When he pulled his cock out I looked down and saw that it was dripping with cum.
He kissed me softly and told me that I did awesome. After that he went into the bathroom "let's get you all cleaned up" he said in a low tone "hm hm " I mumbled sleepily
A few minutes later he returned, kissed me and told me gently to come to the bathroom. When I turned down his hand, that he offered me to walk me to the bathroom, he chuckled "are you sure you can walk?" "Yes I can walk, just tiered", but when I stood up and took my first step my knees gave in. I was ready to hit the ground but instead I felt myself being picked up bridal style and carried to the bath. "Hehe"he chuckled one's more , " I told you that you can't walk otherwise I would have done something wrong" he smirked.
I sank down in the perfectly tempered water, where I could feel my tensed muscles begann to relax. The soothing wach was all it took to make me fall asleep.
Loki carried me back to his bed, climbed in too and cuddled up to me. We shared a lovely kiss and he asked "does anything hurt you my love?" "Hmm no not anymore thanks to you my king " I whispered nearly sleeping. " Now rest my love, you must be tiered " he mumbled into my ear, it I was already fast asleep and to tiered to keep my eyes open any longer.

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