Chapter twenty two : between life and death

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Avengers POV
The whole team was sitting in the living room, even Tony and Bruce joined because Y/N was sleeping in the med bay and they wanted to drink something. JARVIS was told to watch over her and notify them if there is trouble or any problems or any this worse happens.

Tony was talking to Steve and Bucky and they agreed that it was time to tell the team. They announced an emergency meeting and within five minutes everyone was gathered in the meeting room.

"What's wrong why did you call I was about to beat Nat " Clint whined " Not even in you wildest dreams sweetheart..." Nat snickered back.
"Please children calm down we need to tell you something,..." Tony interrupted everyone and rolled his eyes at their childishness" we need to tell you something, it's about Y/N.."

he continue "by now I guess that you all noticed that something was off with her. She has isolated herself because of what happened to Loki and we thought it was normal for a teenager, but it wasn't normal. We all know that she has been through a lot for age and she buried all deep down inside of her. Her mind is troubled and that's why she is avoiding everyone because she thought she could sort herself out. For now she is in the med bay sleeping because ...." "What you you mean?!" Nat worriedly interrupted him

" No worries Romanov she's save, Bruce have her a light sedative because she didn't let us help her. She should wake up in an hour or two. JARVIS here is watching her and he will inform us if something is wrong." Tony finished.

"I mean we all noticed that she is going out to 'eat' but I didn't noticed that it was a lie. My sweet little girl how could I miss this. " Nat mumbled while putting her head into her hands. Clint rubbed her back and did his best to comfort her.

They all talked about that they are going to do to help her go back on track and they did their best to comfort Steve and Bucky because they both had tears in there eyes.

Without any warning an alarm went off and JARVIS informed that there are problems with Y/N. "Miss Y/N is awake but seems to be troubled. Her heart rate is way to high and uneven. " JARVIS announced .

Tony and Bruce, followed by Steve and Bucky, sprinted down to the med bay. When the door opened they all stood there surprised.

Nothing but an empty room and Y/N was nowhere in sight. Panic rises up in the four of them. Bucky took Steve's hand in order to calm himself down while Tony and Bruce looked panicky at each other.

Tony yelled at JARVIS where she was. Bruce looked around the room because deep down he hoped that she was just hiding somewhere. He checked the machines and saw that the IV was handing down so she must have ripped it out.

Now JARVIS told them that Y/N was in her room, more specific in her bathroom and he said that she is hurt and also her heart is beating way to fast and that she is at risk of a heart attack.

The four of them bolted to her room but before that Bruce grabbed a first aid kid and a syringe, just in case.

Steve and Bucky where the first to arrive in front of her and what they saw let their hearts stopp for a second.

She was just laying there, on the bathroom floor,  in a pool of her crimson red blood . Steve and Bucky both ran up to Y/N and tried to shake her awake. Tears where streaming down their faces.

Steve was the one who was more able to act while Bucky was more in a statue state of pure shock.

Tony made himself some space to work on saving her live. By now she was barely breathing and the time was running out. Bucky now held her in his arms and Steve was putting pressure on the pulsing wounds on her arms and wrists. Bruce handed Tony some bandages to put on.

Y/N was white as a ghost and mumbled something no one could understand. They all moved closer to her and told he to hold on and not to close her eyes. She faintly told them that she was way to tiered and slowly started to close here eyes.

Steve and Bucky screamed at here not to do it with tears streaming down their faces,

"I'm sorry but now I'm at peace and it didn't hurt anymore. I'm finally free" and with that she closed here eyes.

Tony, Steve and Bucky tried to shake her awake but there was no luck. Bruce yelled that they should bring her to the lab as soon as possible to save her live. Bucky picked her up and started to run to the med bay. Tony and Steve followed suit and arrived only a few seconds after them.

They rushed her in and put her on the table. Steve took Bucky by his hand and they both left the room because it was to heart breaking to watch and Tony and Bruce could work on her and no one would get in their way.

Tony's POV
When I arrived at the med bay Bucky had already put her on the table and they both left the room.

Bruce was running around picking up supplies so I started my work immediately. I told JARVIS  to monitor her and keep me updated.

I began to set up a bunch of IV's for her and looked for some blood because she definitely needs it now.

"Her heart beat is slowing down "JARVIS informed us and soon due to she machines Bruce hooked her up we could hear the sound of a flat beeping line.

I immediately started CPR on her while Bruce gave her some adrenalin to get her back to live and after five minutes we finally got her back. We both took a deep breath when she started to breath again.

We decided that it would be the best to put her in a medical induced coma to let her body heal itself, that will give us some time to make a plan on how to help her when she wakes up.

When we where done with that we looked exhausted at the time and noticed that all of this nearly took us two hours.

I suddenly remembered Steve and Bucky who where waiting right outside, so I went outside to talk to them.

Stuckys POV
Steve sat Bucky down and crouched down, positioned himself right in front of Bucky. He looked up into his tears filled eyes with his glossy eyes and tries to get a word out but there was no luck.

They both fall into each others arms and cried a bit. Bucky was the first of them to get a word out. His words came slow and his voiced cracks a few time while he talks "do...don't worry they can save our little g..,.girl Stevie I...I know it. ",

"I know but how could she do that to herself and us i..I mean she knew that she could have come to us if anything is up" Steve cried.

They continued to sit in silence until they hear a long beep tone from inside the med bay. They both jumped up, Steve was about to run in when Bucky grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

He looked confused at Bucky but he told him that he couldn't help Tony nor Bruce and that it would be the best to let them work on Y/N. This time it was Bucky who had to comfort Steve while he silently cried into Buckys shoulder. And that it was all quiet again.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting Tony came out and closed the door shut behind him. They both stud up and wanted to go in but he stopped them.

"Before you go in there I need to talk to the both of you.", he told them. They looked at him a little bit dump forted because they thought the worst.

"Don't worry she is alive, we got her back. But we put her into a coma so her body can heal. She also gets blood and other fluids to get stable. The records has shown that the is severely malnourished so she also get vitamins and some minerals. Bruce stitched her up and but bandages all over the wounds so the needling stopped. So please be warned when you see her" he advised them.

Steve and Bucky took each others hand and followed Tony inside. What they saw took their breathes away. Nothing could have ever prepared them for what they saw.

Y/N was laying in a hospital bed and looked still white as a ghost and lifeless. The only thing that proofed that she was actually alive, was the continually beeping that came from the heart monitor. It was connected to her and shows the rise and fall of her small chest. Also the amount off wires that lead to her was something they have never seen before.

Bruce joined the tiny group and explained a bit more of the medical stuff to them but the only thing that matters in that moment to them was that she was alive.

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