Sakuta: A what!?
Molly: A cursed spirit. That's why your left eye changed color and that's where your power came from too.
Unknown voice in Sakuta's head: She's right.
Molly a little saddened says I used until she gave up on her revenge.
Sakuta: Really?
Molly: Try calling it out, kid.
Sakuta confused asks How do I do that?
Molly: Ask for its name.
Sakuta: Cursed spirit what is your name?
Rika Pissed says My name is rika you degenerate.
Molly: Did it tell you?
Sakuta nervously says Yeah but she's kinda mean. Sakuta pauses for a moment and looks at Molly waiting and calls out "Rika"
Rika shows herself for the first time.
Rika still mad says The hell do you two want?
Molly proud of Sakuta says Nice, kid. What's your name?
Rika with an attitude says It's Rika Maki.
Molly all excited says Nice to meet you, Rika. My name is Molly Suzuki.
The three are now heading east to the capital.
Rika now more chilled out asks So who's this guy in the capital that we're going to see?
Molly reluctantly says My ex, who happens to have a tethered demon.
Sakuta out of curiosity asks What's that?
Molly: A tethered demon is an evolved version of a cursed spirit that has settled their grudge. As I told you before cursed spirits are people who died with inextinguishable grudge and once it is settled they either move on to the real afterlife or become a tethered demon if their bond with the host is strong enough.
Sakuta was curiously about to ask Rika and says So Rik--
Rika cuts Sakuta off before he can even finish her name and shouts madder than before No! Shut the hell up!
Sakuta scared replies okay, okay my bad.
Molly: It can be a pretty painful conversation, kid.
They arrived at a village and decided to stop in for something to drink and to refill their supplies.
Molly: Oh. We're here.
Sakuta thirsty asks You mind if we get something to drink.
Molly: Yeah sure, but we need to refill our supplies first.
They go to the market and refill the water and bread supply.
Sakuta kind of freaked out and worried asks So can everyone see Rika just floating and walking around?
Molly: Nope, kid. Just those who are cursed spirit users and those who once possessed by a cursed spirit.
Sakuta relieved says Ahhh Thank God.
Then they go to the pub in the village.
Rika: can you get something sweet for me Molly?
Sakuta: You're always asking for something sweet and it's not like you can eat it yourself.
Rika extra aggravated shouts Do you want me to freeze your ass?
Molly: Yeah I can do that, but go find a table. I'll be back, so don't kill him Rika.
As Molly starts to walk away Rika hears something about attacks going on in the capital.
Pub guy 1: Yeah I hear about these weird supernatural things going on in the capital like building being cut perfectly in half.
Pub guy 2: Yeah and the new acting king, what's his name again? Oh yeah, Sir So Duke Michael he's doing a lot of fear mongering.
After Rika heard that name she got lost in rage and almost took over Sakuta.
Rika shouts I'll kill him, I'll kill him I swear!!!
Sakuta struggling to stay in control pleads Please... Stop.. Rika, not here... Please.
Rika calms down and they await Molly's return.
Rika: Sorry I heard something to do with my death.
Sakuta worried says I'd love to get to know you. Whenever you're ready I'll be here.
Molly comes back with a slice of cake, water and a beer.
Molly hands the cake to Sakuta and says That's for you, Rika and the water is for you, kid.
Sakuta curiously asks So how's this gonna work?
Rika picks up the cake and eat it in two bites and says Just like that!
Sakuta: Damn glutton
Rika pissed again says The hell you say.
Chapter ends

خيال (فانتازيا)A boy named Sakuta Nishijima finds himself walking out of his house into a plain field with tall grass. He is confused on why he is there. He is not at home anymore... In this new weird world sakuta goes through hardship after hardship, thinking he...