Cursed Flesh and Blood: Recalled: Temporal Displacement (Chapter Two)

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Sakuta: WHAT!
Rika: She tapped into Zaphkiel somehow.
Sakuta looks shocked and says I haven't been able to use Zaphkiel since I got rid of him.
Molly: So do I get a week off or what?
Sakuta gets up, walks over to Molly, pats her on the head then says Take as long as you want.
Molly has a shit eating grin on her face and says You here that Rika? I get a vacation from your training.
Rika: You get a week off, brat.
Story cuts to Sakuta in his room sleeping.
Sakuta has a dream of him training with his katana.
Rui: Wake up... Sakuta wake up.
Sakuta mumbles Yeah what's up?
Rui: Your daughter keeps temporally displacing people.
Sakuta laugh and says I'll go talk to her.
Sakuta walks out the room, goes down the hall and walks up to Molly and puts his hand on her head and says You know that's dangerous right? If you did that to someone who closed a door that they just walked through ten seconds ago; they'd have a whole door inside them and it would kill them instantly.
Molly: What, are you for real dad?
Sakuta: I don't know, but do you wanna find out?
Molly looks down and says No.
Sakuta grabs the tip of her ear pinches it until he says You're back to training tomorrow.
Molly squirms and says I won't do it again...please stop pinching my ear, you know that they're sensitive.
Sakuta: Good girl, now go to your room and go to bed.
Molly walks away and Sakuta says And where do you think you're going Rika?
Rika comes out laughing and says That kid of yours is something else.
Sakuta starts to laugh too and asks Have you been having the same dream every night?
Rika stops laughing and says So it's not just me and Molly? What's your dream about?
Sakuta: Every night I dream that I am training with a familiar looking katana that I have never seen before.
Rika: My dream is one where Molly and I see you die, cut down by a horde of powered individuals, and you were powerless to stop them.
Sakuta looks distraught and asks What's Molly's?
Rika: She dreams of me cutting down person after person, but she is stabbed through the back at the end of the dream.
Sakuta: What do you mean by powered individuals, cursed spirit users?
Rika shakes her head and says No. These people had special weapons that gave them incredible strength, like a cursed spirit.
Sakuta: If three of us are having reoccurring dreams, then that's gotta mean something.
Rika nods and says I think they are premonitions of a possible future. I believe I'm getting a new power that revolves around premonitions.
Sakuta: But why am I also getting them?
Rika: It's probably because we were bonded to each other.
Sakuta nods and says I guess that makes some sense. Oh wait I just came up with a name for your premonitions ability.
Rika face palm and says I swear if you say something stupid-
Sakuta cuts her off and says To be is what it should be called.
Rika puts her hand down and says You know what? You've gotten way better at naming things.
Chapter ends

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