This chapter opens with multiple carriages on a dirt road.
It cuts to inside one of the carriages and we see Sakuta with Rika out, Izumi and Ivan.
Sakuta tea he's for something in his bad and Izumi says Get that out of your head, Sakuta.
Sakuta still looking for something says I can see myself falling during this fight, so please Izumi, give this to Rui if I fall.
Sakuta pulls out a ring, hands it to Izumi and izumi says I will, but there's no way in hell your indestructible ass is falling.
Sakuta looks out the carriage and says I hope you're right.
Mai comes out and tells Ivan You better keep up or else Ivan.
Rika cuts in Be careful out there Ivan.
Ivan a little annoyed says Yeah I know.
Sakuta: Remember kid, you're Lost Crimson's shield, so don't go charging at the enemy.
Ivan: Yeah, yeah.
The sun begins to set me all the carriages stop.
Sakuta comes out of his carriage and shouts Let's set up camp!
The story then cuts to after they set up camp.
Sakuta stands in front of everyone and says when we arrive at Lanza's compound tomorrow, there will be no killing or dying under any circumstance. Remember Lanza gains strength from those who die around him. Everyone gets home or we lose, got it?
The crowd agrees and Sakuta continues Make sure you get some rest tonight, you are dismissed.
Everyone goes about there business and Sakuta walks to his tent.
Rika comes out and Sakuta says I find it funny that for the longest time I wanted to get back home, but now I got bonds here. I started a new life from darkness, I started a new life from zero.
Rika sits and asks What's the plan for tomorrow?
Sakuta sits too and says I don't know, but I'm going to bed, good night Rika.
Rika: Night Sakuta.
Sakuta lays downs, Rika pulls out a pen and starts writing something.
It then cuts to her putting it in his bag, then she goes back in him.
It now cuts to them back on the road.
In Sakuta's carriage Izumi I and Ivan both asleep still and Rika is sitting across from Sakuta.
Sakuta: It feels like this is going to be my last fight.
Rika looks out to the other carriage and says Would that be such a bad thing? You'd never have to kill again and you could live out the rest of your life with Rui, peacefully.
Sakuta is taken aback by what Rika said and says Ever since I came here, I've fought no fought.
Rika giggles and says All the more reason to retire. Go be a husband and father after this is over.
Sakuta looks down and says I really feel like I will die in this fight.
Ivan wakes up and says Shut up. You guys are loud.
Sakuta giggles and says I would like to see what Lost Crimson is like in ten years from now though.
We now see Afrest and in the distance a mountain.
Sakuta points at it and says We're coming, Lanza.
Chapter ends

FantasyA boy named Sakuta Nishijima finds himself walking out of his house into a plain field with tall grass. He is confused on why he is there. He is not at home anymore... In this new weird world sakuta goes through hardship after hardship, thinking he...