Cursed Crimson: Jason Sato (Chapter Nine)

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The chapter starts out with Jason Sato writing a letter that states I have found Sakuta. If you do not get another letter with in the next 3 days when I fell durning battle.
Jason stands up and asks his cursed spirit Are you ready Ken?
His cursed spirit comes out and says I hope you die in this fight.
Jason looks away from ken and mutters to himself Me too.
Then it cuts to Sakuta in a bakery ordering something for Rika.
Rika points to the cookie ans says to the lady running the store Go ahead and give me that chocolate chip cookie.
Sakuta and Rika walks outside.
Sakuta gives Rika her cookie and Sakuta bumps into someone and says Oh sorry, I wasnt paying attention.
The person he bumped into happened to be Jason.
Jason punches Sakuta so hard that it sends him through a building.
Jason approaching Sakuta who's still on the ground and says Yeah you're definitely a cursed spirit user.
Sakuta starts to get up and asks Rika Can you tend to my wounds?
Rika: Yeah, but what's the plan.
Sakuta starts to form ice armor and says I have no clue. Sakuta then charges at Jason.
Jason starts to create a real blade out of thin air and gets into a stance.
Sakuta then forms ice projectiles and launches then at Jason with one of them draws blood.
Sakuta shouts out Rika your turn!
Rika takes control of Sakuta and syphons blood from Jason's wound to make a blood scythe.
Jason: That's new. I've never seen anyone let their cursed spirit take control of them in the middle of the fight.
Rika charges at Jason with her scythe ready, but before she can get to him he kneels down and touches the ground with one hand and shouts Do it, Ken!
The ground starts to shake and throws Rika off balance then the ground starts to split open.
The fighting pauses for a moment and Jason asks Why go after Sosuke?
Sakuta says to Rika I have an idea. Use ice weapons for now.
Rika drops her blood scythe and says Im bored, Sakuta your turn.
Sakuta gain back control and mutters Lazy ass gluten.
Jason shouts Are you going to answer me?
Sakuta: We want Sosuke dead for killing a friend of ours.
Jason looks down and says I'd like him dead too, but he is far to strong and insane.
Sakuta confused asks Then why fight for him?
Jason dashes to Sakuta and says The money's good.
Sakuta has no weapon and is unable to block Jason's attack so Sakuta just takes the flury of strikes from Jason's sword.
Sakuta armor breaks so he backs up and creates two ice swords. Sakuta gets back into the fight and throws one of the swords into Jason's calf.
Jason now has to fight Sakuta with out running around.
Sakuta charges again at Jason with multiple ice projectiles and all of them hit. Sakuta uses all that ice that's in Jaosn to freeze him in place.
Sakuta comes up to Jason and says You fought with your all. Sakuta take his sword and stabs it through Jason's abddomen.
Jason's last words are At least Ken can go to the real afterlife now. our contract is now complete. Im sorry my little brother.
Sakuta walks away from Jason and falls to his knees saying I just killed someone, Rika.
Rika comes out and says Yeah, you did.
Sakuta starts to cry and says He didnt have to fight, he had no reason to. Why Rika?
Rika bends down and puts her hand on Sakuta's nack and says He was greedy and wanted to kill us for money. You did the right thing.
Sakuta look back to Rika and says I never want to take another life.
Rika gives him and says Its okay. You'll never have to do that again, I promise.
Sakuta still crying says Please don't leave me, Rika. I can't be alone again.
Rika: I swear to you, I'll always be here.
Chapter Ends

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