Cursed Flesh and Blood: Recalled: Premonitions of a Fall (Chapter Four)

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Molly is for once having a different dream.
There's a lot of screaming and yelling inside the royal manor.
Molly: Come everyone get out, there's too many!
Molly helps evacuate the manor.
Once everyone is out, her and Rika stay back to fight a mindless horde of powered individuals.
Molly takes a hit to the leg and falls to the ground.
Rika: Oh shit, Molly stay behind me.
Rika nearly gets overrun, when Sakuta comes out of nowhere and tries to help.
Rika: Sakuta you don't have powers anymore, fall back!
Sakuta counties to fight the horde and says Just get Molly and Rui out of here.
Rika still fighting says No I won't abandon you again.
Sakuta shouts Get them out of here, there's to many! Damn it I said run!!
Sakuta gets impaled by two swords and falls to the ground.
Molly wakes up shouting No Dad!
Molly is covered in sweat and covers her face and starts to cry.
Rika comes out and asks Different dream?
Molly still with her hands over her face mutters Mhm.
Rika: I had a different one as well, they're becoming more clear now.
There's a knock at this door.
Rui: Molly it's time for your training.
Rui opens the door, see Molly covering her face and asks You okay honey?
Rika: I believe we might have a situation on our hands.
Rui nods and says I'll go tell Sakuta.
Rui walks out of the room and Rika says You need to get up, they're probably gonna call a meeting.
Molly nods and gets up.
Rika: I'm not gonna lie, we might have some real shit on our hands.
Molly opens up her closet and says It felt way too real.
Someone knocks on the door and says There's going to be a meeting 5 minutes.
Rika shouts Okay!
It cuts to Sakuta addressing all of his Lost Crimson, the staff, Jin and Touka.
Sakuta starts his speech by saying My daughter Molly has developed a new ability that allows her to see premonitions of the future, we're calling it To Be. She's been having a premonition of the manor getting attacked. We don't know how how accurate these are, but just in case don't fight them, just run. We don't need any of you to play hero and die.
There's a loud boom and Sakuta says Like I said don't fight them, just get the hell out of here!
Chapter ends

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