Cursed Flesh and Blood finale:The Sins of the Father:Gun Powder(Chapter Seven)

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This chapter takes place six months after the attack on the manor.
Rika and Molly are training.
Rika: I'm not gonna go easy on you.
Molly forms two pistols out of then air and says I wouldn't want it any other way.
Rika charges at Molly dodging the gunfire until Molly drops both the pistols and forms a shotgun.
Rika thinks to herself She can do that now?!
Molly pulls the trigger and the shot connects with Rika's legs.
Rika then falls to the ground and asks Why does Sakuta have to show her more guns.
Molly: Remember Rika, I can make any gun once I see it and know how it works.
Rika gets up and says I know and I keep losing.
Molly laughs and says It sucks to suck.
Rika: And now your stealing my saying!
The story now cuts to Sakuta talking to himself I guess I could show Molly how a bolt action rifle works, or maybe a rocket launcher. Wait, but how does a rocket launcher work?
Rui walks into their room and asks What's a rocket launcher?
Sakuta: It's a type of weapon from my world. It shoots these things called rockets and the rockets cause a huge explosion.
Rui: Your home world seems pretty violent.
Sakuta nods and says I guess you're right.
Molly comes bursting into the room while saying Can you show me another gun, I already kicked Rika's ass it's it.
Sakuta: Watch your mouth, but good job. I want you to learn how to use a bolt action rifle.
Molly: Sounds cool; is it like a shotgun?
Sakuta shakes his head and says Quite the opposite, you need patience to use it.
Molly groans me says Ahhh what dad, you serious?
Sakuta: You need to learn patients, Molly.
Molly: Whatever, I'll do it tomorrow.
Sakuta: Good and watch the attitude please.
The story cuts to morning.
Sakuta, Rika and Molly are outside.
Molly is trying to learn how a bolt action rifle works.
Sakuta: And you chamber another round by pushing the bolt up, then pull it back, and then push it forward and back down.
Molly nods her head and says I'll give it a go I guess.
Molly concentrates her hardest and thinks to herself This is definitely the hardest one yet.
After a little while, Molly is able to make a bolt action rifle that resembles a R-700.
Sakuta: Good job Molly! Now shoot the target all the way over there.
Sakuta points at a target 300 meters away.
Molly groans saying Awwwww dad, why so far?
Sakuta crosses his and says You must learn accuracy through patience.
The story cuts to Izaki Watsuki in the capital.
Izaki is speaking to someone in the shadows saying My apologies, i'm working on something personal.
The person in the shadows says I don't give a damn about your personal vedetta against Sakuta, I just want him and his bloodline out of the picture. You got that, Izaki? Remember I need your Hanako to get stronger, then I can change the world.

end of chapter

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