Cursed Flesh and Blood: Recalled: To Be (Chapter Three)

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Molly has the same dream again.
Rika is cutting down person after person.
Rika: Keep moving Molly. Sakuta did not lay down his life for us to die here.
Molly is flanked from behind and stabbed right through the back, then Molly wakes up.
Molly is hyperventilating and thinks to herself Why do I keep having this stupid dream and why does it feel so real?
We see Rika sitting in a chair in Molly's room and asks Same Dream?
Molly flicks her head to Rika and asks How did you know?
Rika: We have a new power, it is to see premonitions of the future, this new power however is premature. You're dad calls it To Be. We think To Be can possibly be used to alter the future.
Molly lays back down and says Stop saying stuff that hurts my brain, I just woke up.
Rika appears behind her and says You're training today remember? Get up or I'll tell your mom.
Molly springs out of bed and says I'll be out in a minute, just please don't tell my mom.
Rika: Make it five.
Molly salutes and says Roger.
The story cuts to outside Today we will be testing out and training To Be.
Molly: But how're we gonna do that?
Rika sits down and says Let's start small. Try to picture what's going to happen in the next few seconds, and we'll keep doing this until something happens.
Molly sits down and says This'll be a piece of cake.
The story cuts to sundown with Molly still in the same spot with Rika.
Molly looks exhausted and barely mutters Dad will come over and say something important.
Rika: That's oddly specific.
Sakuta comes around saying I got some important news Molly and Rika.
Rika: What's wrong?
Sakuta: You're mom made grilled salmon and chocolate chip cookies.
Molly and Rika both at the same time say This is the best news ever.
The story cuts to inside the manor.
Sakuta, Rui, Molly, Rika, Izumi, Mai, Jin and Touka all eating dinner together.
Sakuta stands and says Thanks for coming, Rui and I really appreciate it and by all means dig in.
Molly begins to stuff her face with grilled salmon and thinks to herself Mom's cooking is the best, I can't get enough of this salmon.
Rika also stuffs her face with chocolate chip cookies and thinks to herself These fucking cookies are amazing, I wanna marry Rui so I can have these everyday, but noooo Sakuta has to keep her cooking and baking skills all to himself. How ducking greedy.
Izumi: So Molly how has everything been going?
Molly: You know same ol same ol with training.
Sakuta: Who are you talking to?
Molly looks confused and says Uncle Izu just asked me how everything has been going.
Izumi: I was just about to ask you that.
Everyone at the table looks confused.
Sakuta: Don't worry it's a new ability Rika and Molly are training, it's called To Be, and it seems Molly gotten better with using it.
Jin: does it read people's minds?
Sakuta shakes his head and says No it lets them see into the future, before it was only premonitions in dreams, but now it seems as if she has a type of precognition.
Touka: Wow that's amazing Molly.
Mai: Looks like you're showing up your old man.
Rui grabs Sakuta by the shoulder and whispers Next time tell me about these things.
Sakuta looks a bit distraught and whispers My bad honey, I literally only found out about it yesterday and I didn't even know if it was an ability or just coincidence.
Rui let's go and looks menacing while saying Don't make excuses dear.
Sakuta stands up and says Please don't let this distract you from eating, please enjoy.
Chapter ends

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