Cursed Crimson: Forming a bond (Chapter Four)

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The chapter starts out with Saku"ta reading the journal Molly gave him.
Sakuta: Rika, first step is to open your heart and mind to each other. Sakuta pauses for a moment and then says What kind of hippie shit was Molly into.
Rika: She probably meant to trust each other or something.
Sakuta confused says I trust you.
Rika looks away from Sakuta and quietly says Well I don't.
Sakuta shocked says What? Even after all the traveling we did together. Why?
Rika unapologetic says I just never really liked you, let alone trust you.
Sakuta: Can you at least try. If not for me then for Molly?
Rika embarrassingly says just don't think I'm doing this for you!
Sakuta: Yeah Yeah.
After this conversation Sakuta starts to see flashes of someone getting tortured.
Sakuta: I think we did something right. I'm seeing some weird shit right now.
Rika: me too.
Sakuta: I guess we are into the next step.
Sakuta picks the journal back up and reads the second step Both parties must recount their most dark and painful memory. When done you will relive the others most dark and painful memory. Sakuta looks at Rika and says We both don't want to do this, but we both want Sosuke dead. After we're done with all of this we should we should hunt down Molly's ex.
Rika reluctantly says Let's just get this over With.
A bunch of memories flashes and then the story cuts to a girl screaming as she is being pulled into a room by the hair. The girl is then tied to a chair.
This girl is Rika and she asks him Why are you doing this to me?
The man comes into the light and we get our first look on Sosuke. He says I enjoy torturing and killing people.
Sosuke takes a knife and starts slicing Rika's face, each cut deeper than the last. Rika is screaming at the top of her lungs begging him to stop. Sosuke says Why would I stop? I haven't even started yet.
Sosuke raises his knife and stabs it through Rika's right hand and the chair she is in. She yells I'm going to kill you. As Sosuke take his knife out of Rika's hand and he says I'm the one with the knife and a power you cannot grasp. He starts to walk out of the room and says I'll be back in 10 minutes. Rika almost completely broke, constantly repeats to herself I'm going to kill you.
Sosuke returns to the room and Says You're not as fun as the others I've tortured or killed. I guess we will have to cut this session short permanently. He takes out a clever and cuts Rika's left hand off. Rika screams for a moment and then slices her throat open.
Chapter ends

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