Cursed Crimson: Sakuta Nishijima (Chapter Eleven)

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Chapter opens up with Sakuta waking up in a carriage with Kirei injecting something into Sakuta.
Kirei looks into Sakuta's eyes and says Miss hot head won't be joining you for awhile. Kirei then knocks him out with a punch.
The story cuts to them in a poorly lit building.
Sakuta wakes up tied to a chair and he calls out Rika! He also tries to use his powers, but he has no luck.
Kirei goes up to Sakuta and says Like I said before, she won't be joining us. Don't worry through you have me and Hachi to keep you company.
Sakuta tries to break out of hid restraints and Kirei punches him in the stomach and says Today I'm taking your fingernails.
Kirei grabs a pair of pliers and starts to rip off everyone of Sakuta's fingernails with him just screaming.
Kirei: Today's nothing compared to what I have in store for you. Kirei then leaves the room for the day.
Sakuta starts to cry and mutters to himself Rika you promised you would stay with me. You swore.
The story then cuts to second day of Sakuta's torture.
Kirei comes into the room shouting Sakuta since I can't have you break on me, I want you to count all your injuries.
Sakuta: Ten
Sakuta finally looks up to see Kirei with a box and asks What's with the box?
Kirei: Oh you finally noticed the box. I just have like 100 centipedes in there.
Sakuta looks Kirei and says No not centipedes. Im begging you!
Kirei comes up and injects something into Sakuta again. Kirei then picks up the box and dumps all of the centipedes on him.
Sakuta screams out Get them off of me!!!! Sakuta then starts to shake violently trying to get them off.
Kirei: I'll be back tomorrow. By the way Sakuta, they love flesh.
Sakuta starts to shake harder and shouting Get off!!!!
The centipedes start to feed off Sakuta. Sakuta starts to cry and mutters You promised, Rika.
The third day comes around and Kirei brings water for Sakuta and also injects something into Sakuta again.
Kirei: Drink up and how many injuries do you have now?
Sakuta opens his mouth and drinks the water and says Thirty-one.
Kirei: I'll be back in just a second.
After Kirei leaves we get a better look at Sakuta condition.
He has a bone in his left arm sticking out. His fingernails were ripped off.
His arms, hands, neck and face are covered in centipede bites.
Kirei comes back into the room with an extinguished torch that stil has hot coals on it.
Kirei walks up to Sakuta and says I've never done this to anyone before, so please be patient. Kirei then takes the torch to Sakuta's left eye with Sakuta shouting No no no don't please!
The torch makes contact with Sakuta's left eye. Sakuta starts to shake violently and scream out THIRTY-TWO!!!
Kirei: Damn. That's all for today.
The story cuts to the forth day.
Kirei comes into the room and says I have to take you to Sosuke today, but I do feel bad for yesterday so today will be easy.
Kirei comes up to Sakuta and picks up a centipede and puts into Sakuta's ear. Sakuta shakes a little bit, but doesn't let out a single peep.
Kirei unties him and pushes the centipedes off and carries him to his carriage.
The story then cuts to them outside Sosuke's manor. Kirei knocks on the door and Sosuke opens the door to see Kirei with a broken Sakuta.
Sosuke in shock says What the hell did you do to him Kirei.
Kirei looks away and says I had some fun.
Sosuke: Let's get him down stairs.
They carry Sakuta down stairs into Sosuke's chambers and on the way they pass by someone in one of chambers.
Sosuke: Keep an eye on him. I have to do some paperwork and I'll be back down.
Kirei decides to wait outside the cell.
The effects of the thing Kirei kept injecting was starting to wear off and Rika began to talk to Sakuta saying No Sakuta. What happened to you.
Then comes out of Sakuta and hugs him saying I'm sorry I couldn't stop this.
Sakuta still broke can only say one thing You promised.
Rika begins to tear up and says I know and I'll fix this, I swear to you on your mother, your sister and Molly.
Rika then takes control over Sakuta and tries to stand, but just falls over. Kirei comes back into the cell and says You got will, I'll give you that.
Rika tries to form a ice knife, but only form a ice stick. Kirei kicks it out of her hand.
Sosuke come back and says I take it the cursed spitit is in control now.
Rika looks up and sees Sosuke. She starts to shout You bastard, I'll kill you. Do you hear me? I'll make you scream like how you made me two years ago.
Sosuke: So I take it you're Rika.
Rika shouts again You remeber all your victims!
Sosuke: All 50 of them.
Rika still shouting Why'd you kill Molly? What did she do to you?
Sosuke looks down and says She left me night before our wedding.
Sakuta looks confused and Rika says I would too if I was with someone like you.
Eresh comes out and says You shut your mouth.
Sosuke gets up and takes out a knife and stabs Sakuta's right thigh.
Rika screams out and loses control of Sakuta.
Sakuta now in control also feel the stab wound.
Both Rika and Sakuta sat at the same time I'm going to kill you.
Kirei says to Sosuke Damn it's cold now.
Sosuke puts his knife away.
Sakuta's hair starts to chnage to white and it also starts to grow in length.
Sakuta's right eye becomes green and his left eye glows red.
Sakuta starts to be covered in ice reinforced blood armor and a mask forms on his face that looks like a crow's beak and a centipede.
Sakuta breaks out of his restraints and stands up then flashes over to Kirei and says So many, so many bites, do you know how many?
Sakuta then punches straight through Kirei and freezes his body.
Sakuta then turns to Sosuke and pulls out the centipede in his ear the says Centipedes crawling around inside my head, feasting on my brain.
Chapter Ends

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