Izumi's Dream: Ones Mistakes (Chapter Two)

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Mr. Izaki: You jest, surly.
Izumi shakes his head as Mai comes out and carves something on her fathers desk with pressurized water.
It reads Hi father.
Mr. Izaki stands up and drops to his knees in tears.
Izumi: I heard a lot about you from Mai. A piece of shit father like you had no right to cry.
Mr. Izaki barely musters I know.
Izumi marches to him, picks him up and throws him back in his chair.
Izumi: we have business to conduct, so how about we start.
Mr. Izaki wipes his tears away and asks How is Mai?
Izumi: That's none of your business. Alright now let's get to talking about all the shit you give Jin.
Mr. Izaki: Well now that I know the truth about Lost Crimson; I'll stop my pestering. Will that be all?
Izumi sits down and says Nope I also have some personal business involving Mai. Why'd she die?
Some elite comes in the room and asks Who died?
Mr. Izaki sits up and says It's nothing, just business.
The man asks Who's this.
Izumi stands up and says I'm Izumi, here on orders from the king.
The man says I am Scavern Sasiki, a pleasure to meet a subject of the of the new king.
Izumi stands up and says Please the pleasure's all mine. Please take my seat. And may I ask what is your position?
Scavern takes a seat and says I am the Major or leader of Mildric's military.
Izumi is taken aback and says I knew that name sounded familiar. Can't believe I'm in the presence of someone of your degree.
Izumi thinks to himself I hate sucking off this guy's ego, but Jin told me I gotta. I hate this so much.
Scavern: I'm just like any other person.
Mai comes out and says He's giving me a weird vibe. I'm pretty sure I've seen my father giving him money before.
Izumi: Mr. Izaki, I would like to continue our conversation tomorrow. Is it alright if I stay the night?
Mr. Izaki nods and says Ask Raven to show you around.
Izumi starts to walk away, but Mr. Izaki says call me Megumi.
Izumi nods walks out the room to be greeted by Raven awaiting him.
Raven: I take it you'll be spending the night.
Izumi blushes and loses all train of thought, but he can't help but think Her black hair, ears and tail look so beautiful.
Raven looks worried and asks You alright Izumi?
Izumi waves his hand and says I'm fine, you're just breathtaking.
Izumi eyes get real big and asks I said that out loud, didnt I?
Raven giggles and says I knew you had a little crush on me.
Izumi and Raven start walking and Izumi asks What gave it away?
Raven shrugs and says Guess I smelled it.
Izumi: you're kind really draws me in, your kind is beautiful.
Raven: Well it is kind of lonely here, so who knows you might also have a shot.
Mai: Creep
Chapter ends

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