Cursed Crimson: Where it Started (Chapter Twenty One)

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The Chapter continues with Sakuta and Izumi in the carriage.
Rika comes out and says Western Top, are we even allowed back there.
Sakuta: We're going to find out.
Mai comes out and asks What did you two do there anyway?
Rika and Sakuta both say We destroyed a statue.
Sakuta: Well it was really Rika's fault, but it was a statue of Sosuke, so it was deserved.
The story cuts to the middle of the night, the only two people up are Sakuta and Rika.
Sakuta stands up and says I'm going to stop by Molly's before we leave Western Top.
Rika: Thats if they let us in. I almost forgot to ask you this, but why rui out of the others?
Sakuta lays down and says Cause I like catgirls.
Izumi shouts out Me too!
Story cuts again to them right outside of Western Top.
Sakuta gets out of the carriage and begins to talk to the guard.
Guard 1: Hey you're Sakuta, you saved the king.
Sakuta looks alarmed and asks How do you know that?
Guard 2: Everyone knows, the king issued a statement and said you saved him from Sosuke.
Sakuta thinks to himself Jin needs to get better at telling people things that they need to know and then asks the guards So am I allowed back in?
Guard 2: Absolutely.
Sakuta then signals the carriage to come inside the village.
Sakuta hops back in and says Our first stop is an abandoned shed north west of here. That's where Rui was spotted last.
They begin going north west and arrive at the abandoned shed.
Izumi looks around the area and asks Do we just sit around until she comes back?
Sakuta: Let's spit up and ask around for the neko.
Someone comes up behind Sakuta and says Looking for a neko, I know where one is.
Sakuta turns around and says Do tell, I'm in the market for one.
The random guy says Please follow me.
They begin to follow him and Izumi says He's suspicious.
Sakuta leans to Izumi and whispers Follow my lead.
The story cuts again to them walking inside a run down building.
The random guy says I got one in the back.
They keep walking until they reach the back.
Wheb in the back they find Rui bloody, but alive.
The random guy says I want 200.
Sakuta flashes towards him and stabs him through the stomach and slices his throat.
Sakuta walks towards Rui and says We're here to get you out.
Rui scotches back, scared of what she just saw Sakuta do and mutters Th-th-thank you.
Rui barely gets up, she is covered in wounds.
Sakuta looks at her wounds and says I'll carry you, don't worry about hurting yourself.
They walk out of the building silent, not saying a word to each other all the way to the carriage.
At the carriage Rui looks up at Sakuta and says You're not going to hurt me, are you?
Sakuta looks down at her and says We want to give you another shot at life.
They all get in the carriage and Sakuta asks the driver Take us down there and to the left.
Sakuta continues where he left off with Rui You're going to get another chance at life and we will be there to help you all the way.
Rui starts being more open and akss Why help me?
Sakuta edges closer and says No one should have to go through what you had to. We are called Lost Crimson and you will be our first new member.
They reach Molly's house and get out.
Rika comes out and asks You ready Sakuta?
Sakuta opens the door and walks into Molly's house.
Story cuts back to Izumi and Rui in the carriage.
Izumi can't help but stare at her.
Rui gets kind of freaked out and asks Is everything okay?
Izumi quicly looks to the side and says Sorry, I just really admire nekos.
Sakuta gets back in the carriage and hands Rui some of Molly's clothes and says Here you go, now you don't have to wear those rags.
Rui takes them and asks Where are we going now?
Sakuta: We're going to see the king.
Chapter Ends

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