Cursed Flesh and Blood: Recalled: Hakai (Chapter Five)

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There's a lot of screaming and yelling inside the royal manor.
Molly: Come everyone get out, there's too many!
Molly helps evacuate the manor.
Once everyone is out, her and Rika stay back to fight a mindless horde of powered individuals.
Molly takes down a bunch with her gun bd lightening, until she takes a hit to the leg and falls to the ground.
Rika: Oh Shit, Molly stay behind me.
Rika nearly gets overrun, when Sakuta comes out of nowhere and tries to help.
Rika: Sakuta you don't have powers anymore, fall back!
Sakuta continues to fight a horde and says Just get Molly and Rui out of here.
Rika still fighting says No I won't abandon you again.
Sakuta shouts Get them out of here, there's too many! Damn it I said run!!
Sakuta gets impaled by two swords and gals to the ground.
Molly screams NO DAD!
Rui is in shock for a moment, but eventually carries Molly to the exit of the manor.
The whole way out Rika is fighting them off with guns, lightening, blood manipulation and ice manipulation.
It cuts to Sakuta on the ground bloody and unable to move.
Sakuta says This is not how I die. Then coughs up blood.
Sakuta tries to get up and says No, not Molly, not Rika, not Rui. No one else will die.
Sakuta falls to the ground and says Why do I have to be cursed.
Sakuta's vision starts to fade to black and thinks to himself I didn't even get to see her grow up.
Everything fades to black.
Someone in the distance asks You okay?
Sakuta wakes up in a shin high endless water field, with a regular sun.
Sakuta gets up turns around and sees a strange women.
The women shyly says Hi I'm uh Hakai. I am the soul resident here in this water field.
Sakuta: Why am I here?
Hakai: Oh well I guess the conditions have been meet for you to receive your very own Cursed Weapon.
A bunch of different types of weapons appear before Sakuta, each with a picture of a person by it.
Sakuta: are these pictures of what the weapons looks like in a released state?
Hakai: Well uhh yeah kind of. You can pick any that you like.
Sakuta: Who made all of these?
Hakai: I don't know, we all just came into existence one day, two years ago.
Sakuta says I guess I'll choose you while pointing at Hakai.
Hakai begins to blush and says Wait can't possibly mean me, right?
Sakuta: you're name means destruction in Japanese and I like your personality, so I'm choosing you.
Hakai: I am very flattered, but uh you really can't.
Sakuta begins to walk towards her and suddenly he begins to fade away.
Sakuta: No not yet, I need to save them.
Sakuta begins to see flashes.
He sees the first time he met Rika.
He sees the first time he met Rui.
When he first saw Molly after she was born.
Sakuta then hears Rika fighting.
Rika: Keep moving Molly. Sakuta did not lay down his life for us to die here.
Molly then screams and Rika shouts NO MOLLY!
Sakuta: I will pay for my sins, my family will not!
We cut to Molly being stabbed through the back by a spear.
Rika: Shit this is just like the premonitions
Rui goes to her daughter and hold her.
Molly coughs up blood and says Mom...I tried, I really tried to be as powerful as dad, I tried to protect everyone, like him.
Rui begins to cry and says You did great honey, you did amazing. You're father and I are very proud of you.
Molly starts to cry and say It hurts mommy, it really hurts.
Rui: I know baby, I know.
Molly: It's so cold mommy, it's so cold and dark.
Rika comes over and says I'm going to clot the blood around the wound, just make sure she stays awake.
Rika goes back to fighting and cuts down person after person until she gets overrun.
Rika shouts RUN!
Rui picks up Molly and runs until being shit by a arrow in the leg and collapses to the ground.
Rui tries to crawl over to Molly, but an enemy is on top of her getting ready to finish Molly off.
Someone shouts Unravel Hakai!
Twenty of the enemies drop dead with clean slots across each of their necks.
We see the back of someone with Samurai gear made of human bone.
The person turns around and Rui and Molly with their hair moving in the wind and their red eyes glowing ad takes their mask off to reveal none other than Sakuta.
Rui begins to cry gain and mutters Sakuta.
Sakuta puts his mask on, turns away and says both of you turn away, I don't want either of you to see this.
Rui takes Molly and they turn their backs to Sakuta.
Sakuta walks to the horde of around 100 people and then he says Unravel Hakai,
he then proceeds to cut down twenty more in stopped time.
Sakuta then cuts down more with his ice strikes then more with the blood drain strike.
Sakuta cuts all of them down, with all of his anger and sadness.
Sakuta sheaves his katana and his gear proceeds to fall off his body.
Sakuta helps up Rika and says You look pitiful down there.
Rika begins to cry and says You bastard if you ever death bait me again I'll kill you.
Sakuta hugs her and says I know you will.
Sakuta then walks over to his wife and daughter.
Rui sobs and says You're just full of surprises.
Molly opens her eyes and says Dad...I tried, I really tried.
Sakuta kneels down, starts petting her head Mr says You did great, more than enough. You saved everyone when I couldn't.
Sakuta starts holding her and says I'm so proud of you.
Molly coughs and says Can I get a day off training now?
Sakuta sheds a tear and says Take as long as you need, you deserve it.
Molly: Thanks dad, I love you.
Molly closes her eyes and stops breathing.
Sakuta says Molly...Molly wake up.
Sakuta begins to shake her a little and says Molly wake up.
Sakuta puts her on the ground and says You better be right about this Hakai.
Sakuta takes his katana and stabs himself with it right through his abdomen.
Sakuta thinks to himself Fuck this really hurts.
Three strings appear before Sakuta, each one a different color.
Sakuta grabs one, rips a piece out and discards it, hen he presses the string back together.
Molly's wound disappears and she wakes up.
Sakuta takes the blade out of his abdomen and asks Rika a little help here?
Chapter ends

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