There is a bit of a time skip of a couple of days between Chapter 1 and 2.
Sakuta: We're final here.
Molly: Yeah we sure are, kid.
Rika pissed says I forgot how much I hate the capital.
Molly: We should probably get a room.
Story cuts to the three in their room.
Molly: Listen kid, you need to learn how to form a bond with Rika.
Sakuta confused asks A bond? I don't wanna bond with someone so violent.
Molly very seriously says Look kid, before we meet my ex you need to form a bond with her.
Sakuta still confused and worried asks What do I have to do?
Molly calmed down says I have everything written down in this.
She hands him a journal and then says It starts on the first page. Just make sure to look at it tomorrow.
Sakuta proceeds to put it in his bag and says Okay I'll make sure to do it.
They all go to bed and the story skips to the morning. Sakuta wakes up before Molly and decides to explore the capital a little. He does leave a note before he leaves for Molly. Sakuta is gone for maybe a hour max just looking at the surrounding area and talking to people. Rika does force him to go into many bakeries and buy her sweets with the money Molly gave him.
When Sakuta eventually returns to their room he finds Molly in a chair with her throat slit and her left hand cut off.
Sakuta falls to the ground sickened and in shock. He starts to cry and shouts Not again, I can't lose anymore!!!
Rika comes out of Sakuta with teary eyes saying I was killed the same way.
Sakuta jerks his head back to Rika and mutters What do you know? Sakuta pauses for a moment and says I want to know who this bastard is and kill him.
Rika: The person, no the monster who did this is named Sosuke Michael.
Chapter ends

FantasyA boy named Sakuta Nishijima finds himself walking out of his house into a plain field with tall grass. He is confused on why he is there. He is not at home anymore... In this new weird world sakuta goes through hardship after hardship, thinking he...