Cursed Crimson: Akira Kazuto (Chapter Ten)

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The chapter opens up with Akira looking at Jason's letter.
Akira says to himself It's been five days. I suppose it's my turn.
Story then cuts Akira on a street looking at a bakery. Akira thinks to himself Jason wrote that he frequened this bakery. I must confirm this for myself. After Akira finished that thought, he saw someone come through and into the bakery. Akira thinks to himself Black hair about 13 centimeters, green left eye and dark blue right eye. This is the target.
Story cuts to night and Akira breaks into the bakery and poisons the chocolate chip cookie supply.
Story cuts again to the nect day with Akira in the same spot as yesterday awaiting Sakuta to go to the bakery. After awhile he does and yet again Sakuta orders a chocolate chip cookie.
Sakuta walks out with Akira trailing behind them.
Sakuta asks Rika Do you mind if I have some?
Rika: Sure
Sakuta takes a bite and almost immediately after starts to wobble.
Sakuta sats to Rika Hey I'm not feeling great right now.
Rika puts the cookie down and says I'm starting to feel weaker. Are you okay?
Sakuta looks around and says to Rika I think I got poisoned.
Rika: You're probably right.
Akira out of sight say to himself He should be dead cursed spirit or not. It appears I have to clean up my mistake.
Akira comes up to Sakuta and says You dont look to good. I'm a doctor please allow me to take you to my clinic.
Sakuta is unable to see anything clearly and says That would be great.
Story cuts to them in a clinic, but it looks vacant.
Rika says to Sakuta We're gonna have to fight. Ths old guy is preparing knives.
Sakuta stands up and makes a fragile ice sword and swings at Akira. Akira dodges it, disarms Sakuta and breaks his arm.
Sakuta let's out a scream.
Akira: You found me out.
Sakuta starts to make a brade out of ice for his left arm and says The knives gave it away.
Akira starts a flurry of attacks that send Sakuta to the ground for a moment.
Sakuta gets back up barely and makes fragile ice armor.
Akira grabs a knife and starts stabbing the armor and gets through after five stabs. Akira then kicks Sakuta to the ground. Akira gets on top of him and raises his knife. Just as it was about to come down, Akira gets sliced up from the back. Someone says You never did know how to have fun, old man.
Then someone comes into the light and it is revealed that it is Kirei Yamamoto.
Kirei says to Sakuta We're going to have some fun you and I.
Chapter Ends

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