Cursed Crimson: Izumi's Adventure (Chapter Fifteen)

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This chapter starts off with Izumi Stumbling across a dirt road.
Izumi thinks to himself I guess I'll go downhill.
Izumi sets out going downhill and he tries to further grasp his situation Why am I in the middle of nowhere? The only thing I can do right now is take this road to wherever.
Izumi keeps taking the road until he comes to a T in the road and he hears a voice say Take a left.
Izumi thinks to himself And now I'm losing it, great.
He decides to take the voice's advice.
The story cuts back to Sakuta and Rika.
Jin: Did you hear that?
Sakuta looks confused and says Hear what?
Jin looks around for a moment and says I thought I heard someone say Damn Royals.
Sakuta starts forming an ice sword behind him and asks Are you a cursed spirit user?
Jin looks confused and asks A what?
Sakuta quickly stops forming the sword and says Rika say something to Jin.
Jin: Who's Rika?
Rika: I don't like Royals.
Jin acts startled and says Okay I definitely heard that.
Sakuta: Rika say something that isn't directly towards Jin.
Rika: You're an ass Sakuta.
Sakuta looks puzzled and asks Did you hear that?
Jin looks around once more and says Nothing this time.
Rika comes out of Sakuta and asks Can you see me, Jin?
Jin looks around and says See who?
Rika looks at Sakuta and says So he can only hear me if I'm talking directly to him and he can't see me. That's new.
Sakuta looks down and says to Jin I am a cursed spirit user and the voice you've been hearing is my cursed spirit, Rika.
You can only hear her when she's talking to you specifically.
Jin excitedly says So they're actually real! My father told me about them when I was a boy, but never thought they were real.
Sakuta: They're very real. If you don't mind me asking, why were you in Sosuke's manor?
Jin looks down and says About a month ago Sosuke killed the king, my father and took over as the acting leader, but for him to stay as the acting leader he needed me to convince the royal family to make him king, so he just put me in a cell.
Sakuta looks up and says Sosuke was insane, but not power hungry, so why would he want to be king?
Jin looks at Sakuta and asks What are you getting at?
Sakuta: No one in Sosuke's group was out for power, just money, killing or torture. That includes Sosuke, so why would he want to be kind? Then Sakuta thinks to himself Could this relate to the war Yui was talking about?
Rika burst into the conversation saying Jin, Sosuke killed me when I was alive. He's insane and out for blood, not for power. I don't like this.
Sakuta looks at Jin and says Thanks for returning the favor, but we got to go.
Jin stands up and says You're not healed enough to walk yet.
Sakuta crawls out of the bed he was in and says Does it look like I care?
Sakuta starts limping to the door and opens it to see Izumi standing there.
Sakuta stares blankly and Izumi shouts in shock SAKUTA!
Chapter Ends

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