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"You have a package,"

Mike threw a box on the bed, which landed on my leg, making me yelp as it was heavier than I thought. It was pretty big too, so I wasn't sure why he threw it.

"Which reminds me to help you later and change your address to here, and register with new everything,"


I ripped open the package and frowned when I saw two converse boxes, looking up at Michael.

"I told you not to get me anything new,"

"Must've misheard,"


"You need new shoes, try them on for size please,"


"Fine. It's not a gift, this is your older brother knowing those shoes have been around at least a decade and a half, and I got up to some shit in them,"

"What happens if I take them?"

"Nothing, it's not a trick. Here, this is the half size down from mine,"

He opened the box and loosened the shoe, then slipped them on my feet and made me stand so he could tie them. Once I had walked up and down my room, he felt round them to check they were up to his standards, then looked at me expectantly.



"You can try the other ones if you need,"

"These are good,"

"Great, they look nice,"


"You're welcome," he said, but not in a snarky way, more of a 'I know you're too stubborn to say thank you' way.

"You can go now,"

"I'll ring the hairdressers, yeah?"

I nodded, then gave him a hug before he left.

Carefully, I put the shoes back in the box and picked up my book again, trying to avoid the emotions that came with being gifted something for the first time in a while.

Surprising me, he left me alone for a couple of hours, and Calum only came in once to bring me some water.
And though I rather liked my own company, I felt like I didn't have to hide in my room anymore, at least.

When they called me for lunch, I went to the kitchen, pausing when I saw Luke sat at the table with them; I hadn't heard him come in.

"What do you want for lunch?"

"Not hungry,"

"You can eat lunch in your room,"

"Why didn't you tell me he was coming?"

"We didn't know," Calum said, "It's only Luke,"

"But you didn't warn me,"

"Sorry, we will next time,"

"I'm not presentable,"

"Luke doesn't care what you look like, sorry we didn't warn you," Michael said, "If I knew it bothered you so much,"-

"It doesn't bother me,"

"Okay," he said, beckoning me over, "Tell me what you want,"

"Not hungry,"

I left the room and shut my door again, only for it to be opened straight away by Michael.

"Leave me alone,"

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