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"Are you ready?"


I ran downstairs after picking one of Calum's hoodies, then looped my arm round Michael, who swung the car keys in his hand.

The meeting had gone on for ages, then we came back and I had a nap, so we had avoided the emotional conversation I didn't want to have anymore.

Maybe it was due to the energy drink I had bought from the vending machine, but I was feeling quite happy about going to Ashton's now- after spending most of the day alone I wanted to talk, or at least hear talking.

I sat in the back behind Michael's seat as we drove to his house, then followed them inside, immediately smelling some sort of incense. I could hear him and Luke cooking in the kitchen, and was surrounded by plants and art as soon as I had stepped in.

Luke was right, it did seem cool.

We went to the kitchen at the back and I sat down at the table while they all loudly greeted each other and began to help cooking. It intrigued me to see them all being normal, because photos of us as kids definitely proved they mostly sparked chaos together.

"My, you need a drink?" Calum asked, "Hot or cold?"

"I'm okay,"

"I'll make you a water,"

"Please can I have a water too?" Ashton asked, pulling out five plates from his cupboard, "Maya, do you wanna serve your own food up,"


"I'll do it," Michael said, "Everyone sit down,"


"No," Michael said back to Ashton, "Sit down, I will serve up,"

Ash and Luke sat opposite me, then Calum brought over the waters and sat at the head of the table, leaving space for Michael between us.

Mike put mine and his plates down, then everyone else's, before putting on the radio in the background as if we needed any more noise than them talking.

Immediately, I started to eat because I wasn't wanting to join in the conversation, and was fine hiding behind Michael- he didn't exactly get the memo though and tried to move out the way.

I busied myself by looking round, Ashton's shelves filled with medical awards and photos of the guys. A really cool guitar also hung up, and drumsticks.

"You're so nosey," Luke laughed, "Like the guitar huh?"


"I got him that,"

"It's so cool. Better than your old one," I said, looking at Mike with a grin.

"You kept that thing?"

"I can play it,"


"I taught myself,"

"Let's hear it,"


"After we've eaten?"

I shrugged and looked down, feeling my cheeks burn up as the attention was all on me. None of them spoke for a second either, which just made it even worse, but Calum changed the conversation.

The food was nice, but I was too full for dessert which they all tucked into, quietly this time. Mike offered me his last bite, so I had it, then they all cleared the table and went to the living room. A piano stood in the corner, and a large tv was hung on the wall, with more photos and memorabilia dotted around; it was cosy.

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